/** * Juicebox-Pro 1.5.1 * * Copyright (c) 2017 Juicebox. All rights reserved. * http://www.juicebox.net * * BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO THE JUICEBOX TERMS OF USE * http://www.juicebox.net/terms * * Support and Documentation: http://www.juicebox.net/support * * Build Time: 08/12/2017 10:50:25 AM */ var juicebox_lib = juicebox_lib ? juicebox_lib : {}; (function(ao, an) { var al = ao.document, bH = ao.navigator, by = ao.location; var aj = (function() { var bN = function(bY, bX) { return new bN.fn.init(bY, bX, E) }, bR = ao.jQuery, H = ao.$, E, bV = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/, bI = /\S/, J = /^\s+/, F = /\s+$/, I = /\d/, B = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/, bJ = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, bT = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, bL = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, K = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, z = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/, bO = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/, bM = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/, bP = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/, C = /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig, bW = /^-ms-/, bQ = function(bY, bX) { return (bX + "").toUpperCase() }, bU = bH.userAgent, bS, D, e, M = Object.prototype.toString, G = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, A = Array.prototype.push, L = Array.prototype.slice, bK = String.prototype.trim, w = Array.prototype.indexOf, y = {}; bN.fn = bN.prototype = { constructor: bN, init: function(bY, bX, b3) { var b2, b0, bZ, b1; if (!bY) { return this } if (bY.nodeType) { this.context = this[0] = bY; this.length = 1; return this } if (bY === "body" && !bX && al.body) { this.context = al; this[0] = al.body; this.selector = bY; this.length = 1; return this } if (typeof bY === "string") { if (bY.charAt(0) === "<" && bY.charAt(bY.length - 1) === ">" && bY.length >= 3) { b2 = [null, bY, null] } else { b2 = bV.exec(bY) } if (b2 && (b2[1] || !bX)) { if (b2[1]) { bX = bX instanceof bN ? bX[0] : bX; b1 = (bX ? bX.ownerDocument || bX : al); bZ = B.exec(bY); if (bZ) { if (bN.isPlainObject(bX)) { bY = [al.createElement(bZ[1])]; bN.fn.attr.call(bY, bX, true) } else { bY = [b1.createElement(bZ[1])] } } else { bZ = bN.buildFragment([b2[1]], [b1]); bY = (bZ.cacheable ? bN.clone(bZ.fragment) : bZ.fragment).childNodes } return bN.merge(this, bY) } else { b0 = al.getElementById(b2[2]); if (b0 && b0.parentNode) { if (b0.id !== b2[2]) { return b3.find(bY) } this.length = 1; this[0] = b0 } this.context = al; this.selector = bY; return this } } else { if (!bX || bX.jquery) { return (bX || b3).find(bY) } else { return this.constructor(bX).find(bY) } } } else { if (bN.isFunction(bY)) { return b3.ready(bY) } } if (bY.selector !== an) { this.selector = bY.selector; this.context = bY.context } return bN.makeArray(bY, this) }, selector: "", jquery: "1.7", length: 0, size: function() { return this.length }, toArray: function() { return L.call(this, 0) }, get: function(bX) { return bX == null ? this.toArray() : (bX < 0 ? this[this.length + bX] : this[bX]) }, pushStack: function(bY, bX, b0) { var bZ = this.constructor(); if (bN.isArray(bY)) { A.apply(bZ, bY) } else { bN.merge(bZ, bY) } bZ.prevObject = this; bZ.context = this.context; if (bX === "find") { bZ.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + b0 } else { if (bX) { bZ.selector = this.selector + "." + bX + "(" + b0 + ")" } } return bZ }, each: function(bY, bX) { return bN.each(this, bY, bX) }, ready: function(bX) { bN.bindReady(); D.add(bX); return this }, eq: function(bX) { return bX === -1 ? this.slice(bX) : this.slice(bX, +bX + 1) }, first: function() { return this.eq(0) }, last: function() { return this.eq(-1) }, slice: function() { return this.pushStack(L.apply(this, arguments), "slice", L.call(arguments).join(",")) }, map: function(bX) { return this.pushStack(bN.map(this, function(bY, bZ) { return bX.call(bY, bZ, bY) })) }, end: function() { return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null) }, push: A, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice }; bN.fn.init.prototype = bN.fn; bN.extend = bN.fn.extend = function() { var b5, bZ, bX, bY, b3, b4, b2 = arguments[0] || {}, b1 = 1, b0 = arguments.length, b6 = false; if (typeof b2 === "boolean") { b6 = b2; b2 = arguments[1] || {}; b1 = 2 } if (typeof b2 !== "object" && !bN.isFunction(b2)) { b2 = {} } if (b0 === b1) { b2 = this; --b1 } for (; b1 < b0; b1++) { if ((b5 = arguments[b1]) != null) { for (bZ in b5) { bX = b2[bZ]; bY = b5[bZ]; if (b2 === bY) { continue } if (b6 && bY && (bN.isPlainObject(bY) || (b3 = bN.isArray(bY)))) { if (b3) { b3 = false; b4 = bX && bN.isArray(bX) ? bX : [] } else { b4 = bX && bN.isPlainObject(bX) ? bX : {} } b2[bZ] = bN.extend(b6, b4, bY) } else { if (bY !== an) { b2[bZ] = bY } } } } } return b2 }; bN.extend({ noConflict: function(bX) { if (ao.$ === bN) { ao.$ = H } if (bX && ao.jQuery === bN) { ao.jQuery = bR } return bN }, isReady: false, readyWait: 1, holdReady: function(bX) { if (bX) { bN.readyWait++ } else { bN.ready(true) } }, ready: function(bX) { if ((bX === true && !--bN.readyWait) || (bX !== true && !bN.isReady)) { if (!al.body) { return setTimeout(bN.ready, 1) } bN.isReady = true; if (bX !== true && --bN.readyWait > 0) { return } D.fireWith(al, [bN]); if (bN.fn.trigger) { bN(al).trigger("ready").unbind("ready") } } }, bindReady: function() { if (D) { return } D = bN.Callbacks("once memory"); if (al.readyState === "complete") { return setTimeout(bN.ready, 1) } if (al.addEventListener) { al.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e, false); ao.addEventListener("load", bN.ready, false) } else { if (al.attachEvent) { al.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", e); ao.attachEvent("onload", bN.ready); var bX = false; try { bX = ao.frameElement == null } catch (bY) {} if (al.documentElement.doScroll && bX) { x() } } } }, isFunction: function(bX) { return bN.type(bX) === "function" }, isArray: Array.isArray || function(bX) { return bN.type(bX) === "array" }, isWindow: function(bX) { return bX && typeof bX === "object" && "setInterval" in bX }, isNumeric: function(bX) { return bX != null && I.test(bX) && !isNaN(bX) }, type: function(bX) { return bX == null ? String(bX) : y[M.call(bX)] || "object" }, isPlainObject: function(bY) { if (!bY || bN.type(bY) !== "object" || bY.nodeType || bN.isWindow(bY)) { return false } try { if (bY.constructor && !G.call(bY, "constructor") && !G.call(bY.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) { return false } } catch (bZ) { return false } var bX; for (bX in bY) {} return bX === an || G.call(bY, bX) }, isEmptyObject: function(bY) { for (var bX in bY) { return false } return true }, error: function(bX) { throw bX }, parseJSON: function(bX) { if (typeof bX !== "string" || !bX) { return null } bX = bN.trim(bX); if (ao.JSON && ao.JSON.parse) { return ao.JSON.parse(bX) } if (bJ.test(bX.replace(bT, "@").replace(bL, "]").replace(K, ""))) { return (new Function("return " + bX))() } bN.error("Invalid JSON: " + bX) }, noop: function() {}, globalEval: function(bX) { if (bX && bI.test(bX)) { (ao.execScript || function(bY) { ao["eval"].call(ao, bY) })(bX) } }, camelCase: function(bX) { return bX.replace(bW, "ms-").replace(C, bQ) }, nodeName: function(bY, bX) { return bY.nodeName && bY.nodeName.toUpperCase() === bX.toUpperCase() }, each: function(bY, bX, b3) { var b2, b0 = 0, b1 = bY.length, bZ = b1 === an || bN.isFunction(bY); if (b3) { if (bZ) { for (b2 in bY) { if (bX.apply(bY[b2], b3) === false) { break } } } else { for (; b0 < b1;) { if (bX.apply(bY[b0++], b3) === false) { break } } } } else { if (bZ) { for (b2 in bY) { if (bX.call(bY[b2], b2, bY[b2]) === false) { break } } } else { for (; b0 < b1;) { if (bX.call(bY[b0], b0, bY[b0++]) === false) { break } } } } return bY }, trim: bK ? function(bX) { return bX == null ? "" : bK.call(bX) } : function(bX) { return bX == null ? "" : bX.toString().replace(J, "").replace(F, "") }, makeArray: function(bY, bX) { var b0 = bX || []; if (bY != null) { var bZ = bN.type(bY); if (bY.length == null || bZ === "string" || bZ === "function" || bZ === "regexp" || bN.isWindow(bY)) { A.call(b0, bY) } else { bN.merge(b0, bY) } } return b0 }, inArray: function(bY, bX, bZ) { var b0; if (bX) { if (w) { return w.call(bX, bY, bZ) } b0 = bX.length; bZ = bZ ? bZ < 0 ? Math.max(0, b0 + bZ) : bZ : 0; for (; bZ < b0; bZ++) { if (bZ in bX && bX[bZ] === bY) { return bZ } } } return -1 }, merge: function(bZ, bX) { var b1 = bZ.length, b0 = 0; if (typeof bX.length === "number") { for (var bY = bX.length; b0 < bY; b0++) { bZ[b1++] = bX[b0] } } else { while (bX[b0] !== an) { bZ[b1++] = bX[b0++] } } bZ.length = b1; return bZ }, grep: function(bY, bX, b3) { var b2 = [], b1; b3 = !!b3; for (var bZ = 0, b0 = bY.length; bZ < b0; bZ++) { b1 = !!bX(bY[bZ], bZ); if (b3 !== b1) { b2.push(bY[bZ]) } } return b2 }, map: function(b4, b3, b2) { var b1, b5, b0 = [], bY = 0, bX = b4.length, bZ = b4 instanceof bN || bX !== an && typeof bX === "number" && ((bX > 0 && b4[0] && b4[bX - 1]) || bX === 0 || bN.isArray(b4)); if (bZ) { for (; bY < bX; bY++) { b1 = b3(b4[bY], bY, b2); if (b1 != null) { b0[b0.length] = b1 } } } else { for (b5 in b4) { b1 = b3(b4[b5], b5, b2); if (b1 != null) { b0[b0.length] = b1 } } } return b0.concat.apply([], b0) }, guid: 1, access: function(b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0) { var bZ = b5.length; if (typeof b4 === "object") { for (var bX in b4) { bN.access(b5, bX, b4[bX], b2, b1, b3) } return b5 } if (b3 !== an) { b2 = !b0 && b2 && bN.isFunction(b3); for (var bY = 0; bY < bZ; bY++) { b1(b5[bY], b4, b2 ? b3.call(b5[bY], bY, b1(b5[bY], b4)) : b3, b0) } return b5 } return bZ ? b1(b5[0], b4) : an }, now: function() { return (new Date()).getTime() }, uaMatch: function(bY) { bY = bY.toLowerCase(); var bX = z.exec(bY) || bO.exec(bY) || bM.exec(bY) || bY.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && bP.exec(bY) || []; return { browser: bX[1] || "", version: bX[2] || "0" } }, sub: function() { function bX(b1, b0) { return new bX.fn.init(b1, b0) } bN.extend(true, bX, this); bX.superclass = this; bX.fn = bX.prototype = this(); bX.fn.constructor = bX; bX.sub = this.sub; bX.fn.init = function bY(b1, b0) { if (b0 && b0 instanceof bN && !(b0 instanceof bX)) { b0 = bX(b0) } return bN.fn.init.call(this, b1, b0, bZ) }; bX.fn.init.prototype = bX.fn; var bZ = bX(al); return bX }, browser: {} }); bN.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(bY, bX) { y["[object " + bX + "]"] = bX.toLowerCase() }); bS = bN.uaMatch(bU); if (bS.browser) { bN.browser[bS.browser] = true; bN.browser.version = bS.version } if (bN.browser.webkit) { bN.browser.safari = true } if (bI.test("\xA0")) { J = /^[\s\xA0]+/; F = /[\s\xA0]+$/ } E = bN(al); if (al.addEventListener) { e = function() { al.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e, false); bN.ready() } } else { if (al.attachEvent) { e = function() { if (al.readyState === "complete") { al.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", e); bN.ready() } } } } function x() { if (bN.isReady) { return } try { al.documentElement.doScroll("left") } catch (bX) { setTimeout(x, 1); return } bN.ready() } if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery) { define("jquery", [], function() { return bN }) } return bN })(); var a8 = {}; function ag(w) { var e = a8[w] = {}, x, y; w = w.split(/\s+/); for (x = 0, y = w.length; x < y; x++) { e[w[x]] = true } return e } aj.Callbacks = function(C) { C = C ? (a8[C] || ag(C)) : {}; var B = [], D = [], x, y, w, z, A, F = function(G) { var H, K, J, I, L; for (H = 0, K = G.length; H < K; H++) { J = G[H]; I = aj.type(J); if (I === "array") { F(J) } else { if (I === "function") { if (!C.unique || !E.has(J)) { B.push(J) } } } } }, e = function(H, G) { G = G || []; x = !C.memory || [H, G]; y = true; A = w || 0; w = 0; z = B.length; for (; B && A < z; A++) { if (B[A].apply(H, G) === false && C.stopOnFalse) { x = true; break } } y = false; if (B) { if (!C.once) { if (D && D.length) { x = D.shift(); E.fireWith(x[0], x[1]) } } else { if (x === true) { E.disable() } else { B = [] } } } }, E = { add: function() { if (B) { var G = B.length; F(arguments); if (y) { z = B.length } else { if (x && x !== true) { w = G; e(x[0], x[1]) } } } return this }, remove: function() { if (B) { var G = arguments, I = 0, J = G.length; for (; I < J; I++) { for (var H = 0; H < B.length; H++) { if (G[I] === B[H]) { if (y) { if (H <= z) { z--; if (H <= A) { A-- } } } B.splice(H--, 1); if (C.unique) { break } } } } } return this }, has: function(G) { if (B) { var H = 0, I = B.length; for (; H < I; H++) { if (G === B[H]) { return true } } } return false }, empty: function() { B = []; return this }, disable: function() { B = D = x = an; return this }, disabled: function() { return !B }, lock: function() { D = an; if (!x || x === true) { E.disable() } return this }, locked: function() { return !D }, fireWith: function(H, G) { if (D) { if (y) { if (!C.once) { D.push([H, G]) } } else { if (!(C.once && x)) { e(H, G) } } } return this }, fire: function() { E.fireWith(this, arguments); return this }, fired: function() { return !!x } }; return E }; var a7 = [].slice; aj.extend({ Deferred: function(z) { var y = aj.Callbacks("once memory"), x = aj.Callbacks("once memory"), w = aj.Callbacks("memory"), e = "pending", B = { resolve: y, reject: x, notify: w }, D = { done: y.add, fail: x.add, progress: w.add, state: function() { return e }, isResolved: y.fired, isRejected: x.fired, then: function(F, E, G) { C.done(F).fail(E).progress(G); return this }, always: function() { return C.done.apply(C, arguments).fail.apply(C, arguments) }, pipe: function(G, F, E) { return aj.Deferred(function(H) { aj.each({ done: [G, "resolve"], fail: [F, "reject"], progress: [E, "notify"] }, function(J, I) { var M = I[0], L = I[1], K; if (aj.isFunction(M)) { C[J](function() { K = M.apply(this, arguments); if (K && aj.isFunction(K.promise)) { K.promise().then(H.resolve, H.reject, H.notify) } else { H[L + "With"](this === C ? H : this, [K]) } }) } else { C[J](H[L]) } }) }).promise() }, promise: function(F) { if (F == null) { F = D } else { for (var E in D) { F[E] = D[E] } } return F } }, C = D.promise({}), A; for (A in B) { C[A] = B[A].fire; C[A + "With"] = B[A].fireWith } C.done(function() { e = "resolved" }, x.disable, w.lock).fail(function() { e = "rejected" }, y.disable, w.lock); if (z) { z.call(C, C) } return C } }); aj.support = (function() { var M = al.createElement("div"), bI = al.documentElement, z, bJ, G, x, F, A, D, w, E, H, C, L, J, y, B, I, bK; M.setAttribute("className", "t"); M.innerHTML = "
a"; z = M.getElementsByTagName("*"); bJ = M.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if (!z || !z.length || !bJ) { return {} } G = al.createElement("select"); x = G.appendChild(al.createElement("option")); F = M.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; D = { leadingWhitespace: (M.firstChild.nodeType === 3), tbody: !M.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, htmlSerialize: !!M.getElementsByTagName("link").length, style: /top/.test(bJ.getAttribute("style")), hrefNormalized: (bJ.getAttribute("href") === "/a"), opacity: /^0.55/.test(bJ.style.opacity), cssFloat: !!bJ.style.cssFloat, unknownElems: !!M.getElementsByTagName("nav").length, checkOn: (F.value === "on"), optSelected: x.selected, getSetAttribute: M.className !== "t", enctype: !!al.createElement("form").enctype, submitBubbles: true, changeBubbles: true, focusinBubbles: false, deleteExpando: true, noCloneEvent: true, inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false, shrinkWrapBlocks: false, reliableMarginRight: true }; F.checked = true; D.noCloneChecked = F.cloneNode(true).checked; G.disabled = true; D.optDisabled = !x.disabled; try { delete M.test } catch (K) { D.deleteExpando = false } if (!M.addEventListener && M.attachEvent && M.fireEvent) { M.attachEvent("onclick", function() { D.noCloneEvent = false }); M.cloneNode(true).fireEvent("onclick") } F = al.createElement("input"); F.value = "t"; F.setAttribute("type", "radio"); D.radioValue = F.value === "t"; F.setAttribute("checked", "checked"); M.appendChild(F); w = al.createDocumentFragment(); w.appendChild(M.lastChild); D.checkClone = w.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked; M.innerHTML = ""; M.style.width = M.style.paddingLeft = "1px"; E = al.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; C = al.createElement(E ? "div" : "body"); L = { visibility: "hidden", width: 0, height: 0, border: 0, margin: 0, background: "none" }; if (E) { aj.extend(L, { position: "absolute", left: "-999px", top: "-999px" }) } for (I in L) { C.style[I] = L[I] } C.appendChild(M); H = E || bI; H.insertBefore(C, H.firstChild); D.appendChecked = F.checked; D.boxModel = M.offsetWidth === 2; if ("zoom" in M.style) { M.style.display = "inline"; M.style.zoom = 1; D.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = (M.offsetWidth === 2); M.style.display = ""; M.innerHTML = "
"; D.shrinkWrapBlocks = (M.offsetWidth !== 2) } M.innerHTML = "
"; J = M.getElementsByTagName("td"); bK = (J[0].offsetHeight === 0); J[0].style.display = ""; J[1].style.display = "none"; D.reliableHiddenOffsets = bK && (J[0].offsetHeight === 0); M.innerHTML = ""; if (al.defaultView && al.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { A = al.createElement("div"); A.style.width = "0"; A.style.marginRight = "0"; M.appendChild(A); D.reliableMarginRight = (parseInt((al.defaultView.getComputedStyle(A, null) || { marginRight: 0 }).marginRight, 10) || 0) === 0 } if (M.attachEvent) { for (I in { submit: 1, change: 1, focusin: 1 }) { B = "on" + I; bK = (B in M); if (!bK) { M.setAttribute(B, "return;"); bK = (typeof M[B] === "function") } D[I + "Bubbles"] = bK } } aj(function() { var bR, bT, bU, bS, bM, bN, bL = 1, bQ = "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:1px;height:1px;margin:0;", bP = "visibility:hidden;border:0;", e = "style='" + bQ + "border:5px solid #000;padding:0;'", bO = "
"; E = al.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; if (!E) { return } bR = al.createElement("div"); bR.style.cssText = bP + "width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:" + bL + "px"; E.insertBefore(bR, E.firstChild); C = al.createElement("div"); C.style.cssText = bQ + bP; C.innerHTML = bO; bR.appendChild(C); bT = C.firstChild; bU = bT.firstChild; bM = bT.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild; bN = { doesNotAddBorder: (bU.offsetTop !== 5), doesAddBorderForTableAndCells: (bM.offsetTop === 5) }; bU.style.position = "fixed"; bU.style.top = "20px"; bN.fixedPosition = (bU.offsetTop === 20 || bU.offsetTop === 15); bU.style.position = bU.style.top = ""; bT.style.overflow = "hidden"; bT.style.position = "relative"; bN.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = (bU.offsetTop === -5); bN.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = (E.offsetTop !== bL); E.removeChild(bR); C = bR = null; aj.extend(D, bN) }); C.innerHTML = ""; H.removeChild(C); C = w = G = x = E = A = M = F = null; return D })(); aj.boxModel = aj.support.boxModel; var a5 = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/, aI = /([A-Z])/g; aj.extend({ cache: {}, uuid: 0, expando: "jQuery" + (aj.fn.jquery + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""), noData: { embed: true, object: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", applet: true }, hasData: function(e) { e = e.nodeType ? aj.cache[e[aj.expando]] : e[aj.expando]; return !!e && !ad(e) }, data: function(H, F, E, D) { if (!aj.acceptData(H)) { return } var B, y, C, G = aj.expando, A = typeof F === "string", I = H.nodeType, w = I ? aj.cache : H, x = I ? H[aj.expando] : H[aj.expando] && aj.expando, z = F === "events"; if ((!x || !w[x] || (!z && !D && !w[x].data)) && A && E === an) { return } if (!x) { if (I) { H[aj.expando] = x = ++aj.uuid } else { x = aj.expando } } if (!w[x]) { w[x] = {}; if (!I) { w[x].toJSON = aj.noop } } if (typeof F === "object" || typeof F === "function") { if (D) { w[x] = aj.extend(w[x], F) } else { w[x].data = aj.extend(w[x].data, F) } } B = y = w[x]; if (!D) { if (!y.data) { y.data = {} } y = y.data } if (E !== an) { y[aj.camelCase(F)] = E } if (z && !y[F]) { return B.events } if (A) { C = y[F]; if (C == null) { C = y[aj.camelCase(F)] } } else { C = y } return C }, removeData: function(D, B, A) { if (!aj.acceptData(D)) { return } var z, y, x, C = aj.expando, E = D.nodeType, e = E ? aj.cache : D, w = E ? D[aj.expando] : aj.expando; if (!e[w]) { return } if (B) { z = A ? e[w] : e[w].data; if (z) { if (aj.isArray(B)) { B = B } else { if (B in z) { B = [B] } else { B = aj.camelCase(B); if (B in z) { B = [B] } else { B = B.split(" ") } } } for (y = 0, x = B.length; y < x; y++) { delete z[B[y]] } if (!(A ? ad : aj.isEmptyObject)(z)) { return } } } if (!A) { delete e[w].data; if (!ad(e[w])) { return } } if (aj.support.deleteExpando || !e.setInterval) { delete e[w] } else { e[w] = null } if (E) { if (aj.support.deleteExpando) { delete D[aj.expando] } else { if (D.removeAttribute) { D.removeAttribute(aj.expando) } else { D[aj.expando] = null } } } }, _data: function(w, e, x) { return aj.data(w, e, x, true) }, acceptData: function(w) { if (w.nodeName) { var e = aj.noData[w.nodeName.toLowerCase()]; if (e) { return !(e === true || w.getAttribute("classid") !== e) } } return true } }); aj.fn.extend({ data: function(w, C) { var B, e, y, A = null; if (typeof w === "undefined") { if (this.length) { A = aj.data(this[0]); if (this[0].nodeType === 1 && !aj._data(this[0], "parsedAttrs")) { e = this[0].attributes; for (var z = 0, x = e.length; z < x; z++) { y = e[z].name; if (y.indexOf("data-") === 0) { y = aj.camelCase(y.substring(5)); bk(this[0], y, A[y]) } } aj._data(this[0], "parsedAttrs", true) } } return A } else { if (typeof w === "object") { return this.each(function() { aj.data(this, w) }) } } B = w.split("."); B[1] = B[1] ? "." + B[1] : ""; if (C === an) { A = this.triggerHandler("getData" + B[1] + "!", [B[0]]); if (A === an && this.length) { A = aj.data(this[0], w); A = bk(this[0], w, A) } return A === an && B[1] ? this.data(B[0]) : A } else { return this.each(function() { var D = aj(this), E = [B[0], C]; D.triggerHandler("setData" + B[1] + "!", E); aj.data(this, w, C); D.triggerHandler("changeData" + B[1] + "!", E) }) } }, removeData: function(e) { return this.each(function() { aj.removeData(this, e) }) } }); function bk(x, w, A) { if (A === an && x.nodeType === 1) { var z = "data-" + w.replace(aI, "-$1").toLowerCase(); A = x.getAttribute(z); if (typeof A === "string") { try { A = A === "true" ? true : A === "false" ? false : A === "null" ? null : aj.isNumeric(A) ? parseFloat(A) : a5.test(A) ? aj.parseJSON(A) : A } catch (y) {} aj.data(x, w, A) } else { A = an } } return A } function ad(w) { for (var e in w) { if (e === "data" && aj.isEmptyObject(w[e])) { continue } if (e !== "toJSON") { return false } } return true } function bv(y, e, B) { var A = e + "defer", x = e + "queue", w = e + "mark", z = aj._data(y, A); if (z && (B === "queue" || !aj._data(y, x)) && (B === "mark" || !aj._data(y, w))) { setTimeout(function() { if (!aj._data(y, x) && !aj._data(y, w)) { aj.removeData(y, A, true); z.fire() } }, 0) } } aj.extend({ _mark: function(w, e) { if (w) { e = (e || "fx") + "mark"; aj._data(w, e, (aj._data(w, e) || 0) + 1) } }, _unmark: function(w, e, z) { if (w !== true) { z = e; e = w; w = false } if (e) { z = z || "fx"; var y = z + "mark", x = w ? 0 : ((aj._data(e, y) || 1) - 1); if (x) { aj._data(e, y, x) } else { aj.removeData(e, y, true); bv(e, z, "mark") } } }, queue: function(w, e, y) { var x; if (w) { e = (e || "fx") + "queue"; x = aj._data(w, e); if (y) { if (!x || aj.isArray(y)) { x = aj._data(w, e, aj.makeArray(y)) } else { x.push(y) } } return x || [] } }, dequeue: function(x, w) { w = w || "fx"; var z = aj.queue(x, w), y = z.shift(), e = {}; if (y === "inprogress") { y = z.shift() } if (y) { if (w === "fx") { z.unshift("inprogress") } aj._data(x, w + ".run", e); y.call(x, function() { aj.dequeue(x, w) }, e) } if (!z.length) { aj.removeData(x, w + "queue " + w + ".run", true); bv(x, w, "queue") } } }); aj.fn.extend({ queue: function(e, w) { if (typeof e !== "string") { w = e; e = "fx" } if (w === an) { return aj.queue(this[0], e) } return this.each(function() { var x = aj.queue(this, e, w); if (e === "fx" && x[0] !== "inprogress") { aj.dequeue(this, e) } }) }, dequeue: function(e) { return this.each(function() { aj.dequeue(this, e) }) }, delay: function(x, w) { x = aj.fx ? aj.fx.speeds[x] || x : x; w = w || "fx"; return this.queue(w, function(y, e) { var z = setTimeout(y, x); e.stop = function() { clearTimeout(z) } }) }, clearQueue: function(e) { return this.queue(e || "fx", []) } }); var a4 = /[\n\t\r]/g, ar = /\s+/, ba = /\r/g, f = /^(?:button|input)$/i, Q = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i, j = /^a(?:rea)?$/i, ay = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, S = aj.support.getSetAttribute, br, be, aM; aj.fn.extend({ attr: function(w, e) { return aj.access(this, w, e, true, aj.attr) }, removeAttr: function(e) { return this.each(function() { aj.removeAttr(this, e) }) }, addClass: function(y) { var e, z, x, A, B, C, w; if (aj.isFunction(y)) { return this.each(function(D) { aj(this).addClass(y.call(this, D, this.className)) }) } if (y && typeof y === "string") { e = y.split(ar); for (z = 0, x = this.length; z < x; z++) { A = this[z]; if (A.nodeType === 1) { if (!A.className && e.length === 1) { A.className = y } else { B = " " + A.className + " "; for (C = 0, w = e.length; C < w; C++) { if (!~B.indexOf(" " + e[C] + " ")) { B += e[C] + " " } } A.className = aj.trim(B) } } } } return this }, removeClass: function(y) { var e, z, x, B, A, C, w; if (aj.isFunction(y)) { return this.each(function(D) { aj(this).removeClass(y.call(this, D, this.className)) }) } if ((y && typeof y === "string") || y === an) { e = (y || "").split(ar); for (z = 0, x = this.length; z < x; z++) { B = this[z]; if (B.nodeType === 1 && B.className) { if (y) { A = (" " + B.className + " ").replace(a4, " "); for (C = 0, w = e.length; C < w; C++) { A = A.replace(" " + e[C] + " ", " ") } B.className = aj.trim(A) } else { B.className = "" } } } } return this }, toggleClass: function(e, y) { var x = typeof e, w = typeof y === "boolean"; if (aj.isFunction(e)) { return this.each(function(z) { aj(this).toggleClass(e.call(this, z, this.className, y), y) }) } return this.each(function() { if (x === "string") { var z, B = 0, A = aj(this), C = y, D = e.split(ar); while ((z = D[B++])) { C = w ? C : !A.hasClass(z); A[C ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](z) } } else { if (x === "undefined" || x === "boolean") { if (this.className) { aj._data(this, "__className__", this.className) } this.className = this.className || e === false ? "" : aj._data(this, "__className__") || "" } } }) }, hasClass: function(x) { var e = " " + x + " ", y = 0, w = this.length; for (; y < w; y++) { if (this[y].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[y].className + " ").replace(a4, " ").indexOf(e) > -1) { return true } } return false }, val: function(z) { var y, e, x, w = this[0]; if (!arguments.length) { if (w) { y = aj.valHooks[w.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || aj.valHooks[w.type]; if (y && "get" in y && (e = y.get(w, "value")) !== an) { return e } e = w.value; return typeof e === "string" ? e.replace(ba, "") : e == null ? "" : e } return an } x = aj.isFunction(z); return this.each(function(B) { var A = aj(this), C; if (this.nodeType !== 1) { return } if (x) { C = z.call(this, B, A.val()) } else { C = z } if (C == null) { C = "" } else { if (typeof C === "number") { C += "" } else { if (aj.isArray(C)) { C = aj.map(C, function(D) { return D == null ? "" : D + "" }) } } } y = aj.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || aj.valHooks[this.type]; if (!y || !("set" in y) || y.set(this, C, "value") === an) { this.value = C } }) } }); aj.extend({ valHooks: { option: { get: function(w) { var e = w.attributes.value; return !e || e.specified ? w.value : w.text } }, select: { get: function(B) { var z, e, A, x, y = B.selectedIndex, C = [], D = B.options, w = B.type === "select-one"; if (y < 0) { return null } e = w ? y : 0; A = w ? y + 1 : D.length; for (; e < A; e++) { x = D[e]; if (x.selected && (aj.support.optDisabled ? !x.disabled : x.getAttribute("disabled") === null) && (!x.parentNode.disabled || !aj.nodeName(x.parentNode, "optgroup"))) { z = aj(x).val(); if (w) { return z } C.push(z) } } if (w && !C.length && D.length) { return aj(D[y]).val() } return C }, set: function(w, e) { var x = aj.makeArray(e); aj(w).find("option").each(function() { this.selected = aj.inArray(aj(this).val(), x) >= 0 }); if (!x.length) { w.selectedIndex = -1 } return x } } }, attrFn: { val: true, css: true, html: true, text: true, data: true, width: true, height: true, offset: true }, attr: function(y, x, D, C) { var B, w, A, z = y.nodeType; if (!y || z === 3 || z === 8 || z === 2) { return an } if (C && x in aj.attrFn) { return aj(y)[x](D) } if (!("getAttribute" in y)) { return aj.prop(y, x, D) } A = z !== 1 || !aj.isXMLDoc(y); if (A) { x = x.toLowerCase(); w = aj.attrHooks[x] || (ay.test(x) ? be : br) } if (D !== an) { if (D === null) { aj.removeAttr(y, x); return an } else { if (w && "set" in w && A && (B = w.set(y, D, x)) !== an) { return B } else { y.setAttribute(x, "" + D); return D } } } else { if (w && "get" in w && A && (B = w.get(y, x)) !== null) { return B } else { B = y.getAttribute(x); return B === null ? an : B } } }, removeAttr: function(x, e) { var B, A, y, w, z = 0; if (x.nodeType === 1) { A = (e || "").split(ar); w = A.length; for (; z < w; z++) { y = A[z].toLowerCase(); B = aj.propFix[y] || y; aj.attr(x, y, ""); x.removeAttribute(S ? y : B); if (ay.test(y) && B in x) { x[B] = false } } } }, attrHooks: { type: { set: function(w, e) { if (f.test(w.nodeName) && w.parentNode) { aj.error("type property can't be changed") } else { if (!aj.support.radioValue && e === "radio" && aj.nodeName(w, "input")) { var x = w.value; w.setAttribute("type", e); if (x) { w.value = x } return e } } } }, value: { get: function(w, e) { if (br && aj.nodeName(w, "button")) { return br.get(w, e) } return e in w ? w.value : null }, set: function(w, e, x) { if (br && aj.nodeName(w, "button")) { return br.set(w, e, x) } w.value = e } } }, propFix: { tabindex: "tabIndex", readonly: "readOnly", "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", cellpadding: "cellPadding", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", contenteditable: "contentEditable" }, prop: function(x, w, B) { var A, e, z, y = x.nodeType; if (!x || y === 3 || y === 8 || y === 2) { return an } z = y !== 1 || !aj.isXMLDoc(x); if (z) { w = aj.propFix[w] || w; e = aj.propHooks[w] } if (B !== an) { if (e && "set" in e && (A = e.set(x, B, w)) !== an) { return A } else { return (x[w] = B) } } else { if (e && "get" in e && (A = e.get(x, w)) !== null) { return A } else { return x[w] } } }, propHooks: { tabIndex: { get: function(w) { var e = w.getAttributeNode("tabindex"); return e && e.specified ? parseInt(e.value, 10) : Q.test(w.nodeName) || j.test(w.nodeName) && w.href ? 0 : an } } } }); aj.attrHooks.tabindex = aj.propHooks.tabIndex; be = { get: function(w, e) { var y, x = aj.prop(w, e); return x === true || typeof x !== "boolean" && (y = w.getAttributeNode(e)) && y.nodeValue !== false ? e.toLowerCase() : an }, set: function(w, e, y) { var x; if (e === false) { aj.removeAttr(w, y) } else { x = aj.propFix[y] || y; if (x in w) { w[x] = true } w.setAttribute(y, y.toLowerCase()) } return y } }; if (!S) { aM = { name: true, id: true }; br = aj.valHooks.button = { get: function(w, e) { var x; x = w.getAttributeNode(e); return x && (aM[e] ? x.nodeValue !== "" : x.specified) ? x.nodeValue : an }, set: function(w, e, y) { var x = w.getAttributeNode(y); if (!x) { x = al.createAttribute(y); w.setAttributeNode(x) } return (x.nodeValue = e + "") } }; aj.attrHooks.tabindex.set = br.set; aj.each(["width", "height"], function(e, w) { aj.attrHooks[w] = aj.extend(aj.attrHooks[w], { set: function(y, x) { if (x === "") { y.setAttribute(w, "auto"); return x } } }) }); aj.attrHooks.contenteditable = { get: br.get, set: function(w, e, x) { if (e === "") { e = "false" } br.set(w, e, x) } } } if (!aj.support.hrefNormalized) { aj.each(["href", "src", "width", "height"], function(e, w) { aj.attrHooks[w] = aj.extend(aj.attrHooks[w], { get: function(y) { var x = y.getAttribute(w, 2); return x === null ? an : x } }) }) } if (!aj.support.style) { aj.attrHooks.style = { get: function(e) { return e.style.cssText.toLowerCase() || an }, set: function(w, e) { return (w.style.cssText = "" + e) } } } if (!aj.support.optSelected) { aj.propHooks.selected = aj.extend(aj.propHooks.selected, { get: function(w) { var e = w.parentNode; if (e) { e.selectedIndex; if (e.parentNode) { e.parentNode.selectedIndex } } return null } }) } if (!aj.support.enctype) { aj.propFix.enctype = "encoding" } if (!aj.support.checkOn) { aj.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function() { aj.valHooks[this] = { get: function(e) { return e.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : e.value } } }) } aj.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function() { aj.valHooks[this] = aj.extend(aj.valHooks[this], { set: function(w, e) { if (aj.isArray(e)) { return (w.checked = aj.inArray(aj(w).val(), e) >= 0) } } }) }); var a3 = /^([^\.]*)?(?:\.(.+))?$/, W = /\bhover(\.\S+)?/, a2 = /^key/, bs = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, ae = /^(\w*)(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?$/, ah = function(w) { var e = ae.exec(w); if (e) { e[1] = (e[1] || "").toLowerCase(); e[3] = e[3] && new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + e[3] + "(?:\\s|$)") } return e }, i = function(w, e) { return ((!e[1] || w.nodeName.toLowerCase() === e[1]) && (!e[2] || w.id === e[2]) && (!e[3] || e[3].test(w.className))) }, bG = function(e) { return aj.event.special.hover ? e : e.replace(W, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1") }; aj.event = { add: function(I, G, F, D, B) { var z, A, L, K, J, E, e, H, w, y, x, C; if (I.nodeType === 3 || I.nodeType === 8 || !G || !F || !(z = aj._data(I))) { return } if (F.handler) { w = F; F = w.handler } if (!F.guid) { F.guid = aj.guid++ } L = z.events; if (!L) { z.events = L = {} } A = z.handle; if (!A) { z.handle = A = function(M) { return typeof aj !== "undefined" && (!M || aj.event.triggered !== M.type) ? aj.event.dispatch.apply(A.elem, arguments) : an }; A.elem = I } G = bG(G).split(" "); for (K = 0; K < G.length; K++) { J = a3.exec(G[K]) || []; E = J[1]; e = (J[2] || "").split(".").sort(); C = aj.event.special[E] || {}; E = (B ? C.delegateType : C.bindType) || E; C = aj.event.special[E] || {}; H = aj.extend({ type: E, origType: J[1], data: D, handler: F, guid: F.guid, selector: B, namespace: e.join(".") }, w); if (B) { H.quick = ah(B); if (!H.quick && aj.expr.match.POS.test(B)) { H.isPositional = true } } x = L[E]; if (!x) { x = L[E] = []; x.delegateCount = 0; if (!C.setup || C.setup.call(I, D, e, A) === false) { if (I.addEventListener) { I.addEventListener(E, A, false) } else { if (I.attachEvent) { I.attachEvent("on" + E, A) } } } } if (C.add) { C.add.call(I, H); if (!H.handler.guid) { H.handler.guid = F.guid } } if (B) { x.splice(x.delegateCount++, 0, H) } else { x.push(H) } aj.event.global[E] = true } I = null }, global: {}, remove: function(I, G, E, D) { var B = aj.hasData(I) && aj._data(I), K, L, F, x, y, z, J, C, A, w, H; if (!B || !(J = B.events)) { return } G = bG(G || "").split(" "); for (K = 0; K < G.length; K++) { L = a3.exec(G[K]) || []; F = L[1]; x = L[2]; if (!F) { x = x ? "." + x : ""; for (z in J) { aj.event.remove(I, z + x, E, D) } return } C = aj.event.special[F] || {}; F = (D ? C.delegateType : C.bindType) || F; w = J[F] || []; y = w.length; x = x ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + x.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null; if (E || x || D || C.remove) { for (z = 0; z < w.length; z++) { H = w[z]; if (!E || E.guid === H.guid) { if (!x || x.test(H.namespace)) { if (!D || D === H.selector || D === "**" && H.selector) { w.splice(z--, 1); if (H.selector) { w.delegateCount-- } if (C.remove) { C.remove.call(I, H) } } } } } } else { w.length = 0 } if (w.length === 0 && y !== w.length) { if (!C.teardown || C.teardown.call(I, x) === false) { aj.removeEvent(I, F, B.handle) } delete J[F] } } if (aj.isEmptyObject(J)) { A = B.handle; if (A) { A.elem = null } aj.removeData(I, ["events", "handle"], true) } }, customEvent: { getData: true, setData: true, changeData: true }, trigger: function(J, I, H, G) { if (H && (H.nodeType === 3 || H.nodeType === 8)) { return } var E = J.type || J, y = [], w, x, C, K, A, z, F, D, B, L; if (E.indexOf("!") >= 0) { E = E.slice(0, -1); x = true } if (E.indexOf(".") >= 0) { y = E.split("."); E = y.shift(); y.sort() } if ((!H || aj.event.customEvent[E]) && !aj.event.global[E]) { return } J = typeof J === "object" ? J[aj.expando] ? J : new aj.Event(E, J) : new aj.Event(E); J.type = E; J.isTrigger = true; J.exclusive = x; J.namespace = y.join("."); J.namespace_re = J.namespace ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + y.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null; z = E.indexOf(":") < 0 ? "on" + E : ""; if (G || !H) { J.preventDefault() } if (!H) { w = aj.cache; for (C in w) { if (w[C].events && w[C].events[E]) { aj.event.trigger(J, I, w[C].handle.elem, true) } } return } J.result = an; if (!J.target) { J.target = H } I = I != null ? aj.makeArray(I) : []; I.unshift(J); F = aj.event.special[E] || {}; if (F.trigger && F.trigger.apply(H, I) === false) { return } B = [ [H, F.bindType || E] ]; if (!G && !F.noBubble && !aj.isWindow(H)) { L = F.delegateType || E; A = null; for (K = H.parentNode; K; K = K.parentNode) { B.push([K, L]); A = K } if (A && A === H.ownerDocument) { B.push([A.defaultView || A.parentWindow || ao, L]) } } for (C = 0; C < B.length; C++) { K = B[C][0]; J.type = B[C][1]; D = (aj._data(K, "events") || {})[J.type] && aj._data(K, "handle"); if (D) { D.apply(K, I) } D = z && K[z]; if (D && aj.acceptData(K)) { D.apply(K, I) } if (J.isPropagationStopped()) { break } } J.type = E; if (!J.isDefaultPrevented()) { if ((!F._default || F._default.apply(H.ownerDocument, I) === false) && !(E === "click" && aj.nodeName(H, "a")) && aj.acceptData(H)) { if (z && H[E] && ((E !== "focus" && E !== "blur") || J.target.offsetWidth !== 0) && !aj.isWindow(H)) { A = H[z]; if (A) { H[z] = null } aj.event.triggered = E; H[E](); aj.event.triggered = an; if (A) { H[z] = A } } } } return J.result }, dispatch: function(K) { K = aj.event.fix(K || ao.event); var J = ((aj._data(this, "events") || {})[K.type] || []), C = J.delegateCount, y = [].slice.call(arguments, 0), D = !K.exclusive && !K.namespace, A = (aj.event.special[K.type] || {}).handle, w = [], H, F, z, L, G, B, x, e, E, I, M; y[0] = K; K.delegateTarget = this; if (C && !K.target.disabled && !(K.button && K.type === "click")) { for (z = K.target; z != this; z = z.parentNode || this) { G = {}; x = []; for (H = 0; H < C; H++) { e = J[H]; E = e.selector; I = G[E]; if (e.isPositional) { I = (I || (G[E] = aj(E))).index(z) >= 0 } else { if (I === an) { I = G[E] = (e.quick ? i(z, e.quick) : aj(z).is(E)) } } if (I) { x.push(e) } } if (x.length) { w.push({ elem: z, matches: x }) } } } if (J.length > C) { w.push({ elem: this, matches: J.slice(C) }) } for (H = 0; H < w.length && !K.isPropagationStopped(); H++) { B = w[H]; K.currentTarget = B.elem; for (F = 0; F < B.matches.length && !K.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); F++) { e = B.matches[F]; if (D || (!K.namespace && !e.namespace) || K.namespace_re && K.namespace_re.test(e.namespace)) { K.data = e.data; K.handleObj = e; L = (A || e.handler).apply(B.elem, y); if (L !== an) { K.result = L; if (L === false) { K.preventDefault(); K.stopPropagation() } } } } } return K.result }, props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "), fixHooks: {}, keyHooks: { props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "), filter: function(w, e) { if (w.which == null) { w.which = e.charCode != null ? e.charCode : e.keyCode } return w } }, mouseHooks: { props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement wheelDelta".split(" "), filter: function(x, w) { var B, z, e, y = w.button, A = w.fromElement; if (x.pageX == null && w.clientX != null) { B = x.target.ownerDocument || al; z = B.documentElement; e = B.body; x.pageX = w.clientX + (z && z.scrollLeft || e && e.scrollLeft || 0) - (z && z.clientLeft || e && e.clientLeft || 0); x.pageY = w.clientY + (z && z.scrollTop || e && e.scrollTop || 0) - (z && z.clientTop || e && e.clientTop || 0) } if (!x.relatedTarget && A) { x.relatedTarget = A === x.target ? w.toElement : A } if (!x.which && y !== an) { x.which = (y & 1 ? 1 : (y & 2 ? 3 : (y & 4 ? 2 : 0))) } return x } }, fix: function(w) { if (w[aj.expando]) { return w } var x, A, e = w, y = aj.event.fixHooks[w.type] || {}, z = y.props ? this.props.concat(y.props) : this.props; w = aj.Event(e); for (x = z.length; x;) { A = z[--x]; w[A] = e[A] } if (!w.target) { w.target = e.srcElement || al } if (w.target.nodeType === 3) { w.target = w.target.parentNode } if (w.metaKey === an) { w.metaKey = w.ctrlKey } return y.filter ? y.filter(w, e) : w }, special: { ready: { setup: aj.bindReady }, focus: { delegateType: "focusin", noBubble: true }, blur: { delegateType: "focusout", noBubble: true }, beforeunload: { setup: function(w, e, x) { if (aj.isWindow(this)) { this.onbeforeunload = x } }, teardown: function(w, e) { if (this.onbeforeunload === e) { this.onbeforeunload = null } } } } }; aj.event.handle = aj.event.dispatch; aj.removeEvent = al.removeEventListener ? function(w, e, x) { if (w.removeEventListener) { w.removeEventListener(e, x, false) } } : function(w, e, x) { if (w.detachEvent) { w.detachEvent("on" + e, x) } }; aj.Event = function(w, e) { if (!(this instanceof aj.Event)) { return new aj.Event(w, e) } if (w && w.type) { this.originalEvent = w; this.type = w.type; this.isDefaultPrevented = (w.defaultPrevented || w.returnValue === false || w.defaultPrevented && w.defaultPrevented()) ? h : bx } else { this.type = w } if (e) { aj.extend(this, e) } this.timeStamp = w && w.timeStamp || aj.now(); this[aj.expando] = true }; function bx() { return false } function h() { return true } aj.Event.prototype = { preventDefault: function() { this.isDefaultPrevented = h; var w = this.originalEvent; if (!w) { return } if (w.preventDefault) { w.preventDefault() } else { w.returnValue = false } }, stopPropagation: function() { this.isPropagationStopped = h; var w = this.originalEvent; if (!w) { return } if (w.stopPropagation) { w.stopPropagation() } w.cancelBubble = true }, isDefaultPrevented: bx, isPropagationStopped: bx, isImmediatePropagationStopped: bx }; aj.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }, function(w, e) { aj.event.special[w] = aj.event.special[e] = { delegateType: e, bindType: e, handle: function(z) { var y = this, D = z.relatedTarget, B = z.handleObj, x = B.selector, C, A; if (!D || B.origType === z.type || (D !== y && !aj.contains(y, D))) { C = z.type; z.type = B.origType; A = B.handler.apply(this, arguments); z.type = C } return A } } }); aj.fn.extend({ on: function(w, C, B, A, z) { var y, x; if (typeof w === "object") { if (typeof C !== "string") { B = C; C = an } for (x in w) { this.on(x, C, B, w[x], z) } return this } if (B == null && A == null) { A = C; B = C = an } else { if (A == null) { if (typeof C === "string") { A = B; B = an } else { A = B; B = C; C = an } } } if (A === false) { A = bx } else { if (!A) { return this } } if (z === 1) { y = A; A = function(e) { aj().off(e); return y.apply(this, arguments) }; A.guid = y.guid || (y.guid = aj.guid++) } return this.each(function() { aj.event.add(this, w, A, B, C) }) }, one: function(w, e, y, x) { return this.on.call(this, w, e, y, x, 1) }, off: function(x, w, A) { if (x && x.preventDefault && x.handleObj) { var z = x.handleObj; aj(x.delegateTarget).off(z.namespace ? z.type + "." + z.namespace : z.type, z.selector, z.handler); return this } if (typeof x === "object") { for (var y in x) { this.off(y, w, x[y]) } return this } if (w === false || typeof w === "function") { A = w; w = an } if (A === false) { A = bx } return this.each(function() { aj.event.remove(this, x, A, w) }) }, bind: function(w, e, x) { return this.on(w, null, e, x) }, unbind: function(w, e) { return this.off(w, null, e) }, live: function(w, e, x) { aj(this.context).on(w, this.selector, e, x); return this }, die: function(w, e) { aj(this.context).off(w, this.selector || "**", e); return this }, delegate: function(w, e, y, x) { return this.on(e, w, y, x) }, undelegate: function(w, e, x) { return arguments.length == 1 ? this.off(w, "**") : this.off(e, w, x) }, trigger: function(w, e) { return this.each(function() { aj.event.trigger(w, e, this) }) }, triggerHandler: function(w, e) { if (this[0]) { return aj.event.trigger(w, e, this[0], true) } }, toggle: function(z) { var y = arguments, e = z.guid || aj.guid++, w = 0, x = function(B) { var A = (aj._data(this, "lastToggle" + z.guid) || 0) % w; aj._data(this, "lastToggle" + z.guid, A + 1); B.preventDefault(); return y[A].apply(this, arguments) || false }; x.guid = e; while (w < y.length) { y[w++].guid = e } return this.click(x) }, hover: function(w, e) { return this.mouseenter(w).mouseleave(e || w) } }); aj.each(("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function(e, w) { aj.fn[w] = function(y, x) { if (x == null) { x = y; y = null } return arguments.length > 0 ? this.bind(w, y, x) : this.trigger(w) }; if (aj.attrFn) { aj.attrFn[w] = true } if (a2.test(w)) { aj.event.fixHooks[w] = aj.event.keyHooks } if (bs.test(w)) { aj.event.fixHooks[w] = aj.event.mouseHooks } }); (function() { var bI = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g, A = "sizcache" + (Math.random() + "").replace(".", ""), G = 0, M = Object.prototype.toString, z = false, y = true, K = /\\/g, bK = /\r\n/g, bM = /\W/; [0, 0].sort(function() { y = false; return 0 }); var L = function(bZ, bY, bX, bW) { bX = bX || []; bY = bY || al; var bV = bY; if (bY.nodeType !== 1 && bY.nodeType !== 9) { return [] } if (!bZ || typeof bZ !== "string") { return bX } var bO, b0, b3, bN, bU, b2, b1, bS, bQ = true, bP = L.isXML(bY), bR = [], bT = bZ; do { bI.exec(""); bO = bI.exec(bT); if (bO) { bT = bO[3]; bR.push(bO[1]); if (bO[2]) { bN = bO[3]; break } } } while (bO); if (bR.length > 1 && H.exec(bZ)) { if (bR.length === 2 && I.relative[bR[0]]) { b0 = C(bR[0] + bR[1], bY, bW) } else { b0 = I.relative[bR[0]] ? [bY] : L(bR.shift(), bY); while (bR.length) { bZ = bR.shift(); if (I.relative[bZ]) { bZ += bR.shift() } b0 = C(bZ, b0, bW) } } } else { if (!bW && bR.length > 1 && bY.nodeType === 9 && !bP && I.match.ID.test(bR[0]) && !I.match.ID.test(bR[bR.length - 1])) { bU = L.find(bR.shift(), bY, bP); bY = bU.expr ? L.filter(bU.expr, bU.set)[0] : bU.set[0] } if (bY) { bU = bW ? { expr: bR.pop(), set: E(bW) } : L.find(bR.pop(), bR.length === 1 && (bR[0] === "~" || bR[0] === "+") && bY.parentNode ? bY.parentNode : bY, bP); b0 = bU.expr ? L.filter(bU.expr, bU.set) : bU.set; if (bR.length > 0) { b3 = E(b0) } else { bQ = false } while (bR.length) { b2 = bR.pop(); b1 = b2; if (!I.relative[b2]) { b2 = "" } else { b1 = bR.pop() } if (b1 == null) { b1 = bY } I.relative[b2](b3, b1, bP) } } else { b3 = bR = [] } } if (!b3) { b3 = b0 } if (!b3) { L.error(b2 || bZ) } if (M.call(b3) === "[object Array]") { if (!bQ) { bX.push.apply(bX, b3) } else { if (bY && bY.nodeType === 1) { for (bS = 0; b3[bS] != null; bS++) { if (b3[bS] && (b3[bS] === true || b3[bS].nodeType === 1 && L.contains(bY, b3[bS]))) { bX.push(b0[bS]) } } } else { for (bS = 0; b3[bS] != null; bS++) { if (b3[bS] && b3[bS].nodeType === 1) { bX.push(b0[bS]) } } } } } else { E(b3, bX) } if (bN) { L(bN, bV, bX, bW); L.uniqueSort(bX) } return bX }; L.uniqueSort = function(e) { if (D) { z = y; e.sort(D); if (z) { for (var bN = 1; bN < e.length; bN++) { if (e[bN] === e[bN - 1]) { e.splice(bN--, 1) } } } } return e }; L.matches = function(bN, e) { return L(bN, null, null, e) }; L.matchesSelector = function(bN, e) { return L(e, null, null, [bN]).length > 0 }; L.find = function(bU, bT, bS) { var bR, bO, bQ, bP, e, bN; if (!bU) { return [] } for (bO = 0, bQ = I.order.length; bO < bQ; bO++) { e = I.order[bO]; if ((bP = I.leftMatch[e].exec(bU))) { bN = bP[1]; bP.splice(1, 1); if (bN.substr(bN.length - 1) !== "\\") { bP[1] = (bP[1] || "").replace(K, ""); bR = I.find[e](bP, bT, bS); if (bR != null) { bU = bU.replace(I.match[e], ""); break } } } } if (!bR) { bR = typeof bT.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ? bT.getElementsByTagName("*") : [] } return { set: bR, expr: bU } }; L.filter = function(bZ, bY, bX, bW) { var bV, bO, bN, b3, b1, bP, bR, bS, b0, bQ = bZ, b2 = [], bU = bY, bT = bY && bY[0] && L.isXML(bY[0]); while (bZ && bY.length) { for (bN in I.filter) { if ((bV = I.leftMatch[bN].exec(bZ)) != null && bV[2]) { bP = I.filter[bN]; bR = bV[1]; bO = false; bV.splice(1, 1); if (bR.substr(bR.length - 1) === "\\") { continue } if (bU === b2) { b2 = [] } if (I.preFilter[bN]) { bV = I.preFilter[bN](bV, bU, bX, b2, bW, bT); if (!bV) { bO = b3 = true } else { if (bV === true) { continue } } } if (bV) { for (bS = 0; (b1 = bU[bS]) != null; bS++) { if (b1) { b3 = bP(b1, bV, bS, bU); b0 = bW ^ b3; if (bX && b3 != null) { if (b0) { bO = true } else { bU[bS] = false } } else { if (b0) { b2.push(b1); bO = true } } } } } if (b3 !== an) { if (!bX) { bU = b2 } bZ = bZ.replace(I.match[bN], ""); if (!bO) { return [] } break } } } if (bZ === bQ) { if (bO == null) { L.error(bZ) } else { break } } bQ = bZ } return bU }; L.error = function(e) { throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + e }; var J = L.getText = function(bN) { var bP, bQ, e = bN.nodeType, bO = ""; if (e) { if (e === 1) { if (typeof bN.textContent === "string") { return bN.textContent } else { if (typeof bN.innerText === "string") { return bN.innerText.replace(bK, "") } else { for (bN = bN.firstChild; bN; bN = bN.nextSibling) { bO += J(bN) } } } } else { if (e === 3 || e === 4) { return bN.nodeValue } } } else { for (bP = 0; (bQ = bN[bP]); bP++) { if (bQ.nodeType !== 8) { bO += J(bQ) } } } return bO }; var I = L.selectors = { order: ["ID", "NAME", "TAG"], match: { ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/, CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/, NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/, ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|(#?(?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)*)|)|)\s*\]/, TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/, CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\(\s*(even|odd|(?:[+\-]?\d+|(?:[+\-]?\d*)?n\s*(?:[+\-]\s*\d+)?))\s*\))?/, POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/, PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/ }, leftMatch: {}, attrMap: { "class": "className", "for": "htmlFor" }, attrHandle: { href: function(e) { return e.getAttribute("href") }, type: function(e) { return e.getAttribute("type") } }, relative: { "+": function(bO, e) { var bT = typeof e === "string", bR = bT && !bM.test(e), bS = bT && !bR; if (bR) { e = e.toLowerCase() } for (var bP = 0, bN = bO.length, bQ; bP < bN; bP++) { if ((bQ = bO[bP])) { while ((bQ = bQ.previousSibling) && bQ.nodeType !== 1) {} bO[bP] = bS || bQ && bQ.nodeName.toLowerCase() === e ? bQ || false : bQ === e } } if (bS) { L.filter(e, bO, true) } }, ">": function(bO, e) { var bS, bQ = typeof e === "string", bP = 0, bN = bO.length; if (bQ && !bM.test(e)) { e = e.toLowerCase(); for (; bP < bN; bP++) { bS = bO[bP]; if (bS) { var bR = bS.parentNode; bO[bP] = bR.nodeName.toLowerCase() === e ? bR : false } } } else { for (; bP < bN; bP++) { bS = bO[bP]; if (bS) { bO[bP] = bQ ? bS.parentNode : bS.parentNode === e } } if (bQ) { L.filter(e, bO, true) } } }, "": function(bO, bN, bR) { var bQ, bP = G++, e = bJ; if (typeof bN === "string" && !bM.test(bN)) { bN = bN.toLowerCase(); bQ = bN; e = w } e("parentNode", bN, bP, bO, bQ, bR) }, "~": function(bO, bN, bR) { var bQ, bP = G++, e = bJ; if (typeof bN === "string" && !bM.test(bN)) { bN = bN.toLowerCase(); bQ = bN; e = w } e("previousSibling", bN, bP, bO, bQ, bR) } }, find: { ID: function(bO, bN, bP) { if (typeof bN.getElementById !== "undefined" && !bP) { var e = bN.getElementById(bO[1]); return e && e.parentNode ? [e] : [] } }, NAME: function(bO, e) { if (typeof e.getElementsByName !== "undefined") { var bR = [], bQ = e.getElementsByName(bO[1]); for (var bP = 0, bN = bQ.length; bP < bN; bP++) { if (bQ[bP].getAttribute("name") === bO[1]) { bR.push(bQ[bP]) } } return bR.length === 0 ? null : bR } }, TAG: function(bN, e) { if (typeof e.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") { return e.getElementsByTagName(bN[1]) } } }, preFilter: { CLASS: function(bO, bN, bU, bT, bS, bR) { bO = " " + bO[1].replace(K, "") + " "; if (bR) { return bO } for (var bP = 0, bQ; (bQ = bN[bP]) != null; bP++) { if (bQ) { if (bS ^ (bQ.className && (" " + bQ.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").indexOf(bO) >= 0)) { if (!bU) { bT.push(bQ) } } else { if (bU) { bN[bP] = false } } } } return false }, ID: function(e) { return e[1].replace(K, "") }, TAG: function(bN, e) { return bN[1].replace(K, "").toLowerCase() }, CHILD: function(bN) { if (bN[1] === "nth") { if (!bN[2]) { L.error(bN[0]) } bN[2] = bN[2].replace(/^\+|\s*/g, ""); var e = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec(bN[2] === "even" && "2n" || bN[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" || !/\D/.test(bN[2]) && "0n+" + bN[2] || bN[2]); bN[2] = (e[1] + (e[2] || 1)) - 0; bN[3] = e[3] - 0 } else { if (bN[2]) { L.error(bN[0]) } } bN[0] = G++; return bN }, ATTR: function(bO, bN, bT, bS, bR, bQ) { var bP = bO[1] = bO[1].replace(K, ""); if (!bQ && I.attrMap[bP]) { bO[1] = I.attrMap[bP] } bO[4] = (bO[4] || bO[5] || "").replace(K, ""); if (bO[2] === "~=") { bO[4] = " " + bO[4] + " " } return bO }, PSEUDO: function(bO, bN, bS, bR, bQ) { if (bO[1] === "not") { if ((bI.exec(bO[3]) || "").length > 1 || /^\w/.test(bO[3])) { bO[3] = L(bO[3], null, null, bN) } else { var bP = L.filter(bO[3], bN, bS, true ^ bQ); if (!bS) { bR.push.apply(bR, bP) } return false } } else { if (I.match.POS.test(bO[0]) || I.match.CHILD.test(bO[0])) { return true } } return bO }, POS: function(e) { e.unshift(true); return e } }, filters: { enabled: function(e) { return e.disabled === false && e.type !== "hidden" }, disabled: function(e) { return e.disabled === true }, checked: function(e) { return e.checked === true }, selected: function(e) { if (e.parentNode) { e.parentNode.selectedIndex } return e.selected === true }, parent: function(e) { return !!e.firstChild }, empty: function(e) { return !e.firstChild }, has: function(bN, bO, e) { return !!L(e[3], bN).length }, header: function(e) { return (/h\d/i).test(e.nodeName) }, text: function(bN) { var e = bN.getAttribute("type"), bO = bN.type; return bN.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "text" === bO && (e === bO || e === null) }, radio: function(e) { return e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "radio" === e.type }, checkbox: function(e) { return e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "checkbox" === e.type }, file: function(e) { return e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "file" === e.type }, password: function(e) { return e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "password" === e.type }, submit: function(bN) { var e = bN.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (e === "input" || e === "button") && "submit" === bN.type }, image: function(e) { return e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "image" === e.type }, reset: function(bN) { var e = bN.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (e === "input" || e === "button") && "reset" === bN.type }, button: function(bN) { var e = bN.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return e === "input" && "button" === bN.type || e === "button" }, input: function(e) { return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test(e.nodeName) }, focus: function(e) { return e === e.ownerDocument.activeElement } }, setFilters: { first: function(e, bN) { return bN === 0 }, last: function(bN, bO, e, bP) { return bO === bP.length - 1 }, even: function(e, bN) { return bN % 2 === 0 }, odd: function(e, bN) { return bN % 2 === 1 }, lt: function(bN, bO, e) { return bO < e[3] - 0 }, gt: function(bN, bO, e) { return bO > e[3] - 0 }, nth: function(bN, bO, e) { return e[3] - 0 === bO }, eq: function(bN, bO, e) { return e[3] - 0 === bO } }, filter: { PSEUDO: function(bV, bU, bQ, bT) { var bS = bU[1], bN = I.filters[bS]; if (bN) { return bN(bV, bQ, bU, bT) } else { if (bS === "contains") { return (bV.textContent || bV.innerText || J([bV]) || "").indexOf(bU[3]) >= 0 } else { if (bS === "not") { var bR = bU[3]; for (var bP = 0, bO = bR.length; bP < bO; bP++) { if (bR[bP] === bV) { return false } } return true } else { L.error(bS) } } } }, CHILD: function(bT, bS) { var bR, bW, bQ, bV, bN, bP, bU, e = bS[1], bO = bT; switch (e) { case "only": case "first": while ((bO = bO.previousSibling)) { if (bO.nodeType === 1) { return false } } if (e === "first") { return true } bO = bT; case "last": while ((bO = bO.nextSibling)) { if (bO.nodeType === 1) { return false } } return true; case "nth": bR = bS[2]; bW = bS[3]; if (bR === 1 && bW === 0) { return true } bQ = bS[0]; bV = bT.parentNode; if (bV && (bV[A] !== bQ || !bT.nodeIndex)) { bP = 0; for (bO = bV.firstChild; bO; bO = bO.nextSibling) { if (bO.nodeType === 1) { bO.nodeIndex = ++bP } } bV[A] = bQ } bU = bT.nodeIndex - bW; if (bR === 0) { return bU === 0 } else { return (bU % bR === 0 && bU / bR >= 0) } } }, ID: function(bN, e) { return bN.nodeType === 1 && bN.getAttribute("id") === e }, TAG: function(bN, e) { return (e === "*" && bN.nodeType === 1) || !!bN.nodeName && bN.nodeName.toLowerCase() === e }, CLASS: function(bN, e) { return (" " + (bN.className || bN.getAttribute("class")) + " ").indexOf(e) > -1 }, ATTR: function(bP, bN) { var bS = bN[1], e = L.attr ? L.attr(bP, bS) : I.attrHandle[bS] ? I.attrHandle[bS](bP) : bP[bS] != null ? bP[bS] : bP.getAttribute(bS), bR = e + "", bQ = bN[2], bO = bN[4]; return e == null ? bQ === "!=" : !bQ && L.attr ? e != null : bQ === "=" ? bR === bO : bQ === "*=" ? bR.indexOf(bO) >= 0 : bQ === "~=" ? (" " + bR + " ").indexOf(bO) >= 0 : !bO ? bR && e !== false : bQ === "!=" ? bR !== bO : bQ === "^=" ? bR.indexOf(bO) === 0 : bQ === "$=" ? bR.substr(bR.length - bO.length) === bO : bQ === "|=" ? bR === bO || bR.substr(0, bO.length + 1) === bO + "-" : false }, POS: function(bN, e, bO, bR) { var bQ = e[2], bP = I.setFilters[bQ]; if (bP) { return bP(bN, bO, e, bR) } } } }; var H = I.match.POS, x = function(bN, e) { return "\\" + (e - 0 + 1) }; for (var F in I.match) { I.match[F] = new RegExp(I.match[F].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source)); I.leftMatch[F] = new RegExp(/(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + I.match[F].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, x)) } var E = function(bN, e) { bN = Array.prototype.slice.call(bN, 0); if (e) { e.push.apply(e, bN); return e } return bN }; try { Array.prototype.slice.call(al.documentElement.childNodes, 0)[0].nodeType } catch (bL) { E = function(bO, e) { var bQ = 0, bP = e || []; if (M.call(bO) === "[object Array]") { Array.prototype.push.apply(bP, bO) } else { if (typeof bO.length === "number") { for (var bN = bO.length; bQ < bN; bQ++) { bP.push(bO[bQ]) } } else { for (; bO[bQ]; bQ++) { bP.push(bO[bQ]) } } } return bP } } var D, B; if (al.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition) { D = function(bN, e) { if (bN === e) { z = true; return 0 } if (!bN.compareDocumentPosition || !e.compareDocumentPosition) { return bN.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1 } return bN.compareDocumentPosition(e) & 4 ? -1 : 1 } } else { D = function(bU, bT) { if (bU === bT) { z = true; return 0 } else { if (bU.sourceIndex && bT.sourceIndex) { return bU.sourceIndex - bT.sourceIndex } } var bR, bN, bO = [], e = [], bQ = bU.parentNode, bS = bT.parentNode, bV = bQ; if (bQ === bS) { return B(bU, bT) } else { if (!bQ) { return -1 } else { if (!bS) { return 1 } } } while (bV) { bO.unshift(bV); bV = bV.parentNode } bV = bS; while (bV) { e.unshift(bV); bV = bV.parentNode } bR = bO.length; bN = e.length; for (var bP = 0; bP < bR && bP < bN; bP++) { if (bO[bP] !== e[bP]) { return B(bO[bP], e[bP]) } } return bP === bR ? B(bU, e[bP], -1) : B(bO[bP], bT, 1) }; B = function(bN, e, bP) { if (bN === e) { return bP } var bO = bN.nextSibling; while (bO) { if (bO === e) { return -1 } bO = bO.nextSibling } return 1 } }(function() { var bN = al.createElement("div"), bO = "script" + (new Date()).getTime(), e = al.documentElement; bN.innerHTML = ""; e.insertBefore(bN, e.firstChild); if (al.getElementById(bO)) { I.find.ID = function(bR, bQ, bS) { if (typeof bQ.getElementById !== "undefined" && !bS) { var bP = bQ.getElementById(bR[1]); return bP ? bP.id === bR[1] || typeof bP.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && bP.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === bR[1] ? [bP] : an : [] } }; I.filter.ID = function(bQ, bP) { var bR = typeof bQ.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && bQ.getAttributeNode("id"); return bQ.nodeType === 1 && bR && bR.nodeValue === bP } } e.removeChild(bN); e = bN = null })(); (function() { var bN = al.createElement("div"); bN.appendChild(al.createComment("")); if (bN.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0) { I.find.TAG = function(bO, e) { var bR = e.getElementsByTagName(bO[1]); if (bO[1] === "*") { var bQ = []; for (var bP = 0; bR[bP]; bP++) { if (bR[bP].nodeType === 1) { bQ.push(bR[bP]) } } bR = bQ } return bR } } bN.innerHTML = ""; if (bN.firstChild && typeof bN.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" && bN.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#") { I.attrHandle.href = function(e) { return e.getAttribute("href", 2) } } bN = null })(); if (al.querySelectorAll) { (function() { var bN = L, bP = al.createElement("div"), bO = "__sizzle__"; bP.innerHTML = "

"; if (bP.querySelectorAll && bP.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0) { return } L = function(b1, bZ, bY, bX) { bZ = bZ || al; if (!bX && !L.isXML(bZ)) { var bW = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec(b1); if (bW && (bZ.nodeType === 1 || bZ.nodeType === 9)) { if (bW[1]) { return E(bZ.getElementsByTagName(b1), bY) } else { if (bW[2] && I.find.CLASS && bZ.getElementsByClassName) { return E(bZ.getElementsByClassName(bW[2]), bY) } } } if (bZ.nodeType === 9) { if (b1 === "body" && bZ.body) { return E([bZ.body], bY) } else { if (bW && bW[3]) { var bV = bZ.getElementById(bW[3]); if (bV && bV.parentNode) { if (bV.id === bW[3]) { return E([bV], bY) } } else { return E([], bY) } } } try { return E(bZ.querySelectorAll(b1), bY) } catch (bS) {} } else { if (bZ.nodeType === 1 && bZ.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object") { var bU = bZ, bR = bZ.getAttribute("id"), bQ = bR || bO, b2 = bZ.parentNode, b0 = /^\s*[+~]/.test(b1); if (!bR) { bZ.setAttribute("id", bQ) } else { bQ = bQ.replace(/'/g, "\\$&") } if (b0 && b2) { bZ = bZ.parentNode } try { if (!b0 || b2) { return E(bZ.querySelectorAll("[id='" + bQ + "'] " + b1), bY) } } catch (bT) {} finally { if (!bR) { bU.removeAttribute("id") } } } } } return bN(b1, bZ, bY, bX) }; for (var e in bN) { L[e] = bN[e] } bP = null })() }(function() { var bQ = al.documentElement, bO = bQ.matchesSelector || bQ.mozMatchesSelector || bQ.webkitMatchesSelector || bQ.msMatchesSelector; if (bO) { var bN = !bO.call(al.createElement("div"), "div"), e = false; try { bO.call(al.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle") } catch (bP) { e = true } L.matchesSelector = function(bS, bR) { bR = bR.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']"); if (!L.isXML(bS)) { try { if (e || !I.match.PSEUDO.test(bR) && !/!=/.test(bR)) { var bU = bO.call(bS, bR); if (bU || !bN || bS.document && bS.document.nodeType !== 11) { return bU } } } catch (bT) {} } return L(bR, null, null, [bS]).length > 0 } } })(); (function() { var e = al.createElement("div"); e.innerHTML = "
"; if (!e.getElementsByClassName || e.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0) { return } e.lastChild.className = "e"; if (e.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1) { return } I.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"); I.find.CLASS = function(bO, bN, bP) { if (typeof bN.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !bP) { return bN.getElementsByClassName(bO[1]) } }; e = null })(); function w(bW, bV, bU, bT, bS, bR) { for (var bO = 0, bN = bT.length; bO < bN; bO++) { var bQ = bT[bO]; if (bQ) { var bP = false; bQ = bQ[bW]; while (bQ) { if (bQ[A] === bU) { bP = bT[bQ.sizset]; break } if (bQ.nodeType === 1 && !bR) { bQ[A] = bU; bQ.sizset = bO } if (bQ.nodeName.toLowerCase() === bV) { bP = bQ; break } bQ = bQ[bW] } bT[bO] = bP } } } function bJ(bW, bV, bU, bT, bS, bR) { for (var bO = 0, bN = bT.length; bO < bN; bO++) { var bQ = bT[bO]; if (bQ) { var bP = false; bQ = bQ[bW]; while (bQ) { if (bQ[A] === bU) { bP = bT[bQ.sizset]; break } if (bQ.nodeType === 1) { if (!bR) { bQ[A] = bU; bQ.sizset = bO } if (typeof bV !== "string") { if (bQ === bV) { bP = true; break } } else { if (L.filter(bV, [bQ]).length > 0) { bP = bQ; break } } } bQ = bQ[bW] } bT[bO] = bP } } } if (al.documentElement.contains) { L.contains = function(bN, e) { return bN !== e && (bN.contains ? bN.contains(e) : true) } } else { if (al.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition) { L.contains = function(bN, e) { return !!(bN.compareDocumentPosition(e) & 16) } } else { L.contains = function() { return false } } } L.isXML = function(bN) { var e = (bN ? bN.ownerDocument || bN : 0).documentElement; return e ? e.nodeName !== "HTML" : false }; var C = function(bU, bT, bQ) { var bP, bR = [], bO = "", bS = bT.nodeType ? [bT] : bT; while ((bP = I.match.PSEUDO.exec(bU))) { bO += bP[0]; bU = bU.replace(I.match.PSEUDO, "") } bU = I.relative[bU] ? bU + "*" : bU; for (var bN = 0, e = bS.length; bN < e; bN++) { L(bU, bS[bN], bR, bQ) } return L.filter(bO, bR) }; L.attr = aj.attr; L.selectors.attrMap = {}; aj.find = L; aj.expr = L.selectors; aj.expr[":"] = aj.expr.filters; aj.unique = L.uniqueSort; aj.text = L.getText; aj.isXMLDoc = L.isXML; aj.contains = L.contains })(); var aZ = /Until$/, aA = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/, bo = /,/, bC = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, ab = Array.prototype.slice, U = aj.expr.match.POS, aG = { children: true, contents: true, next: true, prev: true }; aj.fn.extend({ find: function(x) { var e = this, y, w; if (typeof x !== "string") { return aj(x).filter(function() { for (y = 0, w = e.length; y < w; y++) { if (aj.contains(e[y], this)) { return true } } }) } var C = this.pushStack("", "find", x), A, B, z; for (y = 0, w = this.length; y < w; y++) { A = C.length; aj.find(x, this[y], C); if (y > 0) { for (B = A; B < C.length; B++) { for (z = 0; z < A; z++) { if (C[z] === C[B]) { C.splice(B--, 1); break } } } } } return C }, has: function(w) { var e = aj(w); return this.filter(function() { for (var y = 0, x = e.length; y < x; y++) { if (aj.contains(this, e[y])) { return true } } }) }, not: function(e) { return this.pushStack(aN(this, e, false), "not", e) }, filter: function(e) { return this.pushStack(aN(this, e, true), "filter", e) }, is: function(e) { return !!e && (typeof e === "string" ? U.test(e) ? aj(e, this.context).index(this[0]) >= 0 : aj.filter(e, this).length > 0 : this.filter(e).length > 0) }, closest: function(y, w) { var D = [], z, x, C = this[0]; if (aj.isArray(y)) { var B = 1; while (C && C.ownerDocument && C !== w) { for (z = 0; z < y.length; z++) { if (aj(C).is(y[z])) { D.push({ selector: y[z], elem: C, level: B }) } } C = C.parentNode; B++ } return D } var A = U.test(y) || typeof y !== "string" ? aj(y, w || this.context) : 0; for (z = 0, x = this.length; z < x; z++) { C = this[z]; while (C) { if (A ? A.index(C) > -1 : aj.find.matchesSelector(C, y)) { D.push(C); break } else { C = C.parentNode; if (!C || !C.ownerDocument || C === w || C.nodeType === 11) { break } } } } D = D.length > 1 ? aj.unique(D) : D; return this.pushStack(D, "closest", y) }, index: function(e) { if (!e) { return (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) ? this.prevAll().length : -1 } if (typeof e === "string") { return aj.inArray(this[0], aj(e)) } return aj.inArray(e.jquery ? e[0] : e, this) }, add: function(w, e) { var y = typeof w === "string" ? aj(w, e) : aj.makeArray(w && w.nodeType ? [w] : w), x = aj.merge(this.get(), y); return this.pushStack(P(y[0]) || P(x[0]) ? x : aj.unique(x)) }, andSelf: function() { return this.add(this.prevObject) } }); function P(e) { return !e || !e.parentNode || e.parentNode.nodeType === 11 } aj.each({ parent: function(w) { var e = w.parentNode; return e && e.nodeType !== 11 ? e : null }, parents: function(e) { return aj.dir(e, "parentNode") }, parentsUntil: function(w, x, e) { return aj.dir(w, "parentNode", e) }, next: function(e) { return aj.nth(e, 2, "nextSibling") }, prev: function(e) { return aj.nth(e, 2, "previousSibling") }, nextAll: function(e) { return aj.dir(e, "nextSibling") }, prevAll: function(e) { return aj.dir(e, "previousSibling") }, nextUntil: function(w, x, e) { return aj.dir(w, "nextSibling", e) }, prevUntil: function(w, x, e) { return aj.dir(w, "previousSibling", e) }, siblings: function(e) { return aj.sibling(e.parentNode.firstChild, e) }, children: function(e) { return aj.sibling(e.firstChild) }, contents: function(e) { return aj.nodeName(e, "iframe") ? e.contentDocument || e.contentWindow.document : aj.makeArray(e.childNodes) } }, function(x, w) { aj.fn[x] = function(y, e) { var A = aj.map(this, w, y), z = ab.call(arguments); if (!aZ.test(x)) { e = y } if (e && typeof e === "string") { A = aj.filter(e, A) } A = this.length > 1 && !aG[x] ? aj.unique(A) : A; if ((this.length > 1 || bo.test(e)) && aA.test(x)) { A = A.reverse() } return this.pushStack(A, x, z.join(",")) } }); aj.extend({ filter: function(w, e, x) { if (x) { w = ":not(" + w + ")" } return e.length === 1 ? aj.find.matchesSelector(e[0], w) ? [e[0]] : [] : aj.find.matches(w, e) }, dir: function(w, e, z) { var y = [], x = w[e]; while (x && x.nodeType !== 9 && (z === an || x.nodeType !== 1 || !aj(x).is(z))) { if (x.nodeType === 1) { y.push(x) } x = x[e] } return y }, nth: function(x, w, A, z) { w = w || 1; var y = 0; for (; x; x = x[A]) { if (x.nodeType === 1 && ++y === w) { break } } return x }, sibling: function(x, e) { var w = []; for (; x; x = x.nextSibling) { if (x.nodeType === 1 && x !== e) { w.push(x) } } return w } }); function aN(z, y, x) { y = y || 0; if (aj.isFunction(y)) { return aj.grep(z, function(A, B) { var e = !!y.call(A, B, A); return e === x }) } else { if (y.nodeType) { return aj.grep(z, function(e, A) { return (e === y) === x }) } else { if (typeof y === "string") { var w = aj.grep(z, function(e) { return e.nodeType === 1 }); if (bC.test(y)) { return aj.filter(y, w, !x) } else { y = aj.filter(y, w) } } } } return aj.grep(z, function(e, A) { return (aj.inArray(e, y) >= 0) === x }) } function a(w) { var e = aY.split(" "), x = w.createDocumentFragment(); if (x.createElement) { while (e.length) { x.createElement(e.pop()) } } return x } var aY = "abbr article aside audio canvas datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video", at = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, aB = /^\s+/, ac = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig, c = /<([\w:]+)/, t = /", ""], legend: [1, "
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(w.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || w.appendChild(w.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"))) : w } function q(x, e) { if (e.nodeType !== 1 || !aj.hasData(x)) { return } var C, z, w, B = aj._data(x), A = aj._data(e, B), y = B.events; if (y) { delete A.handle; A.events = {}; for (C in y) { for (z = 0, w = y[C].length; z < w; z++) { aj.event.add(e, C + (y[C][z].namespace ? "." : "") + y[C][z].namespace, y[C][z], y[C][z].data) } } } if (A.data) { A.data = aj.extend({}, A.data) } } aj.buildFragment = function(x, w, C) { var B, e, y, z, A = x[0]; if (w && w[0]) { z = w[0].ownerDocument || w[0] } if (!z.createDocumentFragment) { z = al } if (x.length === 1 && typeof A === "string" && A.length < 512 && z === al && A.charAt(0) === "<" && !aa.test(A) && (aj.support.checkClone || !l.test(A)) && (!aj.support.unknownElems && au.test(A))) { e = true; y = aj.fragments[A]; if (y && y !== 1) { B = y } } if (!B) { B = z.createDocumentFragment(); aj.clean(x, z, B, C) } if (e) { aj.fragments[A] = y ? B : 1 } return { fragment: B, cacheable: e } }; aj.fragments = {}; aj.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function(x, w) { aj.fn[x] = function(z) { var e = [], C = aj(z), B = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode; if (B && B.nodeType === 11 && B.childNodes.length === 1 && C.length === 1) { C[w](this[0]); return this } else { for (var A = 0, y = C.length; A < y; A++) { var D = (A > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this).get(); aj(C[A])[w](D); e = e.concat(D) } return this.pushStack(e, x, C.selector) } } }); function bt(e) { if (typeof e.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") { return e.getElementsByTagName("*") } else { if (typeof e.querySelectorAll !== "undefined") { return e.querySelectorAll("*") } else { return [] } } } function aH(e) { if (e.type === "checkbox" || e.type === "radio") { e.defaultChecked = e.checked } } function R(w) { var e = (w.nodeName || "").toLowerCase(); if (e === "input") { aH(w) } else { if (e !== "script" && typeof w.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") { aj.grep(w.getElementsByTagName("input"), aH) } } } aj.extend({ clean: function(M, L, K, J) { var I; L = L || al; if (typeof L.createElement === "undefined") { L = L.ownerDocument || L[0] && L[0].ownerDocument || al } var H = [], C; for (var F = 0, z; (z = M[F]) != null; F++) { if (typeof z === "number") { z += "" } if (!z) { continue } if (typeof z === "string") { if (!af.test(z)) { z = L.createTextNode(z) } else { z = z.replace(ac, "<$1>"); var G = (c.exec(z) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), x = aF[G] || aF._default, E = x[0], w = L.createElement("div"); if (L === al) { am.appendChild(w) } else { a(L).appendChild(w) } w.innerHTML = x[1] + z + x[2]; while (E--) { w = w.lastChild } if (!aj.support.tbody) { var B = t.test(z), D = G === "table" && !B ? w.firstChild && w.firstChild.childNodes : x[1] === "" && !B ? w.childNodes : []; for (C = D.length - 1; C >= 0; --C) { if (aj.nodeName(D[C], "tbody") && !D[C].childNodes.length) { D[C].parentNode.removeChild(D[C]) } } } if (!aj.support.leadingWhitespace && aB.test(z)) { w.insertBefore(L.createTextNode(aB.exec(z)[0]), w.firstChild) } z = w.childNodes } } var A; if (!aj.support.appendChecked) { if (z[0] && typeof(A = z.length) === "number") { for (C = 0; C < A; C++) { R(z[C]) } } else { R(z) } } if (z.nodeType) { H.push(z) } else { H = aj.merge(H, z) } } if (K) { I = function(e) { return !e.type || bz.test(e.type) }; for (F = 0; H[F]; F++) { if (J && aj.nodeName(H[F], "script") && (!H[F].type || H[F].type.toLowerCase() === "text/javascript")) { J.push(H[F].parentNode ? H[F].parentNode.removeChild(H[F]) : H[F]) } else { if (H[F].nodeType === 1) { var y = aj.grep(H[F].getElementsByTagName("script"), I); H.splice.apply(H, [F + 1, 0].concat(y)) } K.appendChild(H[F]) } } } return H }, cleanData: function(D) { var C, w, e = aj.cache, A = aj.event.special, z = aj.support.deleteExpando; for (var y = 0, x; (x = D[y]) != null; y++) { if (x.nodeName && aj.noData[x.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { continue } w = x[aj.expando]; if (w) { C = e[w]; if (C && C.events) { for (var B in C.events) { if (A[B]) { aj.event.remove(x, B) } else { aj.removeEvent(x, B, C.handle) } } if (C.handle) { C.handle.elem = null } } if (z) { delete x[aj.expando] } else { if (x.removeAttribute) { x.removeAttribute(aj.expando) } } delete e[w] } } } }); function bB(w, e) { if (e.src) { aj.ajax({ url: e.src, async: false, dataType: "script" }) } else { aj.globalEval((e.text || e.textContent || e.innerHTML || "").replace(a1, "/*$0*/")) } if (e.parentNode) { e.parentNode.removeChild(e) } } var aX = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, aD = /opacity=([^)]*)/, N = /([A-Z]|^ms)/g, bq = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i, bA = /^-?\d/, V = /^([\-+])=([\-+.\de]+)/, bm = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, ax = ["Left", "Right"], bh = ["Top", "Bottom"], ai, aP, bd; aj.fn.css = function(x, w) { if (arguments.length === 2 && w === an) { return this } return aj.access(this, x, w, true, function(y, e, z) { return z !== an ? aj.style(y, e, z) : aj.css(y, e) }) }; aj.extend({ cssHooks: { opacity: { get: function(w, e) { if (e) { var x = ai(w, "opacity", "opacity"); return x === "" ? "1" : x } else { return w.style.opacity } } } }, cssNumber: { fillOpacity: true, fontWeight: true, lineHeight: true, opacity: true, orphans: true, widows: true, zIndex: true, zoom: true }, cssProps: { "float": aj.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" }, style: function(E, D, B, A) { if (!E || E.nodeType === 3 || E.nodeType === 8 || !E.style) { return } var x, C, y = aj.camelCase(D), w = E.style, F = aj.cssHooks[y]; D = aj.cssProps[y] || y; if (B !== an) { C = typeof B; if (C === "string" && (x = V.exec(B))) { B = (+(x[1] + 1) * +x[2]) + parseFloat(aj.css(E, D)); C = "number" } if (B == null || C === "number" && isNaN(B)) { return } if (C === "number" && !aj.cssNumber[y]) { B += "px" } if (!F || !("set" in F) || (B = F.set(E, B)) !== an) { try { w[D] = B } catch (z) {} } } else { if (F && "get" in F && (x = F.get(E, false, A)) !== an) { return x } return w[D] } }, css: function(x, w, z) { var y, e; w = aj.camelCase(w); e = aj.cssHooks[w]; w = aj.cssProps[w] || w; if (w === "cssFloat") { w = "float" } if (e && "get" in e && (y = e.get(x, true, z)) !== an) { return y } else { if (ai) { return ai(x, w) } } }, swap: function(x, w, A) { var z = {}; for (var y in w) { z[y] = x.style[y]; x.style[y] = w[y] } A.call(x); for (y in w) { x.style[y] = z[y] } } }); aj.curCSS = aj.css; aj.each(["height", "width"], function(w, x) { aj.cssHooks[x] = { get: function(y, e, A) { var z; if (e) { if (y.offsetWidth !== 0) { return m(y, x, A) } else { aj.swap(y, bm, function() { z = m(y, x, A) }) } return z } }, set: function(y, e) { if (bq.test(e)) { e = parseFloat(e); if (e >= 0) { return e + "px" } } else { return e } } } }); if (!aj.support.opacity) { aj.cssHooks.opacity = { get: function(w, e) { return aD.test((e && w.currentStyle ? w.currentStyle.filter : w.style.filter) || "") ? (parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100) + "" : e ? "1" : "" }, set: function(w, e) { var A = w.style, y = w.currentStyle, x = aj.isNumeric(e) ? "alpha(opacity=" + e * 100 + ")" : "", z = y && y.filter || A.filter || ""; A.zoom = 1; if (e >= 1 && aj.trim(z.replace(aX, "")) === "") { A.removeAttribute("filter"); if (y && !y.filter) { return } } A.filter = aX.test(z) ? z.replace(aX, x) : z + " " + x } } } aj(function() { if (!aj.support.reliableMarginRight) { aj.cssHooks.marginRight = { get: function(w, e) { var x; aj.swap(w, { display: "inline-block" }, function() { if (e) { x = ai(w, "margin-right", "marginRight") } else { x = w.style.marginRight } }); return x } } } }); if (al.defaultView && al.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { aP = function(w, e) { var z, y, x; e = e.replace(N, "-$1").toLowerCase(); if (!(y = w.ownerDocument.defaultView)) { return an } if ((x = y.getComputedStyle(w, null))) { z = x.getPropertyValue(e); if (z === "" && !aj.contains(w.ownerDocument.documentElement, w)) { z = aj.style(w, e) } } return z } } if (al.documentElement.currentStyle) { bd = function(x, w) { var B, e, A, y = x.currentStyle && x.currentStyle[w], z = x.style; if (y === null && z && (A = z[w])) { y = A } if (!bq.test(y) && bA.test(y)) { B = z.left; e = x.runtimeStyle && x.runtimeStyle.left; if (e) { x.runtimeStyle.left = x.currentStyle.left } z.left = w === "fontSize" ? "1em" : (y || 0); y = z.pixelLeft + "px"; z.left = B; if (e) { x.runtimeStyle.left = e } } return y === "" ? "auto" : y } } ai = aP || bd; function m(w, e, z) { var y = e === "width" ? w.offsetWidth : w.offsetHeight, x = e === "width" ? ax : bh; if (y > 0) { if (z !== "border") { aj.each(x, function() { if (!z) { y -= parseFloat(aj.css(w, "padding" + this)) || 0 } if (z === "margin") { y += parseFloat(aj.css(w, z + this)) || 0 } else { y -= parseFloat(aj.css(w, "border" + this + "Width")) || 0 } }) } return y + "px" } y = ai(w, e, e); if (y < 0 || y == null) { y = w.style[e] || 0 } y = parseFloat(y) || 0; if (z) { aj.each(x, function() { y += parseFloat(aj.css(w, "padding" + this)) || 0; if (z !== "padding") { y += parseFloat(aj.css(w, "border" + this + "Width")) || 0 } if (z === "margin") { y += parseFloat(aj.css(w, z + this)) || 0 } }) } return y + "px" } if (aj.expr && aj.expr.filters) { aj.expr.filters.hidden = function(x) { var w = x.offsetWidth, e = x.offsetHeight; return (w === 0 && e === 0) || (!aj.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && ((x.style && x.style.display) || aj.css(x, "display")) === "none") }; aj.expr.filters.visible = function(e) { return !aj.expr.filters.hidden(e) } } var aW = /%20/g, az = /\[\]$/, bF = /\r?\n/g, bD = /#.*$/, aK = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, bf = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, a0 = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/, a6 = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, b = /^\/\//, Y = /\?/, bl = /)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, n = /^(?:select|textarea)/i, g = /\s+/, bE = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, X = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/, O = aj.fn.load, ak = {}, o = {}, aL, p, bb = ["*/"] + ["*"]; try { aL = by.href } catch (aE) { aL = al.createElement("a"); aL.href = ""; aL = aL.href } p = X.exec(aL.toLowerCase()) || []; function d(e) { return function(x, w) { if (typeof x !== "string") { w = x; x = "*" } if (aj.isFunction(w)) { var D = x.toLowerCase().split(g), z = 0, A = D.length, y, B, C; for (; z < A; z++) { y = D[z]; C = /^\+/.test(y); if (C) { y = y.substr(1) || "*" } B = e[y] = e[y] || []; B[C ? "unshift" : "push"](w) } } } } function bc(F, E, D, C, B, A) { B = B || E.dataTypes[0]; A = A || {}; A[B] = true; var z = F[B], x = 0, w = z ? z.length : 0, y = (F === ak), G; for (; x < w && (y || !G); x++) { G = z[x](E, D, C); if (typeof G === "string") { if (!y || A[G]) { G = an } else { E.dataTypes.unshift(G); G = bc(F, E, D, C, G, A) } } } if ((y || !G) && !A["*"]) { G = bc(F, E, D, C, "*", A) } return G } function aw(x, e) { var z, w, y = aj.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {}; for (z in e) { if (e[z] !== an) { (y[z] ? x : (w || (w = {})))[z] = e[z] } } if (w) { aj.extend(true, x, w) } } aj.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function(e, w) { aj.fn[w] = function(x) { return this.bind(w, x) } }); aj.each(["get", "post"], function(w, x) { aj[x] = function(y, e, A, z) { if (aj.isFunction(e)) { z = z || A; A = e; e = an } return aj.ajax({ type: x, url: y, data: e, success: A, dataType: z }) } }); aj.extend({ getScript: function(w, e) { return aj.get(w, an, e, "script") }, getJSON: function(w, e, x) { return aj.get(w, e, x, "json") }, ajaxSetup: function(w, e) { if (e) { aw(w, aj.ajaxSettings) } else { e = w; w = aj.ajaxSettings } aw(w, e); return w }, ajaxSettings: { url: aL, isLocal: a0.test(p[1]), global: true, type: "GET", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", processData: true, async: true, accepts: { xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", text: "text/plain", json: "application/json, text/javascript", "*": bb }, contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ }, responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText" }, converters: { "* text": ao.String, "text html": true, "text json": aj.parseJSON, "text xml": aj.parseXML }, flatOptions: { context: true, url: true } }, ajaxPrefilter: d(ak), ajaxTransport: d(o), ajax: function(L, K) { if (typeof L === "object") { K = L; L = an } K = K || {}; var B = aj.ajaxSetup({}, K), bO = B.context || B, E = bO !== B && (bO.nodeType || bO instanceof aj) ? aj(bO) : aj.event, bN = aj.Deferred(), bJ = aj.Callbacks("once memory"), z = B.statusCode || {}, A, F = {}, bK = {}, bM, x, M, C, G, y = 0, w, J, H = { readyState: 0, setRequestHeader: function(bP, e) { if (!y) { var bQ = bP.toLowerCase(); bP = bK[bQ] = bK[bQ] || bP; F[bP] = e } return this }, getAllResponseHeaders: function() { return y === 2 ? bM : null }, getResponseHeader: function(bP) { var e; if (y === 2) { if (!x) { x = {}; while ((e = aK.exec(bM))) { x[e[1].toLowerCase()] = e[2] } } e = x[bP.toLowerCase()] } return e === an ? null : e }, overrideMimeType: function(e) { if (!y) { B.mimeType = e } return this }, abort: function(e) { e = e || "abort"; if (M) { M.abort(e) } D(0, e); return this } }; function D(bZ, bY, bW, bV) { if (y === 2) { return } y = 2; if (C) { clearTimeout(C) } M = an; bM = bV || ""; H.readyState = bZ > 0 ? 4 : 0; var bS, b0, bX, bQ = bY, bR = bW ? bw(B, H, bW) : an, bP, bU; if (bZ >= 200 && bZ < 300 || bZ === 304) { if (B.ifModified) { if ((bP = H.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"))) { aj.lastModified[A] = bP } if ((bU = H.getResponseHeader("Etag"))) { aj.etag[A] = bU } } if (bZ === 304) { bQ = "notmodified"; bS = true } else { try { b0 = T(B, bR); bQ = "success"; bS = true } catch (bT) { bQ = "parsererror"; bX = bT } } } else { bX = bQ; if (!bQ || bZ) { bQ = "error"; if (bZ < 0) { bZ = 0 } } } H.status = bZ; H.statusText = "" + (bY || bQ); if (bS) { bN.resolveWith(bO, [b0, bQ, H]) } else { bN.rejectWith(bO, [H, bQ, bX]) } H.statusCode(z); z = an; if (w) { E.trigger("ajax" + (bS ? "Success" : "Error"), [H, B, bS ? b0 : bX]) } bJ.fireWith(bO, [H, bQ]); if (w) { E.trigger("ajaxComplete", [H, B]); if (!(--aj.active)) { aj.event.trigger("ajaxStop") } } } bN.promise(H); H.success = H.done; H.error = H.fail; H.complete = bJ.add; H.statusCode = function(bP) { if (bP) { var e; if (y < 2) { for (e in bP) { z[e] = [z[e], bP[e]] } } else { e = bP[H.status]; H.then(e, e) } } return this }; B.url = ((L || B.url) + "").replace(bD, "").replace(b, p[1] + "//"); B.dataTypes = aj.trim(B.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().split(g); if (B.crossDomain == null) { G = X.exec(B.url.toLowerCase()); B.crossDomain = !!(G && (G[1] != p[1] || G[2] != p[2] || (G[3] || (G[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)) != (p[3] || (p[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)))) } if (B.data && B.processData && typeof B.data !== "string") { B.data = aj.param(B.data, B.traditional) } bc(ak, B, K, H); if (y === 2) { return false } w = B.global; B.type = B.type.toUpperCase(); B.hasContent = !a6.test(B.type); if (w && aj.active++ === 0) { aj.event.trigger("ajaxStart") } if (!B.hasContent) { if (B.data) { B.url += (Y.test(B.url) ? "&" : "?") + B.data; delete B.data } A = B.url; if (B.cache === false) { var I = aj.now(), bL = B.url.replace(bE, "$1_=" + I); B.url = bL + ((bL === B.url) ? (Y.test(B.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + I : "") } } if (B.data && B.hasContent && B.contentType !== false || K.contentType) { H.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", B.contentType) } if (B.ifModified) { A = A || B.url; if (aj.lastModified[A]) { H.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", aj.lastModified[A]) } if (aj.etag[A]) { H.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", aj.etag[A]) } } H.setRequestHeader("Accept", B.dataTypes[0] && B.accepts[B.dataTypes[0]] ? B.accepts[B.dataTypes[0]] + (B.dataTypes[0] !== "*" ? ", " + bb + "; q=0.01" : "") : B.accepts["*"]); for (J in B.headers) { H.setRequestHeader(J, B.headers[J]) } if (B.beforeSend && (B.beforeSend.call(bO, H, B) === false || y === 2)) { H.abort(); return false } for (J in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 }) { H[J](B[J]) } M = bc(o, B, K, H); if (!M) { D(-1, "No Transport") } else { H.readyState = 1; if (w) { E.trigger("ajaxSend", [H, B]) } if (B.async && B.timeout > 0) { C = setTimeout(function() { H.abort("timeout") }, B.timeout) } try { y = 1; M.send(F, D) } catch (bI) { if (y < 2) { D(-1, bI) } else { aj.error(bI) } } } return H }, param: function(e, z) { var w = [], x = function(B, A) { A = aj.isFunction(A) ? A() : A; w[w.length] = encodeURIComponent(B) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(A) }; if (z === an) { z = aj.ajaxSettings.traditional } if (aj.isArray(e) || (e.jquery && !aj.isPlainObject(e))) { aj.each(e, function() { x(this.name, this.value) }) } else { for (var y in e) { s(y, e[y], z, x) } } return w.join("&").replace(aW, "+") } }); function s(x, w, A, z) { if (aj.isArray(w)) { aj.each(w, function(B, e) { if (A || az.test(x)) { z(x, e) } else { s(x + "[" + (typeof e === "object" || aj.isArray(e) ? B : "") + "]", e, A, z) } }) } else { if (!A && w != null && typeof w === "object") { for (var y in w) { s(x + "[" + y + "]", w[y], A, z) } } else { z(x, w) } } } aj.extend({ active: 0, lastModified: {}, etag: {} }); function bw(E, D, B) { var z = E.contents, C = E.dataTypes, w = E.responseFields, y, A, x, e; for (A in w) { if (A in B) { D[w[A]] = B[A] } } while (C[0] === "*") { C.shift(); if (y === an) { y = E.mimeType || D.getResponseHeader("content-type") } } if (y) { for (A in z) { if (z[A] && z[A].test(y)) { C.unshift(A); break } } } if (C[0] in B) { x = C[0] } else { for (A in B) { if (!C[0] || E.converters[A + " " + C[0]]) { x = A; break } if (!e) { e = A } } x = x || e } if (x) { if (x !== C[0]) { C.unshift(x) } return B[x] } } function T(I, E) { if (I.dataFilter) { E = I.dataFilter(E, I.dataType) } var D = I.dataTypes, H = {}, A, F, x = D.length, B, C = D[0], y, z, G, w, e; for (A = 1; A < x; A++) { if (A === 1) { for (F in I.converters) { if (typeof F === "string") { H[F.toLowerCase()] = I.converters[F] } } } y = C; C = D[A]; if (C === "*") { C = y } else { if (y !== "*" && y !== C) { z = y + " " + C; G = H[z] || H["* " + C]; if (!G) { e = an; for (w in H) { B = w.split(" "); if (B[0] === y || B[0] === "*") { e = H[B[1] + " " + C]; if (e) { w = H[w]; if (w === true) { G = e } else { if (e === true) { G = w } } break } } } } if (!(G || e)) { aj.error("No conversion from " + z.replace(" ", " to ")) } if (G !== true) { E = G ? G(E) : e(w(E)) } } } } return E } var aV = aj.now(), r = /(\=)\?(&|$)|\?\?/i; aj.ajaxSetup({ jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function() { return aj.expando + "_" + (aV++) } }); aj.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function(F, E, D) { var C = F.contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" && (typeof F.data === "string"); if (F.dataTypes[0] === "jsonp" || F.jsonp !== false && (r.test(F.url) || C && r.test(F.data))) { var B, y = F.jsonpCallback = aj.isFunction(F.jsonpCallback) ? F.jsonpCallback() : F.jsonpCallback, A = ao[y], w = F.url, z = F.data, x = "$1" + y + "$2"; if (F.jsonp !== false) { w = w.replace(r, x); if (F.url === w) { if (C) { z = z.replace(r, x) } if (F.data === z) { w += (/\?/.test(w) ? "&" : "?") + F.jsonp + "=" + y } } } F.url = w; F.data = z; ao[y] = function(e) { B = [e] }; D.always(function() { ao[y] = A; if (B && aj.isFunction(A)) { ao[y](B[0]) } }); F.converters["script json"] = function() { if (!B) { aj.error(y + " was not called") } return B[0] }; F.dataTypes[0] = "json"; return "script" } }); aj.ajaxSetup({ accepts: { script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript" }, contents: { script: /javascript|ecmascript/ }, converters: { "text script": function(e) { aj.globalEval(e); return e } } }); aj.ajaxPrefilter("script", function(e) { if (e.cache === an) { e.cache = false } if (e.crossDomain) { e.type = "GET"; e.global = false } }); aj.ajaxTransport("script", function(w) { if (w.crossDomain) { var x, e = al.head || al.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || al.documentElement; return { send: function(z, y) { x = al.createElement("script"); x.async = "async"; if (w.scriptCharset) { x.charset = w.scriptCharset } x.src = w.url; x.onload = x.onreadystatechange = function(B, A) { if (A || !x.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(x.readyState)) { x.onload = x.onreadystatechange = null; if (e && x.parentNode) { e.removeChild(x) } x = an; if (!A) { y(200, "success") } } }; e.insertBefore(x, e.firstChild) }, abort: function() { if (x) { x.onload(0, 1) } } } } }); var aU = ao.ActiveXObject ? function() { for (var e in Z) { Z[e](0, 1) } } : false, v = 0, Z; function aT() { try { return new ao.XMLHttpRequest() } catch (w) {} } function av() { try { return new ao.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (w) {} } aj.ajaxSettings.xhr = ao.ActiveXObject ? function() { return !this.isLocal && aT() || av() } : aT; (function(e) { aj.extend(aj.support, { ajax: !!e, cors: !!e && ("withCredentials" in e) }) })(aj.ajaxSettings.xhr()); if (aj.support.ajax) { aj.ajaxTransport(function(e) { if (!e.crossDomain || aj.support.cors) { var w; return { send: function(C, B) { var A = e.xhr(), z, y; if (e.username) { A.open(e.type, e.url, e.async, e.username, e.password) } else { A.open(e.type, e.url, e.async) } if (e.xhrFields) { for (y in e.xhrFields) { A[y] = e.xhrFields[y] } } if (e.mimeType && A.overrideMimeType) { A.overrideMimeType(e.mimeType) } if (!e.crossDomain && !C["X-Requested-With"]) { C["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest" } try { for (y in C) { A.setRequestHeader(y, C[y]) } } catch (x) {} A.send((e.hasContent && e.data) || null); w = function(L, K) { var J, E, D, H, G; try { if (w && (K || A.readyState === 4)) { w = an; if (z) { A.onreadystatechange = aj.noop; if (aU) { delete Z[z] } } if (K) { if (A.readyState !== 4) { A.abort() } } else { J = A.status; D = A.getAllResponseHeaders(); H = {}; G = A.responseXML; if (G && G.documentElement) { H.xml = G } H.text = A.responseText; try { E = A.statusText } catch (I) { E = "" } if (!J && e.isLocal && !e.crossDomain) { J = H.text ? 200 : 404 } else { if (J === 1223) { J = 204 } } } } } catch (F) { if (!K) { B(-1, F) } } if (H) { B(J, E, H, D) } }; if (!e.async || A.readyState === 4) { w() } else { z = ++v; if (aU) { if (!Z) { Z = {}; aj(ao).unload(aU) } Z[z] = w } A.onreadystatechange = w } }, abort: function() { if (w) { w(0, 1) } } } } }) } var aS = {}, bn, k, aJ = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, a9 = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)([a-z%]*)$/i, bi, aO = [ ["height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom"], ["width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight"], ["opacity"] ], bj; aj.fn.extend({ show: function(w, e, B) { var A, z; if (w || w === 0) { return this.animate(bg("show", 3), w, e, B) } else { for (var y = 0, x = this.length; y < x; y++) { A = this[y]; if (A.style) { z = A.style.display; if (!aj._data(A, "olddisplay") && z === "none") { z = A.style.display = "" } if (z === "" && aj.css(A, "display") === "none") { aj._data(A, "olddisplay", u(A.nodeName)) } } } for (y = 0; y < x; y++) { A = this[y]; if (A.style) { z = A.style.display; if (z === "" || z === "none") { A.style.display = aj._data(A, "olddisplay") || "" } } } return this } }, hide: function(w, e, B) { if (w || w === 0) { return this.animate(bg("hide", 3), w, e, B) } else { var A, z, y = 0, x = this.length; for (; y < x; y++) { A = this[y]; if (A.style) { z = aj.css(A, "display"); if (z !== "none" && !aj._data(A, "olddisplay")) { aj._data(A, "olddisplay", z) } } } for (y = 0; y < x; y++) { if (this[y].style) { this[y].style.display = "none" } } return this } }, _toggle: aj.fn.toggle, fadeTo: function(w, e, y, x) { return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end().animate({ opacity: e }, w, y, x) }, animate: function(e, A, z, y) { var x = aj.speed(A, z, y); if (aj.isEmptyObject(e)) { return this.each(x.complete, [false]) } e = aj.extend({}, e); function w() { if (x.queue === false) { aj._mark(this) } var L = aj.extend({}, x), K = this.nodeType === 1, I = K && aj(this).is(":hidden"), C, F, E, J, H, D, G, M, B; L.animatedProperties = {}; for (E in e) { C = aj.camelCase(E); if (E !== C) { e[C] = e[E]; delete e[E] } F = e[C]; if (aj.isArray(F)) { L.animatedProperties[C] = F[1]; F = e[C] = F[0] } else { L.animatedProperties[C] = L.specialEasing && L.specialEasing[C] || L.easing || "swing" } if (F === "hide" && I || F === "show" && !I) { return L.complete.call(this) } if (K && (C === "height" || C === "width")) { L.overflow = [this.style.overflow, this.style.overflowX, this.style.overflowY]; if (aj.css(this, "display") === "inline" && aj.css(this, "float") === "none") { if (!aj.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout || u(this.nodeName) === "inline") { this.style.display = "inline-block" } else { this.style.zoom = 1 } } } } if (L.overflow != null) { this.style.overflow = "hidden" } for (E in e) { J = new aj.fx(this, L, E); F = e[E]; if (aJ.test(F)) { B = aj._data(this, "toggle" + E) || (F === "toggle" ? I ? "show" : "hide" : 0); if (B) { aj._data(this, "toggle" + E, B === "show" ? "hide" : "show"); J[B]() } else { J[F]() } } else { H = a9.exec(F); D = J.cur(); if (H) { G = parseFloat(H[2]); M = H[3] || (aj.cssNumber[E] ? "" : "px"); if (M !== "px") { aj.style(this, E, (G || 1) + M); D = ((G || 1) / J.cur()) * D; aj.style(this, E, D + M) } if (H[1]) { G = ((H[1] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * G) + D } J.custom(D, G, M) } else { J.custom(D, F, "") } } } return true } return x.queue === false ? this.each(w) : this.queue(x.queue, w) }, stop: function(y, x, w) { if (typeof y !== "string") { w = x; x = y; y = an } if (x && y !== false) { this.queue(y || "fx", []) } return this.each(function() { var z, e = false, B = aj.timers, A = aj._data(this); if (!w) { aj._unmark(true, this) } function C(E, D, F) { var G = D[F]; aj.removeData(E, F, true); G.stop(w) } if (y == null) { for (z in A) { if (A[z].stop && z.indexOf(".run") === z.length - 4) { C(this, A, z) } } } else { if (A[z = y + ".run"] && A[z].stop) { C(this, A, z) } } for (z = B.length; z--;) { if (B[z].elem === this && (y == null || B[z].queue === y)) { if (w) { B[z](true) } else { B[z].saveState() } e = true; B.splice(z, 1) } } if (!(w && e)) { aj.dequeue(this, y) } }) } }); function bu() { setTimeout(aC, 0); return (bj = aj.now()) } function aC() { bj = an } function bg(w, e) { var x = {}; aj.each(aO.concat.apply([], aO.slice(0, e)), function() { x[this] = w }); return x } aj.each({ slideDown: bg("show", 1), slideUp: bg("hide", 1), slideToggle: bg("toggle", 1), fadeIn: { opacity: "show" }, fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" }, fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" } }, function(x, w) { aj.fn[x] = function(y, e, z) { return this.animate(w, y, e, z) } }); aj.extend({ speed: function(w, z, y) { var x = w && typeof w === "object" ? aj.extend({}, w) : { complete: y || !y && z || aj.isFunction(w) && w, duration: w, easing: y && z || z && !aj.isFunction(z) && z }; x.duration = aj.fx.off ? 0 : typeof x.duration === "number" ? x.duration : x.duration in aj.fx.speeds ? aj.fx.speeds[x.duration] : aj.fx.speeds._default; if (x.queue == null || x.queue === true) { x.queue = "fx" } x.old = x.complete; x.complete = function(e) { if (aj.isFunction(x.old)) { x.old.call(this) } if (x.queue) { aj.dequeue(this, x.queue) } else { if (e !== false) { aj._unmark(this) } } }; return x }, easing: { linear: function(x, y, w, e) { return w + e * x }, swing: function(x, y, w, e) { return ((-Math.cos(x * Math.PI) / 2) + 0.5) * e + w } }, timers: [], fx: function(w, e, x) { this.options = e; this.elem = w; this.prop = x; e.orig = e.orig || {} } }); aj.fx.prototype = { update: function() { if (this.options.step) { this.options.step.call(this.elem, this.now, this) }(aj.fx.step[this.prop] || aj.fx.step._default)(this) }, cur: function() { if (this.elem[this.prop] != null && (!this.elem.style || this.elem.style[this.prop] == null)) { return this.elem[this.prop] } var e, w = aj.css(this.elem, this.prop); return isNaN(e = parseFloat(w)) ? !w || w === "auto" ? 0 : w : e }, custom: function(w, B, A) { var z = this, y = aj.fx; this.startTime = bj || bu(); this.end = B; this.now = this.start = w; this.pos = this.state = 0; this.unit = A || this.unit || (aj.cssNumber[this.prop] ? "" : "px"); function x(e) { return z.step(e) } x.queue = this.options.queue; x.elem = this.elem; x.saveState = function() { if (z.options.hide && aj._data(z.elem, "fxshow" + z.prop) === an) { aj._data(z.elem, "fxshow" + z.prop, z.start) } }; if (x() && aj.timers.push(x) && !bi) { bi = setInterval(y.tick, y.interval) } }, show: function() { var e = aj._data(this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop); this.options.orig[this.prop] = e || aj.style(this.elem, this.prop); this.options.show = true; if (e !== an) { this.custom(this.cur(), e) } else { this.custom(this.prop === "width" || this.prop === "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur()) } aj(this.elem).show() }, hide: function() { this.options.orig[this.prop] = aj._data(this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop) || aj.style(this.elem, this.prop); this.options.hide = true; this.custom(this.cur(), 0) }, step: function(C) { var A, B, w, y = bj || bu(), e = true, z = this.elem, x = this.options; if (C || y >= x.duration + this.startTime) { this.now = this.end; this.pos = this.state = 1; this.update(); x.animatedProperties[this.prop] = true; for (A in x.animatedProperties) { if (x.animatedProperties[A] !== true) { e = false } } if (e) { if (x.overflow != null && !aj.support.shrinkWrapBlocks) { aj.each(["", "X", "Y"], function(E, D) { z.style["overflow" + D] = x.overflow[E] }) } if (x.hide) { aj(z).hide() } if (x.hide || x.show) { for (A in x.animatedProperties) { aj.style(z, A, x.orig[A]); aj.removeData(z, "fxshow" + A, true); aj.removeData(z, "toggle" + A, true) } } w = x.complete; if (w) { x.complete = false; w.call(z) } } return false } else { if (x.duration == Infinity) { this.now = y } else { B = y - this.startTime; this.state = B / x.duration; this.pos = juicebox_lib.jQuery.easing[x.animatedProperties[this.prop]](this.state, B, 0, 1, x.duration); this.now = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos) } this.update() } return true } }; aj.extend(aj.fx, { tick: function() { var e, x = aj.timers, w = 0; for (; w < x.length; w++) { e = x[w]; if (!e() && x[w] === e) { x.splice(w--, 1) } } if (!x.length) { aj.fx.stop() } }, interval: 13, stop: function() { clearInterval(bi); bi = null }, speeds: { slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400 }, step: { opacity: function(e) { aj.style(e.elem, "opacity", e.now) }, _default: function(e) { if (e.elem.style && e.elem.style[e.prop] != null) { e.elem.style[e.prop] = e.now + e.unit } else { e.elem[e.prop] = e.now } } } }); aj.each(["width", "height"], function(w, e) { aj.fx.step[e] = function(x) { aj.style(x.elem, e, Math.max(0, x.now)) } }); if (aj.expr && aj.expr.filters) { aj.expr.filters.animated = function(e) { return aj.grep(aj.timers, function(w) { return e === w.elem }).length } } function u(w) { if (!aS[w]) { var e = al.body, x = aj("<" + w + ">").appendTo(e), y = x.css("display"); x.remove(); if (y === "none" || y === "") { if (!bn) { bn = al.createElement("iframe"); bn.frameBorder = bn.width = bn.height = 0 } e.appendChild(bn); if (!k || !bn.createElement) { k = (bn.contentWindow || bn.contentDocument).document; k.write((al.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ? "" : "") + ""); k.close() } x = k.createElement(w); k.body.appendChild(x); y = aj.css(x, "display"); e.removeChild(bn) } aS[w] = y } return aS[w] } var aR = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i, ap = /^(?:body|html)$/i; if ("getBoundingClientRect" in al.documentElement) { aj.fn.offset = function(J) { var I = this[0], B; if (J) { return this.each(function(e) { aj.offset.setOffset(this, J, e) }) } if (!I || !I.ownerDocument) { return null } if (I === I.ownerDocument.body) { return aj.offset.bodyOffset(I) } try { B = I.getBoundingClientRect() } catch (E) {} var G = I.ownerDocument, x = G.documentElement; if (!B || !aj.contains(x, I)) { return B ? { top: B.top, left: B.left } : { top: 0, left: 0 } } var F = G.body, C = aQ(G), A = x.clientTop || F.clientTop || 0, D = x.clientLeft || F.clientLeft || 0, w = C.pageYOffset || aj.support.boxModel && x.scrollTop || F.scrollTop, z = C.pageXOffset || aj.support.boxModel && x.scrollLeft || F.scrollLeft, H = B.top + w - A, y = B.left + z - D; return { top: H, left: y } } } else { aj.fn.offset = function(F) { var E = this[0]; if (F) { return this.each(function(H) { aj.offset.setOffset(this, F, H) }) } if (!E || !E.ownerDocument) { return null } if (E === E.ownerDocument.body) { return aj.offset.bodyOffset(E) } var C, x = E.offsetParent, w = E, G = E.ownerDocument, y = G.documentElement, A = G.body, B = G.defaultView, e = B ? B.getComputedStyle(E, null) : E.currentStyle, D = E.offsetTop, z = E.offsetLeft; while ((E = E.parentNode) && E !== A && E !== y) { if (aj.support.fixedPosition && e.position === "fixed") { break } C = B ? B.getComputedStyle(E, null) : E.currentStyle; D -= E.scrollTop; z -= E.scrollLeft; if (E === x) { D += E.offsetTop; z += E.offsetLeft; if (aj.support.doesNotAddBorder && !(aj.support.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && aR.test(E.nodeName))) { D += parseFloat(C.borderTopWidth) || 0; z += parseFloat(C.borderLeftWidth) || 0 } w = x; x = E.offsetParent } if (aj.support.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && C.overflow !== "visible") { D += parseFloat(C.borderTopWidth) || 0; z += parseFloat(C.borderLeftWidth) || 0 } e = C } if (e.position === "relative" || e.position === "static") { D += A.offsetTop; z += A.offsetLeft } if (aj.support.fixedPosition && e.position === "fixed") { D += Math.max(y.scrollTop, A.scrollTop); z += Math.max(y.scrollLeft, A.scrollLeft) } return { top: D, left: z } } } aj.offset = { bodyOffset: function(w) { var e = w.offsetTop, x = w.offsetLeft; if (aj.support.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset) { e += parseFloat(aj.css(w, "marginTop")) || 0; x += parseFloat(aj.css(w, "marginLeft")) || 0 } return { top: e, left: x } }, setOffset: function(F, E, z) { var D = aj.css(F, "position"); if (D === "static") { F.style.position = "relative" } var B = aj(F), w = B.offset(), e = aj.css(F, "top"), G = aj.css(F, "left"), H = (D === "absolute" || D === "fixed") && aj.inArray("auto", [e, G]) > -1, C = {}, A = {}, x, y; if (H) { A = B.position(); x = A.top; y = A.left } else { x = parseFloat(e) || 0; y = parseFloat(G) || 0 } if (aj.isFunction(E)) { E = E.call(F, z, w) } if (E.top != null) { C.top = (E.top - w.top) + x } if (E.left != null) { C.left = (E.left - w.left) + y } if ("using" in E) { E.using.call(F, C) } else { B.css(C) } } }; aj.fn.extend({ position: function() { if (!this[0]) { return null } var e = this[0], x = this.offsetParent(), y = this.offset(), w = ap.test(x[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : x.offset(); y.top -= parseFloat(aj.css(e, "marginTop")) || 0; y.left -= parseFloat(aj.css(e, "marginLeft")) || 0; w.top += parseFloat(aj.css(x[0], "borderTopWidth")) || 0; w.left += parseFloat(aj.css(x[0], "borderLeftWidth")) || 0; return { top: y.top - w.top, left: y.left - w.left } }, offsetParent: function() { return this.map(function() { var e = this.offsetParent || al.body; while (e && (!ap.test(e.nodeName) && aj.css(e, "position") === "static")) { e = e.offsetParent } return e }) } }); aj.each(["Left", "Top"], function(e, x) { var w = "scroll" + x; aj.fn[w] = function(z) { var y, A; if (z === an) { y = this[0]; if (!y) { return null } A = aQ(y); return A ? ("pageXOffset" in A) ? A[e ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset"] : aj.support.boxModel && A.document.documentElement[w] || A.document.body[w] : y[w] } return this.each(function() { A = aQ(this); if (A) { A.scrollTo(!e ? z : aj(A).scrollLeft(), e ? z : aj(A).scrollTop()) } else { this[w] = z } }) } }); function aQ(e) { return aj.isWindow(e) ? e : e.nodeType === 9 ? e.defaultView || e.parentWindow : false } aj.each(["Height", "Width"], function(e, x) { var w = x.toLowerCase(); aj.fn["inner" + x] = function() { var y = this[0]; return y ? y.style ? parseFloat(aj.css(y, w, "padding")) : this[w]() : null }; aj.fn["outer" + x] = function(z) { var y = this[0]; return y ? y.style ? parseFloat(aj.css(y, w, z ? "margin" : "border")) : this[w]() : null }; aj.fn[w] = function(z) { var D = this[0]; if (!D) { return z == null ? null : this } if (aj.isFunction(z)) { return this.each(function(F) { var E = aj(this); E[w](z.call(this, F, E[w]())) }) } if (aj.isWindow(D)) { var C = D.document.documentElement["client" + x], y = D.document.body; return D.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && C || y && y["client" + x] || C } else { if (D.nodeType === 9) { return Math.max(D.documentElement["client" + x], D.body["scroll" + x], D.documentElement["scroll" + x], D.body["offset" + x], D.documentElement["offset" + x]) } else { if (z === an) { var B = aj.css(D, w), A = parseFloat(B); return aj.isNumeric(A) ? A : B } else { return this.css(w, typeof z === "string" ? z : z + "px") } } } } }); juicebox_lib.jQuery = juicebox_lib.$ = aj })(window); if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") { window.jQuery = juicebox_lib.jQuery } if (typeof $ === "undefined") { window.$ = juicebox_lib.jQuery }(function(r, t, q) { var j = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left", "opacity", "height", "width"], s = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"], n = ["", "-webkit-", "-moz-", "-o-"], v = ["avoidTransforms", "useTranslate3d", "leaveTransforms"], h = /^([+-]=)?([\d+-.]+)(.*)$/, z = /([A-Z])/g, w = { secondary: {}, meta: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 } }, m = "jQe", c = "cubic-bezier(", y = ")", g = false, b = null; var k = document.body || document.documentElement, e = k.style, a = (e.WebkitTransition !== undefined) ? "webkitTransitionEnd" : (e.OTransition !== undefined) ? "oTransitionEnd" : "transitionend", x = e.WebkitTransition !== undefined || e.MozTransition !== undefined || e.OTransition !== undefined || e.transition !== undefined, f = g = ("WebKitCSSMatrix" in window && "m11" in new WebKitCSSMatrix()); if (r.expr && r.expr.filters) { b = r.expr.filters.animated; r.expr.filters.animated = function(C) { return r(C).data("events") && r(C).data("events")[a] ? true : b.call(this, C) } } function i(M, G, D, H) { var J = h.exec(G), E = M.css(D) === "auto" ? 0 : M.css(D), N = typeof E == "string" ? A(E) : E, F = typeof G == "string" ? A(G) : G, L = H === true ? 0 : N, K = M.is(":hidden"), C = M.translation(); if (D == "left") { L = parseInt(N, 10) + C.x } if (D == "right") { L = parseInt(N, 10) + C.x } if (D == "top") { L = parseInt(N, 10) + C.y } if (D == "bottom") { L = parseInt(N, 10) + C.y } if (!J && G == "show") { L = 1; if (K) { M.css({ display: "block", opacity: 0 }) } } else { if (!J && G == "hide") { L = 0 } } if (J) { var I = parseFloat(J[2]); if (J[1]) { I = ((J[1] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * I) + parseInt(L, 10) } return I } else { return L } } function u(C, E, D) { return ((D === true || (g == true && D != false)) && f) ? "translate3d(" + C + "px," + E + "px,0)" : "translate(" + C + "px," + E + "px)" } function l(J, O, H, K, N, D, G, C) { var I = J.data(m) ? !d(J.data(m)) ? J.data(m) : r.extend(true, {}, w) : r.extend(true, {}, w), F = N, M = r.inArray(O, s) > -1; if (M) { var P = I.meta, E = A(J.css(O)) || 0, L = O + "_o"; F = N - E; P[O] = F; P[L] = J.css(O) == "auto" ? 0 + F : E + F || 0; I.meta = P; if (G && F === 0) { F = 0 - P[L]; P[O] = F; P[L] = 0 } } return J.data(m, B(I, O, H, K, F, D, G, C)) } function B(K, J, F, H, I, D, E, C) { K = typeof K === "undefined" ? {} : K; K.secondary = typeof K.secondary === "undefined" ? {} : K.secondary; for (var G = n.length - 1; G >= 0; G--) { if (typeof K[n[G] + "transition-property"] === "undefined") { K[n[G] + "transition-property"] = "" } K[n[G] + "transition-property"] += ", " + ((D === true && E === true) ? n[G] + "transform" : J); K[n[G] + "transition-duration"] = F + "ms"; K[n[G] + "transition-timing-function"] = H; K.secondary[((D === true && E === true) ? n[G] + "transform" : J)] = (D === true && E === true) ? u(K.meta.left, K.meta.top, C) : I } return K } function o(D) { for (var C in D) { if ((C == "width" || C == "height") && (D[C] == "show" || D[C] == "hide" || D[C] == "toggle")) { return true } } return false } function d(D) { for (var C in D) { return false } return true } function A(C) { return parseFloat(C.replace(/px/i, "")) } function p(F, E, C) { var D = r.inArray(F, j) > -1; if ((F == "width" || F == "height") && (E === parseFloat(C.css(F)))) { D = false } return D } r.extend({ toggle3DByDefault: function() { g = !g } }); r.fn.translation = function() { if (!this[0]) { return null } var G = this[0], D = window.getComputedStyle(G, null), H = { x: 0, y: 0 }; for (var F = n.length - 1; F >= 0; F--) { var E = D.getPropertyValue(n[F] + "transform"); if (E && (/matrix/i).test(E)) { var C = E.replace(/^matrix\(/i, "").split(/, |\)$/g); H = { x: parseInt(C[4], 10), y: parseInt(C[5], 10) }; break } } return H }; r.fn.animate = function(D, E, I, K) { D = D || {}; var F = !(typeof D.bottom !== "undefined" || typeof D.right !== "undefined"), J = r.speed(E, I, K), C = this, H = 0, G = function() { H--; if (H === 0) { if (typeof J.complete === "function") { J.complete.apply(C[0], arguments) } } }; if (!x || d(D) || o(D) || J.duration <= 0 || (r.fn.animate.defaults.avoidTransforms === true && D.avoidTransforms !== false)) { return t.apply(this, arguments) } return this[J.queue === true ? "queue" : "each"](function() { var V = r(this), M = r.extend({}, J), R = function() { var ac = {}; for (var Z = n.length - 1; Z >= 0; Z--) { ac[n[Z] + "transition-property"] = "none"; ac[n[Z] + "transition-duration"] = ""; ac[n[Z] + "transition-timing-function"] = "" } V.unbind(a); if (!D.leaveTransforms === true) { var ab = V.data(m) || {}, aa = {}; for (Z = n.length - 1; Z >= 0; Z--) { aa[n[Z] + "transform"] = "" } if (F && typeof ab.meta !== "undefined") { for (var Y = 0, X; X = s[Y]; ++Y) { aa[X] = ab.meta[X + "_o"] + "px" } } V.css(ac).css(aa) } if (D.opacity === "hide") { V.css("display", "none") } V.data(m, null); G.call(V) }, N = { bounce: c + "0.0, 0.35, .5, 1.3" + y, linear: "linear", swing: "ease-in-out", easeOutQuad: c + "0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940" + y, easeInOutQuad: c + "0.455, 0.030, 0.515, 0.955" + y, easeInOutCirc: c + "0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860" + y }, Q = {}, O = N[M.easing || "swing"] ? N[M.easing || "swing"] : M.easing || "swing"; for (var L in D) { if (r.inArray(L, v) === -1) { var S = r.inArray(L, s) > -1, U = i(V, D[L], L, (S && D.avoidTransforms !== true)); if (D.avoidTransforms !== true && p(L, U, V)) { l(V, L, M.duration, O, S && D.avoidTransforms === true ? U + "px" : U, S && D.avoidTransforms !== true, F, D.useTranslate3d === true) } else { Q[L] = D[L] } } } var W = V.data(m) || {}; for (var P = n.length - 1; P >= 0; P--) { if (typeof W[n[P] + "transition-property"] !== "undefined") { W[n[P] + "transition-property"] = W[n[P] + "transition-property"].substr(2) } } V.data(m, W).unbind(a); if (!d(V.data(m)) && !d(V.data(m).secondary)) { H++; V.css(V.data(m)); var T = V.data(m).secondary; setTimeout(function() { V.bind(a, R).css(T) }) } else { M.queue = false } if (!d(Q)) { H++; t.apply(V, [Q, { duration: M.duration, easing: r.easing[M.easing] ? M.easing : (r.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear"), complete: G, queue: M.queue }]) } return true }) }; r.fn.animate.defaults = {}; r.fn.stop = function(F, D, E) { if (!x) { return q.apply(this, [F, D]) } if (F) { this.queue([]) } var G = {}; for (var C = n.length - 1; C >= 0; C--) { G[n[C] + "transition-property"] = "none"; G[n[C] + "transition-duration"] = ""; G[n[C] + "transition-timing-function"] = "" } this.each(function() { var J = r(this), I = window.getComputedStyle(this, null), L = {}, K; if (!d(J.data(m)) && !d(J.data(m).secondary)) { var M = J.data(m); if (D) { L = M.secondary; if (!E && typeof M.meta.left_o !== undefined || typeof M.meta.top_o !== undefined) { L.left = typeof M.meta.left_o !== undefined ? M.meta.left_o : "auto"; L.top = typeof M.meta.top_o !== undefined ? M.meta.top_o : "auto"; for (K = n.length - 1; K >= 0; K--) { L[n[K] + "transform"] = "" } } } else { for (var N in J.data(m).secondary) { N = N.replace(z, "-$1").toLowerCase(); L[N] = I.getPropertyValue(N); if (!E && (/matrix/i).test(L[N])) { var H = L[N].replace(/^matrix\(/i, "").split(/, |\)$/g); L.left = (parseFloat(H[4]) + parseFloat(J.css("left")) + "px") || "auto"; L.top = (parseFloat(H[5]) + parseFloat(J.css("top")) + "px") || "auto"; for (K = n.length - 1; K >= 0; K--) { L[n[K] + "transform"] = "" } } } } J.unbind(a).css(G).css(L).data(m, null) } else { q.apply(J, [F, D]) } }); return this } })(juicebox_lib.jQuery, juicebox_lib.jQuery.fn.animate, juicebox_lib.jQuery.fn.stop); (function(i) { if (!juicebox_lib.jQuery.browser.msie || juicebox_lib.jQuery.browser.version < 10) { return } var k = i.document, o = function(r, t, u) { var q, s = k.createEvent("Event"); s.initEvent(r, true, true); for (q in u) { s[q] = u[q] } t.dispatchEvent(s) }, l = (function() { var t = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1, r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function s(u) { return u >>> 0 } function q(u) { var v = -1, w, x; for (x in u) { w = (String(s(x)) === x && s(x) !== t && r.call(u, x)); if (w && x > v) { v = x } } return v } return function(u) { var v = 0; u = u || {}; u.length = { get: function() { var w = +q(this); return Math.max(v, w + 1) }, set: function(z) { var x = s(z); if (x !== +z) { throw new RangeError() } for (var y = x, w = this.length; y < w; y++) { delete this[y] } v = x } }; u.toString = { value: Array.prototype.join }; return Object.create(Array.prototype, u) } })(), m = { identifiedTouch: { value: function(r) { var q = this.length; while (q--) { if (this[q].identifier === r) { return this[q] } } return undefined } }, item: { value: function(q) { return this[q] } }, _touchIndex: { value: function(r) { var q = this.length; while (q--) { if (this[q].pointerId == r.pointerId) { return q } } return -1 } }, _addAll: { value: function(r) { var q = 0, s = r.length; for (; q < s; q++) { this._add(r[q]) } } }, _add: { value: function(r) { var q = this._touchIndex(r); 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if (b.indexOf("maxthumbrows,") < 0) { if (S) { if (b.indexOf("screenmode,") > -1) { D.maxthumbrows = 1 } } } if (S) { D.showsmallthumbsbutton = true; if (D.usethumbdots && D.maxthumbcolumns <= 1 && D.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase() === "BOTTOM") { D.maxthumbcolumns = 2 } D.thumbhseparation = D.thumbpadding / 2; D.thumbvseparation = D.thumbpadding / 2 } else { D.showthumbsbutton = true; D.maxthumbcolumns = 1000; D.maxthumbrows = 1000; D.showpagingtext = D.showsmallpagingtext; if (b.indexOf("captionbacktopcolor,") < 0) { T = K("rgba(0,0,0,0.3)"); D.captionbacktopcolor = T.color; D.captionbacktopcoloropacity = T.opacity } } if (a.is_side_layout(D)) { if (D.thumbshalign.toUpperCase() != "CENTER") { D.thumbshalign = "CENTER" } } else { if (D.thumbsvalign.toUpperCase() != "CENTER") { D.thumbsvalign = "CENTER" } } if (a.is_in_iframe()) { D.fotomotostoreid = "" } if (a.is_swipable_device() || D.forcetouchmode) { D.buttonbariconhovercolor = ""; D.navbuttoniconhovercolor = ""; if (D.showimagenav.toUpperCase() != "ALWAYS") { D.showimagenav = "NEVER" } } if (D.expandinnewpage === true || (D.expandinnewpage + "").toUpperCase() === "TRUE" || !a.support_real_fullscreen()) { D.usefullscreenexpand = false } } }; 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var E = function(S) { if (!(z.browser.msie && z.browser.version < 9)) { return S } if (("" + S).indexOf("filter") === 0) { return S } var T = z.browser.version < 8 ? 100 : parseInt(100 * S); return "filter:alpha(opacity=" + T + ")" }; var q = function() { return f || u === "048d7e421a02974b54391bc3463ebd52" }; var k = function(ab, W) { if (!ab) { return } ab = M(ab); var X, Y; var V = q(); for (var Z in ab) { X = Z.toLowerCase(); if (typeof D[X] == "undefined") { if (",persistor_param,fullscreen_displaying_mode,parent_gallery,initial_html_css_inline_style,initial_body_css_inline_style,scroll_position,".indexOf("," + X + ",") >= 0) { D[X] = ab[X] } continue } Y = "," + X + ","; if (u === "048d7e421a20974d54321bc3563ebd52") { continue } if (!V && v.indexOf(Y) < 0) { continue } if (L.indexOf(Y) >= 0) { continue } var S = ab[Z]; var aa = (typeof D[X]); if (aa === "string" && (typeof S) != "string") { S += "" } D[X] = n(X, B(S, aa)); var U = R[X] + ""; var T = D[X] + ""; if (U.toLowerCase() == T.toLowerCase() && X != "captionbacktopcolor") { continue } if (!W) { b += X + "," } } N() }; var u = "048d7e421a02974b54391bc3463ebd52"; var B = function(T, S) { switch (S) { case "boolean": if (typeof T == "boolean") { return T } return (T.toLowerCase() == "true" || T.toLowerCase() == "on" || T == "1") ? true : false; case "number": return parseFloat(T); default: return T } }; var G = function() { var S = ""; var W = ",gallerywidth,galleryheight,containerid,maxthumbrows,maxthumbcolumns,"; var V, U; for (var T in D) { V = "," + T + ","; if (L.indexOf(V) >= 0) { continue } if (W.indexOf(V) >= 0) { continue } if (u === "048d7e421a20975d64321bc3563ebd52") { continue } U = (typeof D[T] == "string") ? D[T].replace("#", "_p-s_") : D[T]; S += T + "=" + encodeURI(U) + "&" } return S }; var n = function(S, T) { if (!S || S.toLowerCase() != "emailsubject") { return T } return decodeURIComponent(T) }; var j = function() { var W = window.location.href.split("?"); if (W.length <= 1) { return null } var S = W[1].split("#"); if (S.length <= 0) { return null } var aa = S[0].split("&"); var X = {}; var Z, T, ab, V; var Y; for (var U = 0; U < aa.length; U++) { Z = aa[U].split("="); if (Z.length < 2) { continue } T = Z[0].toLowerCase(); V = Z[1] ? Z[1].replace("_p-s_", "#") : ""; ab = decodeURI(V); Y = typeof D[T]; if (Y == "undefined") { continue } X[T] = n(T, B(ab, Y)) } return X }; var d = function(V) { if (!V) { V = t } var Y = function(ac, ad, ab) { if (ab < 0) { ab = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" } else { ab = "" } document.cookie = ac + "=" + window.escape(ad) + ((ab === "") ? "" : ";expires=" + ab) + ";path=/" }; var W = function(ac) { if (document.cookie.length > 0) { var ad = document.cookie.indexOf(ac + "="); if (ad !== -1) { ad = ad + ac.length + 1; var ab = document.cookie.indexOf(";", ad); if (ab === -1) { ab = document.cookie.length } return window.unescape(document.cookie.substring(ad, ab)) } } return "" }; var U = function() { return V + "svcrntimgi_lf" }; var S = function() { return V + "-sv-config-" }; var Z = function() { return V + "-changed-options-" }; var T = function(ag) { Y(U(), "1", null); var af = b.split(","); var ae = ag.skip ? "," + ag.skip + "," : ""; var ad; for (ad = 0; ad < af.length; ad++) { if (!af[ad]) { continue } if (ae.indexOf("," + af[ad] + ",") >= 0) { continue } Y(S() + af[ad], encodeURI(D[af[ad]])) } var ah = "," + b; var ab = ag.skip.split(","); for (ad = 0; ad < ab.length; ad++) { ah = ah.replace("," + ab[ad] + ",", ",") } for (var ac in ag.config) { if (!ac) { continue } if (ah.indexOf("," + ac + ",") < 0) { ah += ac + "," } D[ac] = ag.config[ac]; Y(S() + ac, encodeURI(D[ac])) } Y(Z(), ah) }; var X = function() { if (!W(U())) { return null } var af = W(Z()); if (!af) { return null } var ad = {}; var ab = af.split(","); for (var ac = 0; ac < ab.length; ac++) { if (!ab[ac]) { continue } var ae = W(S() + ab[ac]); if (!ae) { continue } D[ab[ac]] = B(decodeURI(ae), typeof(D[ab[ac]])); ad[ab[ac]] = D[ab[ac]] } h(); return ad }; var aa = function() { Y(U(), "", -10) }; return { saveConfig: T, loadSavedConfig: X, clearCookie: aa } }; var P = function(S, T, V) { if (window.location.href.indexOf("jbdbgmd=true") > 0 && F) { f = true } k(T, true); k(S); if (D.debugmode || f) { k(j()) } t = V; var U = d(t); if (!a.is_new_expanded_window()) { U.clearCookie(); return null } else { return U.loadSavedConfig() } }; var C = function(ac) { if (!ac) { return null } var T = typeof(ac) == "string" ? JSON.parse(ac) : ac; var ad = {}; var ab = ""; for (var V in T) { var Z = V.toLowerCase(); if (Z == "images") { ab = V; continue } ad[Z] = T[V] } if (!ab || !T[ab]) { return ad } var aa = []; for (var X = 0; X < T[ab].length; X++) { var U = {}; for (var W in T[ab][X]) { var S = W.toLowerCase(); var Y = ""; switch (S) { case "thumburl": Y = "thumburl"; break; case "imageurl": Y = "imageurl"; break; case "largeimageurl": Y = "largeimageurl"; break; case "smallimageurl": Y = "smallimageurl"; break; case "purchaseurl": Y = "purchaseurl"; break; case "linkurl": Y = "linkurl"; break; case "linktarget": Y = "linktarget"; break; case "title": Y = "title"; break; case "caption": Y = "caption"; break; default: break } if (!Y) { continue } U[Y] = T[ab][X][W] } aa.push(U) } ad.images = aa; return ad }; var O = function(V) { if (!V) { return null } var U = {}; var Y, W; var T = (z.browser.msie && V.childNodes.length > 1) ? V.childNodes[1] : V.childNodes[0]; if (!T || !T.attributes) { return null } var X = z(T.attributes); X.each(function(Z, aa) { Y = aa.nodeName.toLowerCase(); W = typeof D[Y]; if (W == "undefined") { return } U[Y] = n(Y, B(aa.value, W)) }); var S = []; z(V).find("image").each(function() { var Z = z(this); var aa = { thumburl: Z.attr("thumbURL"), imageurl: Z.attr("imageURL"), largeimageurl: Z.attr("largeImageURL"), smallimageurl: Z.attr("smallImageURL"), purchaseurl: Z.attr("purchaseURL"), linkurl: Z.attr("linkURL"), linktarget: Z.attr("linkTarget"), title: Z.children("title").text(), caption: Z.children("caption").text() }; S.push(aa) }); U.images = S; return U }; var s = function(T, S) { k(S); k(T); if (D.debugmode || f) { k(j()) } H() }; var l = function() { return D }; var A = function(S) { k(S); if (D.showexpandbutton == false) { D.usefullscreenexpand = false } else { if (D.originalUsefullscreenexpand) { D.usefullscreenexpand = true } } }; return { isp: w == u, init: P, sync_option_with_dependency: A, sync_options: s, convert_xml_2_json: O, convert_2_json_lowercase_keys: C, get_config: l, get_query_string: G, get_cookie_manager: d } }; var jb_glry_dlg_id = "jb-glry-dlg"; var juicebox_gallery_dialog = function(g) { var i, a; var j = function(n) { i = n.jquery; a = i("#" + jb_glry_dlg_id); if (a.length <= 0) { i("body").append(l()); a = i("#" + jb_glry_dlg_id) } }; var l = function() { return "" }; var b = function() { a.hide() }; var m = function() { b(); a.html(""); h(true); d(true) }; var e = function(o, n) { a.fadeOut(o, function() { if (n) { n() } window.setTimeout(function() { a.html("") }, 100) }); h(true); d(true) }; var h = function(n) { if (n) { a.siblings(".jb-status-hiding-4-dlg").show().removeClass("jb-status-hiding-4-dlg") } else { a.siblings(":visible").addClass("jb-status-hiding-4-dlg").hide() } }; var d = function(n) { if (n) { i(".jb-status-hiding-4-dlg").show().removeClass("jb-status-hiding-4-dlg") } else { i(".juicebox-gallery:visible").addClass("jb-status-hiding-4-dlg").hide() } }; var k = function(o, n) { if (o) { h(false) } else { d(false) } if (n) { a.html(n) } a.show() }; var c = function(p, n, o) { if (p) { h(false) } else { d(false) } a.css("opacity", 0).show(); if (o) { o() } if (i.browser && i.browser.msie && i.browser.version < 10) { a.css("opacity", 1).hide().fadeIn(n) } else { a.fadeIn(n) } }; var f = function() { return jb_glry_dlg_id }; j(g); return { initialize: j, hide_dialog: b, cleanup_dialog: m, show_dialog: k, get_id: f, fadein_dialog: c, fadeout_dialog: e } }; var juicebox_sizing_manager = function(g, O, p) { var N = g; var ap = p; var R = O; var y = N("body"); var P = 0; var A = 0; var l = function() { P = N(window).width(); A = N(window).height() }; var E = function() { return null }; var V = function(aq) { var ar = E(); if (!ar) { return { height: aq, registered: false } } return { height: ar.height, registered: true } }; var ac = function(aq) { var ar = E(); if (!ar) { return { width: aq, registered: false } } return { width: ar.width, registered: true } }; function W(ar) { var aq = x(ar, "height"); if (parseInt(aq) === 0) { return 0 } return aq } function k(ar) { var aq = x(ar, "width"); if (parseInt(aq) === 0) { return 0 } return aq } var am = function(au, at) { var aq = Math.max(A, P); var ar = Math.min(A, P); return (au > at) ? aq : ar }; var J = function(ar, at, aq) { if (ar < 3.1) { return 1 } if (ar > 3.1 && ar < 4) { return 0 } if (ar < 4.1 && ar >= 4) { if (aq > at) { return 0 } return ap.is_small_android() ? 58 : 0 } return 0 }; function D(ax, aC, aw, aq, av) { var aB = aC; var ar = true; if (ap.is_in_iframe()) { return { height: N(window).height(), registered: ar } } if (ap.is_iphone() || ap.is_ipad()) { aB = window.innerHeight; if (ap.ios_version() >= 7) { aB++; if (window.innerHeight < window.innerWidth) { aB++ } } } else { if (ap.is_android()) { var ay = N(window); var aA = ay.height(); var au = ay.width(); if (ap.get_android_ver() < 4 && !(at > 3.1 && at < 4)) { aA = screen.height; au = screen.width } else { aA = am(ay.height(), ay.width()) } var az; if (aC > aw) { az = V(aC); aB = az.height + 1 } else { az = ac(aC); aB = az.width } ar = az.registered; if (!ar) { var at = ap.get_android_ver(); if (at >= 4) { if (av) { return { height: parseInt(aB) + 2, registered: ar } } aB = window.innerHeight } else { if (at > 3.1 && at < 4) { if (ay.height() > aA + 10) { aB = ay.height() + (ay.height() > ay.width() ? (aq ? 2 : 50) : 2) } else { if (aA > ay.height()) { aB = ay.height() + (ay.height() > ay.width() ? (aq ? 2 : 0) : 2) } else { aB = aC + (aq ? 54 : 50) } } } else { if (at >= 2.3) { if (aC > aw) { aB = az.height + 5 } else { aB = az.width + 5 } } else { aB = aC + 5 } } } } else { if (ap.get_android_ver() >= 4 && aq) { aB += 5 } } } else { if (ap.is_mobile_ie()) { aB = parseInt(aC) + 1; if (aC < aw) { aB++ } } } } return { height: aB, registered: ar } } var s = true; var H = W(y.attr("style")); var q = (H && parseInt(H) > 0); var i = function(aq) { if (q) { return false } if (aq.galleryheight.indexOf("%") < 0) { return false } if (((s && !L(aq, aq.gallerywidth, aq.galleryheight)) || c(aq)) && !(ap.is_iphone() && j(aq))) { return false } return true }; var a = function() { return false }; var c = function(aq) { return r().heightFound && aq.galleryheight.indexOf("%") > 0 }; var ad = function(aq) { return r().widthFound && aq.galleryheight.indexOf("%") > 0 }; var b = function(ar, aq) { var au = N(window); if (aq || i(ar)) { y.height(D(aq, au.height(), au.width()).height) } if (aq || a(ar)) { var at = au.width(); y.width(at) } }; var I = function() { var ar = parseInt(R.height()); var aq = parseInt(N("body").height()); if (ap.is_android() || ap.is_ipad() || ap.is_iphone()) { return ar >= aq && ar <= aq + 3 || ar <= aq && aq <= ar + 3 } return ar == aq }; var t = function() { var aq = 1; R.parents().each(function(at, av) { var au = av.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (au === "BODY" || !aq) { return } style = N(av).attr("style"); var ar = W(style); if (ar.toLowerCase().indexOf("%") < 0 && parseInt(ar) > 0) { aq = 0; return } if (!ar) { return } if (ar.indexOf("%") > 0) { aq *= (parseInt(ar) / 100) } }); return aq == 1 }; var L = function(ar, at, aq) { if (ap.isEmbeddedMode(N("#" + ar.containerid))) { return false } if (!t()) { return false } if (at === "100%" && aq === "100%") { return true } return false }; var j = function(aq) { if (L(aq, aq.gallerywidth, aq.galleryheight)) { return true } return false }; function x(av, ar) { if (!av || !ar) { return "" } var aq = av.split(";"); var at, ay, ax, aw, au; for (au = 0; au < aq.length; au++) { ay = N.trim(aq[au]); if (!ay) { continue } at = ay.split(":"); if (at.length !== 2) { continue } ax = N.trim(at[0]); aw = N.trim(at[1]); if (!ax) { continue } if (ax.toLowerCase() === ar.toLowerCase()) { return aw } } return "" } var m = false; var ag = 0; var F = 0; var r = function() { if (m) { return { heightFound: ag > 0, widthFound: F > 0, percentHeight: ag, percentWidth: F } } m = true; R.parents().each(function(ar, aw) { if (ag > 0 && F > 0) { return } var av = aw.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (av === "BODY") { return } var au = N(aw).attr("style"); var at = W(au); var aq = k(au); if (!aq && !at) { return } if (at.indexOf("%") > 0 || parseInt(at) > 0) { ag = parseInt(at) } if (aq.indexOf("%") > 0 || parseInt(aq) > 0) { F = parseInt(aq) } }); return { heightFound: ag > 0, widthFound: F > 0, percentHeight: ag, percentWidth: F } }; var n = false; var aj = 0; var u = 0; var Q = function() { if (n) { return { height: aj, parentHeight: u } } aj = R.height(); u = R.parent().height(); n = true; return { height: aj, parentHeight: u } }; var ak = 0; var al = function() { var ar = R.height(); var aq = ak; ak = ar; return { newHeight: ar, oldHeight: aq } }; var M = false; var w = function() { var aq = al(); if (N.browser.msie) { if (N.browser.version < 8) { if (Q().height === 0) { if (aq.newHeight > 0) { return true } } else { if (Q().height === aq.newHeight && aq.newHeight > 110) { return true } } return false } else { if (ap.is_ie8()) { if (R.height() <= 0 && R.parent().height() > 0 && R.parent().height() === Q().parentHeight) { M = true; return true } if (M) { return true } return false } } } return Q().parentHeight > 110 && aq.newHeight > 110 }; var h = function(ar, at, ay, au) { if (at) { if (ap.is_android()) { return window.innerHeight + (ay ? 3 : 2) } var ax = N(window); var aq = ax.height(); var aw = ax.width(); if (!ap.is_ios_mobile_chrome() && (ap.is_ipad() || ap.is_iphone()) && ap.ios_version() >= 7) { aq = window.innerHeight; aw = window.innerWidth } var av = D(at, aq, aw, ay, au); return av.height } return ae(ar, at) }; var ae = function(ar, au) { var aq = parseInt(ar.galleryheight); if (ar.galleryheight.indexOf("%") < 0) { return aq } if (!r().heightFound && w()) { if (ap.is_ie8() && R.height() < 10 && R.parent().height() > 10) { return R.parent().height() } return R.height() } var aw = 1; var at = 0; var av; R.parents().each(function(az, aB) { var aA = aB.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (aA === "BODY") { return } av = N(aB).attr("style"); var ay = W(av); if (ay.toLowerCase().indexOf("%") < 0 && parseInt(ay) > 0) { at = parseInt(ay) } if (!ay || at > 0) { return } if (ay.indexOf("%") > 0) { aw *= (parseInt(ay) / 100) } }); var ax = N(window); if (at === 0) { at = D(au, ax.height(), ax.width()).height } if (!aq) { aq = 100 } aq /= 100; return aw * aq * at }; var ab = function(aq, ar, au) { if (ar) { var at = N(window).width(); if (ap.is_android()) { at = window.innerWidth + (au ? 1 : 0) } return at } return B(aq) }; var B = function(aq) { var aw = parseInt(aq.gallerywidth); if (aq.gallerywidth.indexOf("%") < 0) { return aw } if (!r().widthFound) { return R.width() } var au = 1; var ar = 0; var at; R.parents().each(function(ay, aA) { var az = aA.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (az === "BODY") { return } at = N(aA).attr("style"); var ax = k(at); if (ax.toLowerCase().indexOf("%") < 0 && parseInt(ax) > 0) { ar = parseInt(ax) } if (!ax || ar > 0) { return } if (ax.indexOf("%") > 0) { au *= (parseInt(ax) / 100) } }); var av = N(window); if (ar === 0) { ar = av.width() } if (!aw) { aw = 100 } aw /= 100; return au * aw * ar }; var an = function(at, aw, au, ar) { var ax = z(at, aw, au, false, ar); var av = ap.get_thumb_size(au); var aq = av.height + au.thumbpadding; return ax.rows * aq + au.thumbpadding }; var Z = function(at) { if (!ap.is_large_screen_mode(at)) { return 0 } var ar = at.thumbsposition.toUpperCase(); if (ar != "LEFT" && ar != "RIGHT") { return 0 } var av = ap.get_thumb_size(at); var aq = av.width + at.thumbpadding; var aw = at.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase() != "BOTTOM" ? 128 : 0; var au = at.maxthumbcolumns > 0 ? at.maxthumbcolumns : 1; return aq * au + aw }; var G = function(aq, ar) { if (aq.captionposition.toUpperCase() === "NONE") { return 0 } if (!ar || ar <= 0) { return aq.maxcaptionheight } return aq.maxcaptionheight > ar ? ar : aq.maxcaptionheight }; var v = 30; var f = 13; var Y = 75; var ao = function(aU, aZ, ar, ax, ay, aS, aw, aV, a7) { var a5 = T(aU, aZ, aV); var au = Z(aV); var aq = 2 * a5; if (aq > aU - 60 || aq > aZ - 60) { aq = 0; a5 = 0 } var aE = a5; var aL = a5; var aP = aq; var aI = aq; aP = 2 * aE; aI = 2 * aL; var aD, az, aA, aO, aN, aG, at, aB, aT, aM, a2, a6, aC; var aY = aE, a0 = 0, aR = 0, aF = aL; var a1 = aV.captionposition.toUpperCase(); var aW = aV.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase(); var aQ = aW === "BOTTOM" ? Y : 0; if (aS) { a0 = aV.topareaheight; aR = aU - aI } var a4 = aV.thumbsposition.toUpperCase(); var aH = aV.thumbpadding / 2; var aK = aw + (2 * aH); aD = ((aV.showpagingtext && aQ <= 0) ? aK + (ay ? f + aV.thumbpadding + aH : 15) : aK) + (ay ? 0 : 24) + aQ; if (a4 != "TOP") { aD -= aV.thumbhseparation } var aX = aV.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase(); if (aX === "ABOVE_THUMBS") { if (a4 != "LEFT" && a4 != "RIGHT") { aD += v } } aN = aZ - aD - aY - a0 - aE; var av = aV.captionposition.toUpperCase(); aC = 0; var a9 = G(aV, aZ - aY - a0 - aE); aT = a9; var a8 = false; if (a4 === "TOP") { at = aZ - aE - aN - aH; aA = aY + a0 + aH } else { if (a4 === "LEFT") { a8 = true } else { if (a4 === "RIGHT") { a8 = true } else { at = aY + a0; aA = aZ - aE - aD } } } if (a8) { aA = aY + a0; at = aY + a0; aN = aZ - aY - a0 - aE; aD = aN - (a1 === "BOTTOM" ? aT : 0) } var aJ; if (a1 === "BELOW_IMAGE" || a1 === "BOTTOM") { a2 = aZ - aE - aT } else { if (a1 === "BELOW_THUMBS") { if (a8) { if (aV.thumbsvalign.toUpperCase() === "TOP") { a2 = an((a8 ? au : aU - aI), ah(aV, aD), aV, a7) + (aV.showpagingtext && aQ <= 0 ? f : 0) + aQ } else { a2 = (aD) / 2 + an((a8 ? au : aU - aI), ah(aV, aD), aV, a7) / 2 + (aV.showpagingtext && aQ <= 0 ? f : 0) + aQ } } else { a2 = an((a8 ? au : aU - aI), aD - ah(aV, aD), aV, a7) + (aV.showpagingtext && aQ <= 0 ? f : 0) - parseInt(aV.thumbpadding / 2) + aQ } } else { a2 = aN - aT - a0 } } if (ar && ax) { az = aU - aI; aO = aL; aG = az; aB = aL; if (a8) { az = au; aG = aU - aI - az - aV.thumbhseparation } if (a4 === "LEFT") { aO = aL + aH; aG -= aH; aB = aO + az + aV.thumbhseparation } else { if (a4 === "RIGHT") { az += aV.thumbhseparation; aB = aL; aO = aB + aG } else { if (!a8) { if (a4 === "TOP") { at += aV.thumbvseparation } else { aN -= aV.thumbvseparation } } } } aM = aU - aI; a6 = aL; if (av === "BOTTOM" || (!a8 && a1 === "BELOW_THUMBS" && a4 != "TOP")) { if (a1 === "BELOW_THUMBS") { a6 = 0; aD += aT; if (!a8) { a2 = aD - aT } } else { a2 = aZ - aT - aE } aN -= aT; if (a4 != "TOP") { aA -= aT } if (aA < 0) { aA = 0 } } else { if (av === "BELOW_IMAGE") { aT = aN; aN -= a9; a2 = at; aM = aG; a6 = aB } else { if (a1 === "BELOW_THUMBS") { aT = a9; a6 = 0; if (a8) { aM = az } a6 = 0; if (a4 === "TOP") { aN -= aT; at += aT } if (!a8) { aD += aT } } else { aC = (a4 === "TOP" ? 0 : aD) + aE; aJ = aN - aT; if (aJ > 0) { a2 = at + aJ } else { a2 = at } if (ap.is_captionposition_default(aV)) { aM = aG; a6 = aB } } } } } else { var a3 = aY + a0; aD = aZ - a3; az = aU - aI; aA = aE + a3; aO = aL; aN = aZ - a3 - aE; aT = aV.maxcaptionheight > aN ? aN : aV.maxcaptionheight; aG = aU - aI; at = a3; aB = aL; aM = aU - aI; a6 = aL; if (av === "BOTTOM") { aN -= aT } else { if (av === "BELOW_IMAGE") { aN -= aT; a2 = at } else { aJ = aN - aT; if (aJ > 0) { a2 = at + aJ } else { a2 = at } aC = aE } } } return { top_panel_height: a0, top_panel_width: aR, top_panel_left: aF, top_panel_top: aY, index_panel_height: aD, index_panel_width: az, index_panel_top: aA, index_panel_left: aO, detail_panel_height: aN, detail_panel_width: aG, detail_panel_top: at, detail_panel_left: aB, caption_panel_height: aT, caption_panel_width: aM, caption_panel_left: a6, caption_panel_top: a2, caption_panel_bottom: aC, is_sideway_layout: a8, thumbs_height: aw } }; var T = function(aq, av, au) { var at = Math.min(aq, av); if (au.stagepadding * 2 + 160 > at) { var ar = parseInt((at - 160) / 2); return ar >= 0 ? ar : 0 } return au.stagepadding }; var ai = function(au, aq, at) { var ar = Math.min(au, aq); if (at.imagepadding * 2 + 60 > ar) { if (at.framewidth > 0 && at.framewidth * 2 >= 60) { return parseInt((ar - 60) / 4) } return parseInt((ar - 60) / 2) } return at.imagepadding }; var S = function(au, aq, at) { var av = 10; var ar = Math.min(au, aq); if (at.framewidth * 2 + av > ar) { if (at.imagepadding > 0 && at.imagepadding * 2 >= av) { return parseInt((ar - av) / 4) } return parseInt((ar - av) / 2) } if (2 * at.imagepadding + 2 * at.framewidth + av > ar) { return 0 } return at.framewidth }; var aa = function(ax, aD, aC, aB, at, aE) { var aA, ar, az, aw, av, ay; var aq = aD / aB; var au = ax / aC; if (aD <= 0 || ax <= 0 || aB <= 0 || aC <= 0) { return {} } if (aq >= 1 && au >= 1) { if (!aE) { az = "auto"; aw = "auto"; av = aD; ay = ax; aA = parseInt((ax - aC) / 2); ar = parseInt((aD - aB) / 2) } else { if (aq > au) { az = "auto"; aw = aC; av = aD / au; ay = aC; aA = 0; ar = parseInt((av - aB) / 2) } else { az = aB; aw = "auto"; av = aB; ay = ax / aq; aA = parseInt((ay - aC) / 2); ar = 0 } } } else { if (aq < au) { az = aB; aw = "auto"; av = aB; ay = parseInt(av * ax / aD); ar = 0; aA = parseInt((ay - aC) / 2) } else { aw = aC; az = "auto"; ay = aC; av = parseInt(ay * aD / ax); aA = 0; ar = parseInt((av - aB) / 2) } } var aF = { imageTop: -1 * aA, imageLeft: -1 * ar, imageWidth: az, imageHeight: aw, imageExpectedWidth: av, imageExpectedHeight: ay }; if (at) { at(aF) } else { return aF } return null }; var af = function(au, at, ar, aw, av) { au = parseInt(au); at = parseInt(at); var aq = new Image(); aq.onload = function() { aa(aq.height, aq.width, at, au, aw, av) }; aq.src = ar }; var X = function(at, aq, ay, aw, av) { var au = ay / at; var ar = aw / aq; var ax; if (av === "SCALE") { ax = 0 } else { if (av === "FILL") { ax = 3 } else { if (av === "STRETCH") { ax = 4 } else { if (av === "NONE") { ax = 2 } else { if (au < 1 || ar < 1) { ax = 0 } else { ax = 1 } } } } } switch (ax) { case 0: if (au > ar) { return { width: "auto", height: aw + "px" } } else { return { width: ay + "px", height: "auto" } } case 1: return { width: at + "px", height: aq + "px" }; case 2: return { width: "auto", height: "auto" }; case 3: if (au > ar) { return { width: ay + "px", height: "auto", expectedWidth: ay, expectedHeight: (ay * aq / at) } } else { return { width: "auto", height: aw + "px", expectedWidth: (aw * at / aq), expectedHeight: aw } } case 4: return { width: ay + "px", height: aw + "px" } } return null }; var K = function(ax, aw, av, aq, au, at) { var ar = at ? 0 : 2 * (ai(aw, av, aq) + S(aw, av, aq)); aw -= ar; av -= ar; if (!ax || !ax.width || !ax.height) { return { width: "auto", height: "auto" } } return X(ax.width, ax.height, aw, av, au) }; var o = function(aE, aJ, aq, av, aG, aH) { var aw = K(aE, aJ, aq, av, (aG ? aG : av.imagescalemode.toUpperCase()), aH); var aA = aw.width; var aK = aw.height; var az = aH ? 0 : ai(aJ, aq, av); var aC = aH ? 0 : S(aJ, aq, av); var aL = az + aC; var aB = 2 * aL; if (aA === "auto" && aK === "auto") { aK = aE.height; aA = aE.width } else { if (aA === "auto") { aA = parseInt(aK) * (aE.width / aE.height) } else { if (aK === "auto") { aK = parseInt(aA) * (aE.height / aE.width) } } } aA = parseInt(aA); aK = parseInt(aK); var at = 0; var aD = 0; var au = av.imagehalign.toUpperCase(); var ax = av.imagevalign.toUpperCase(); if (au === "LEFT") { at = 0 } else { if (au === "RIGHT") { at = parseInt(aJ - aA - 2 * aC) - az } else { at = parseInt((aJ - aA) / 2) - aC } } if (ax === "TOP") { aD = 0 } else { if (ax === "BOTTOM") { aD = parseInt(aq - aK - 2 * aC) - az } else { aD = parseInt((aq - aK) / 2) - aC } } var aF = at; var ar = aD; if (at < az) { at = az } if (aD < az) { aD = az } var aI = aJ - aB < parseInt(aA) ? aJ - aB : parseInt(aA); var ay = aq - aB < parseInt(aK) ? aq - aB : parseInt(aK); return { width: parseInt(aA), height: parseInt(aK), left: at, top: aD, frameWidth: aI, frameHeight: ay, unadjtop: ar, unadjleft: aF, parentWidth: aJ, parentHeight: aq } }; var z = function(aq, aD, ar, aw) { if (aD < 0) { aD = 0 } var aA = 0, av = 0; var az; var aC = ap.get_thumb_size(ar); var ay = aC.width + ar.thumbpadding; var aB = aC.height + ar.thumbpadding; var au = ((ap.is_large_screen_mode(ar) || ar.showsmallthumbnav) ? ap.get_nav_btn_size(ar) : 0) + ar.thumbpadding; az = aq - (2 * au); var at = ar.thumbsposition.toUpperCase(); if (at === "LEFT" || at === "RIGHT") { aA = ar.maxthumbcolumns } else { if (aq > 0) { aA = parseInt(az / ay) } } if (aA <= 0) { aA = 1 } if (aA > ar.maxthumbcolumns) { aA = ar.maxthumbcolumns } if (aD > 0) { av = parseInt(aD / aB); if (!ap.is_large_screen_mode(ar) && (aw || ar.forcetouchmode || ar.forcetouchmodereversed)) {} } if (av <= 0 || ar.usethumbdots) { av = 1 } if (av > ar.maxthumbrows) { av = ar.maxthumbrows } var ax = av; return { columns: aA, rows: ax, regularRows: av } }; var ah = function(ar, aq) { var av = ar.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase(); var at = ar.captionposition.toUpperCase(); var au = ap.is_side_layout(ar); if (ar.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase() === "ABOVE_THUMBS" && at != "BELOW_THUMBS" || !ap.is_large_screen_mode(ar)) { aq -= v } if (at === "BELOW_THUMBS") { aq -= G(ar); if (au && av != "BOTTOM") { aq -= G(ar) } } if (ar.showpagingtext && av != "BOTTOM") { aq -= (au ? 2 : 1) * f } if (!ap.is_large_screen_mode(ar)) { aq -= 30 } if (av === "BOTTOM") { aq -= (Y + (au ? 25 : 0)) } aq -= ar.thumbpadding / 2; return aq }; var d = function(av, ar, at, au, aq) { ar = ah(at, ar); return z(av, ar, at, au, aq) }; var C = function(aq) { return parseInt(aq.thumbheight / 3) }; var U = function(aE, aD, aK, ar, aB) { var aq = aK.thumbshalign.toUpperCase(); var av = aK.thumbsvalign.toUpperCase(); var at = ap.get_thumb_size(aK); var aH = aK.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase(); var aA = at.width + aK.thumbpadding; var az = at.height + aK.thumbpadding; var aJ = aB * az + aK.thumbpadding; if (aJ < ap.get_nav_btn_size(aK)) { aJ = ap.get_nav_btn_size(aK) } var ay = ar * aA + aK.thumbpadding; var aI = aK.captionposition.toUpperCase(); var aw = T(R.width(), R.height(), aK); var au = (aI === "BOTTOM" ? aw : 0) + parseInt((aD - aJ) / 2 - (ap.is_side_layout(aK) ? aK.thumbpadding : 0) / 2 + aK.thumbpadding / 2); var aL = 0; var aF = p.get_nav_btn_size(aK); if (aq === "LEFT") { aL = aF } else { if (aq === "RIGHT") { aL = parseInt((aE - ay)) - aF } else { aL = parseInt((aE - ay) / 2) } } if (av === "TOP") { au = 0 } else { if (av === "BOTTOM") { au = (aI === "BOTTOM" ? aw : 0) + parseInt((aD - aJ) - (ap.is_side_layout(aK) ? aK.thumbpadding : 0) / 2 + aK.thumbpadding / 2) - (aH === "BOTTOM" ? aF + C(aK) : 0) } else { au = (aI === "BOTTOM" ? aw : 0) + parseInt((aD - aJ) / 2 - (ap.is_side_layout(aK) ? aK.thumbpadding : 0) / 2 + aK.thumbpadding / 2) } } if (!ap.is_side_layout(aK)) { au = 0 } else { if (au < 0) { au = 0 } } var ax = aK.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase(); var aG = ap.is_large_screen_mode(aK); var aC = false; if (ap.is_side_layout(aK)) { if (!aC) { if (au < 0) { au = 0 } } } else { if (ax === "ABOVE_THUMBS") { au += v } } return { top: au, left: aL, width: ay, height: (aC || !aG) ? "100%" : aJ } }; var e = function(au, av, ar, aq) { if (au.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { return } var at = aq ? aq : N("#" + au.config.containerid); if (ar) { at.height(ar) } if (av) { at.width(av) } }; return { get_gallery_height: h, get_gallery_width: ab, is_fullscreen_mode: j, is_gallery_fully_filled: L, try_set_body_size: b, get_containers_size_and_position: ao, get_stage_padding: T, get_image_padding: ai, get_image_framewidth: S, position_2_fill_image: af, force_height_calculation: c, force_width_calculation: ad, get_initial_size: l, get_initial_win_size: am, get_side_panel_width: Z, suggested_image_size: K, get_image_display_size: o, get_thumb_size_info: d, get_thumbs_show_area_size_info: U, constTitleHeight4AboveThumbs: v, constIndexNavHeight: Y, get_android_additional_height: J, padding_bottom_index_nav: C, trySetContainerSize: e } }; var juicebox_flickr_image_loader = function(e, o, g) { var D = o.get_config(); var h = 50; var p = g; var A = 0; var m = 1; var i = "s"; var d = "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method="; var c = "&api_key=b40dc56c795c0103c6170731e6271e04"; var v = { FLICKR_SEARCH: "flickr.photos.search", FLICKR_INTERESTINGNESS: "flickr.interestingness.getList", FLICKR_SET: "flickr.photosets.getPhotos", FLICKR_GROUP: "flickr.groups.pools.getPhotos", FLICKR_FIND_USER: "flickr.people.findByUsername", FLICKR_PHOTO_INFO: "flickr.photos.getInfo", FLICKR_PEOPLE_FIND: "flickr.people.findByUsername" }; function x(E) { return d + v[E] + c } function t(E) { return x("FLICKR_SEARCH") + (D.flickrtags ? "&tags=" + D.flickrtags : "") + (D.flickruserid ? "&user_id=" + D.flickruserid : "") + "&page=" + m + "&per_page=" + E + "&sort=" + D.flickrsort.toLowerCase() + "&tag_mode=" + D.flickrtagmode.toLowerCase() + (D.flickrextraparams ? "&" + D.flickrextraparams.replace(/,/g, "&") : "") + "&media=photos&extras=url_sq,url_m,url_l,url_o,original_format&format=json&jsoncallback=?" } function r(E) { return x("FLICKR_SET") + "&photoset_id=" + D.flickrsetid + (D.flickrtags ? "&tags=" + D.flickrtags : "") + "&page=" + m + "&per_page=" + E + "&tag_mode=" + D.flickrtagmode.toLowerCase() + "&media=photos&extras=url_sq,url_m,url_l,url_o,original_format&format=json&jsoncallback=?" } function f(E) { return x("FLICKR_GROUP") + "&group_id=" + D.flickrgroupid + (D.flickrtags ? "&tags=" + D.flickrtags : "") + "&page=" + m + "&per_page=" + E + "&tag_mode=" + D.flickrtagmode.toLowerCase() + "&extras=url_sq,url_m,url_l,url_o,original_format&format=json&jsoncallback=?" } function n(E) { return x("FLICKR_INTERESTINGNESS") + "&page=" + m + "&per_page=" + E + "&extras=url_sq, url_m, url_l,url_o,original_format&format=json&jsoncallback=?" } function C() { return x("FLICKR_PEOPLE_FIND") + "&username=" + D.flickrusername + "&format=json&jsoncallback=?" } function q(E) { if (!o.isp) { if (D.flickrtags || D.flickrusername) { return t(E) } else { return n(E) } } if (D.flickrsetid) { return r(E) } else { if (D.flickrgroupid) { return f(E) } else { if (D.flickruserid) { return t(E) } else { if (D.flickrusername) { return t(E) } else { if (D.flickrtags) { return t(E) } else { return n(E) } } } } } } function b(F, E) { return "http" + i + "://www.flickr.com/photos/" + F + "/" + E } function l(G, H, F, E) { return "http" + i + "://farm" + G + ".static.flickr.com/" + H + "/" + E + "_" + F + "_s.jpg" } var j = function(G, I) { var K, H, J; var E = ""; var F = []; if (o.isp) { if (G.photos) { K = G.photos.photo } else { if (G.photoset) { K = G.photoset.photo; E = G.photoset.owner } } } else { K = G.photos.photo } if (!K || K.length == 0) { p("Flickr Images Not Found"); return F } for (H = 0; H < K.length && H < A; H += 1) { J = { flickrPhotoId: K[H].id, thumbURL: l(K[H].farm, K[H].server, K[H].secret, K[H].id), imageFullURL: b(K[H].owner || E, K[H].id), imageURL: b(K[H].owner || E, K[H].id), linkTarget: "_blank", caption: K[H].title || "", description: "", preloadedImage: null, preloaded: false }; if (D.flickrimagesize.toLowerCase() === "original" && K[H].url_o) { J.imageURL = K[H].url_o } else { if ((D.flickrimagesize.toLowerCase() === "large" || D.flickrimagesize.toLowerCase() === "original") && K[H].url_l) { J.imageURL = K[H].url_l } else { J.imageURL = K[H].url_m } } F.push(J); if (typeof(I) === "function") { u(H, K[H].id, I) } } return F }; var y = function(E) { if (!E || !E.photo) { return null } var F = E.photo; return { id: F.id, title: F.title._content, description: F.description._content.replace(/\n/g, "
") } }; var k = function(F) { var E = C(); e.ajax({ url: E, dataType: "json", success: function(G) { if (G.stat === "ok") { D.flickruserid = G.user.id; if (F) { F() } } else { p("Cannot find Flickr User: " + D.flickrusername) } }, error: function() { p("Cannot find Flickr User: " + D.flickrusername) } }) }; var B = function(G, F) { A = (o.isp ? parseInt(D.flickrimagecount) : h); var E = q(A); e.ajax({ url: E, dataType: "json", success: function(H) { if (H.photos) { A = Math.min(H.photos.total, A) } else { if (H.photoset) { A = Math.min(H.photoset.total, A) } } if (H.stat === "ok") { if (G) { G(j(H, F)) } } else { p("Flickr Images Not Found") } }, error: function() { p("Flickr Images Not Found") } }) }; var z = function(E) { return x("FLICKR_PHOTO_INFO") + "&format=json&photo_id=" + E + "&jsoncallback=?" }; var u = function(G, F, H) { if (!D.flickrshowdescription) { return } var E = z(F); e.ajax({ url: E, dataType: "json", success: function(I) { if (I.stat === "ok") { if (H) { H(G, y(I)) } } }, error: function() {} }) }; var s = function(F, E) { if (D.flickrusername) { k(function() { B(F, E) }) } else { B(F, E) } }; var w = function(G, E, F) { if (!D.flickrshowdescription) { return } if (typeof(F) === "function") { u(G, E, F) } }; var a = function(E, F, H) { if (!D.flickrshowdescription) { return } if (typeof(H) !== "function") { return } if (F.to >= E.length) { F.to = E.length - 1 } if (F.from < 0) { F.from = 0 } for (var G = F.from; G <= F.to; G++) { if (E[G].detail_loaded) { continue } w(G, E[G].flickrPhotoId, H) } }; return { get_images: s, load_flickr_images_detail: a } }; var juicebox_gallery_manager = function() { var i = []; var h; var f = -1; var q; var p = function(t, u) { h = t; var s = ""; if (t.image_orders) { s = t.image_orders } if (u) { s = u } if (s && s.length > 0) { q = s.split(",") } }; var g = function(s) { s.position = i.length; s.original_position = i.length; s.loaded = 0; s.thumb_loaded = 0; s.width = null; s.height = null; s.thumb_width = null; s.thumb_height = null; s.order = (q && q[i.length]) ? q[i.length] : parseInt(1000 * Math.random()); i[i.length] = s }; var j = function() { if (!h.randomizeimages) { return "" } var s = ""; for (var u = 0; u < i.length; u++) { for (var t = 0; t < i.length; t++) { if (u == i[t].original_position) { s += (u === 0 ? "" : ",") + i[t].order } } } return s }; var e = function(s) { if (!h.randomizeimages) { return s } for (var t = 0; t < i.length; t++) { if (i[t].original_position == s) { return i[t].position } } return -1 }; var c = function(s) { return i[s] }; var r = function() { return i }; var a = function(s) { s = parseInt(s); if (!h.enablelooping && s >= i.length - 1) { return null } return i[s < i.length - 1 ? s + 1 : 0] }; var n = function(s) { s = parseInt(s); if (!h.enablelooping && s <= 0) { return null } return i[s > 0 ? s - 1 : i.length - 1] }; var o = function(s) { i[s.position] = s }; var b = function(t, s) { return i.slice(t, s) }; var k = function() { i = i.sort(function(u, t) { return u.order - t.order }); for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) { i[s].position = s } }; var d = function() { return i.length }; var m = function() { return f }; var l = function(s) { f = s }; return { add_image: g, length: d, get_range: b, get_image: c, get_images: r, update_image: o, get_previous_image: n, get_next_image: a, sort_images: k, init: p, get_current_position: e, getFirstImageIndex: m, setFirstImageIndex: l, get_image_orders: j } }; var juicebox_gallery_index_panel = function(T, g) { var ax, d, aG, X, aj, an, aO, ay; X = g; var G = T; var aL = 0; var aS = 1; var L = 0, W = 0; var ad = 0; var B = 0; var aa = 86; var av = 86; var R = 96; var az = 96; var x = 5; var s = true; var l = false; var aC = true; var e = "jb-tbn-current"; var af = "jb-tbn-prev"; var al = "jb-tbn-next"; var q = 0; var O = 0; var aF = 0; var N = 0; var o = 0; var a = false; var aD = false; var D = "display:none;"; var I = 11; var f, M; var aQ; var am = 100; var h = am; var ap = function(aT) { f = aT; M = f._; aj = f.config }; var j = function() { var aT = W * L <= X.length() ? W * L : X.length(); if (aT == 0) { aT = h } return aT > X.length() ? X.length() : aT }; var ab = function() { if (B == 0) { B = M("").height() } L = 0; W = 0; var aT = an.get_thumb_size_info(ad, B, aj, l, j()); L = aT.columns; W = aT.rows; if (L * W > X.length() && W > 1) { W = Math.ceil(X.length() / L) } aS = Math.ceil(X.length() / (W * L)) }; var H = function() { return an.get_thumbs_show_area_size_info(ad, B, aj, L, W, M("").height()) }; var aK = function(aU) { if (!aU) { aU = 1 } var aT = (aL + aU) * L * W - 1; if (aT >= X.length()) { aT = X.length() - 1 } if (aT < 0) { aT = 0 } return { from: aL * L * W, to: aT } }; var p = function(aT) { var aU = G.get_thumb_size(aT); aa = aU.width; av = aU.height; x = aT.thumbpadding / 2; R = aa + (2 * x); az = av + (2 * x) }; var ae = function(aV, aT) { ax = aV.jquery; l = aT; d = aV.document_id; aG = aV.container; aj = aV.config; G = aV.utils; an = aV.sizing; aO = aV.finish_draw_event_callback; ay = aV.touch_event_callback; aQ = aV.debug; ad = aV.current_width; B = aV.current_height; p(aj); ab(); u(); aq(); J(); if (G.ship || !aj.usethumbdots || W > 1) { I = 0 } var aU = M(".jb-idx-thumbnail-show-more a"); if (aU.length > 0) { if (f.config.textcolor) { aU.css({ color: f.utils.format_color(f.config.textcolor) }) } if (f.config.textshadowcolor) { aU.css({ "text-shadow": f.utils.get_text_shadow_style(f.config.textshadowcolor, f.config.textshadowcolora, true) }) } if (f.config.galleryfontface) { aU.css("font-family", f.config.galleryfontface) } } }; var u = function() { var aU = f.features.grytitle.getHtml(true); var aT = ""; if (aj.captionposition.toUpperCase() === "BELOW_THUMBS") { aT = f.features.caption.getHtml() } aG.html("
" + aU + (aj.showpagingtext ? "
" : "") + aT) }; var aq = function() { if ((ax.browser.msie || G.is_ie_after_11()) && !G.is_ie_touch()) { return } var aU = function(a3) { if (a3.pointerType && a3.pointerType != "touch") { return } if (a) { return } a3.preventDefault(); N = 0; o = 0; if (!aD) { aD = true; if (G.is_touchable_desktop()) { var a4 = G.getMsPointerXy(a3); O = a4.x; aF = a4.x } else { O = a3.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; aF = a3.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX } } }; var aZ = function(a4) { if (a4.pointerType && a4.pointerType != "touch") { return } if (a || !aD) { return } a4.preventDefault(); var a3; if (G.is_touchable_desktop()) { var a5 = G.getMsPointerXy(a4); a3 = a5.x } else { a3 = a4.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX } N = a3 - O; M("table.jb-idx-thb-container").animate({ left: "+=" + (a3 - aF), avoidTransforms: !aj.use_webkit_transform, useTranslate3d: aj.use_3d_transform }, 0); aF = a3; o = a3 - O }; var a1 = function(a3) { if (aj.autofullscreenexpand) { G.show_real_fullscreen(aj.containerid); if (!G.is_in_real_fullscreen() && !G.is_mobile_ie_after_11()) { if (N > 5 || N < -5) { return } var a4 = 0; if (ax(a3.target).attr("data-position")) { a4 = parseInt(ax(a3.target).attr("data-position")) } else { if (ax(a3.target).parent().attr("data-position")) { a4 = parseInt(ax(a3.target).parent().attr("data-position")) } } f.detail_panel.set_photo_position(a4); f.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(true); f.index_panel.set_visible_flag(false); return } } if (a3.pointerType && a3.pointerType != "touch") { return } if (a || !aD) { aD = false; return } if (f.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { window.setTimeout(function() { aD = false }, 150) } else { aD = false } if (N > 5) { if (r() && !aj.enablelooping) { V(N, function() { P() }) } else { ar(Math.abs(N), null, ad, B) } a3.preventDefault() } else { if (N < -5) { if (aJ() && !aj.enablelooping) { V(N, function() { P() }) } else { k(Math.abs(N), null, ad, B) } a3.preventDefault() } else { if (Math.abs(o) < 5) { if (aj.forcetouchmode) { if (ax(a3.target).attr("data-position") != null) { aO(ax(a3.target).attr("data-position")) } else { if (ax(a3.target).parent().attr("data-position") != null) { aO(ax(a3.target).parent().attr("data-position")) } } } else { if (ax(a3.target).parent().attr("data-position") != null) { if (N <= 5 && N >= -5) { V(N) } aO(ax(a3.target).parent().attr("data-position")) } } } else { if (N <= 5 && N >= -5) { V(N) } } } } }; if (f.utils.is_ie_after_11()) { var aX = "ms"; if (window.navigator.pointerEnabled) { aX = "" } var a0 = document.getElementsByClassName("jb-idx-thumbnail-container"); for (var aV = 0; aV < a0.length; aV++) { var a2 = a0[aV]; a2.addEventListener(aX + "pointerdown", aU, false); a2.addEventListener(aX + "pointermove", aZ, false); a2.addEventListener(aX + "pointerout", a1, false) } } else { if (G.is_touchable_desktop() || G.is_mobile_ie_10()) { var aT = document.getElementsByClassName("jb-idx-thumbnail-container"); for (var aW = 0; aW < aT.length; aW++) { var aY = aT[aW]; aY.addEventListener("touchstart", aU, false); aY.addEventListener("touchmove", aZ, false); aY.addEventListener("touchend", a1, false); aY.addEventListener("gesturestart", aU, false); aY.addEventListener("gesturechange", aZ, false); aY.addEventListener("gestureend", a1, false) } } else { if (!ax.browser.msie) { M(".jb-idx-show-area").bind("touchstart", aU).bind("touchmove", aZ).bind("touchend", a1) } } } if (aj.forcetouchmode && !G.is_touchable_desktop()) { M(" .jb-idx-thumb, .jb-idx-thb-frame").mousedown(function(a4) { if (a4.which !== 1) { return } var a3 = { originalEvent: { touches: [{}] } }; a4.preventDefault(); a3.preventDefault = function() {}; a3.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX = a4.screenX; a3.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY = a4.screenY; ax(this).children(".jb-idx-thb-frame").css(aP()); aU(a3) }).mousemove(function(a4) { if (a4.which !== 1) { aD = false; return } if (!aD) { return } var a3 = { originalEvent: { touches: [{}] } }; a3.preventDefault = function() {}; a3.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX = a4.screenX; a3.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY = a4.screenY; aZ(a3) }).mouseup(function() { if (!aD) { return } var a3 = {}; a3.preventDefault = function() {}; a3.target = this; a1(a3) }).mouseout(function() { if (!aD) { return } var a3 = {}; a3.preventDefault = function() {}; a3.target = this; a1(a3) }) } }; var v = function() { var aU = L * R; var aT = W * az; return { height: aT, width: aU } }; var aw = function(aZ, aY, aU, a5, aT) { var a1 = W * L * aZ; var a2 = W * L * (aZ + 1); var a3; if (X.length() < L) { a3 = X.length() * R } else { a3 = L * R } var aX = G.is_side_layout(aj) || (aj.usethumbdots && W * az < G.get_nav_btn_size(aj)); aY.append("
"); var aW = M(".table_page_" + aZ + (aT ? "." + aT : "") + " .jb-idx-thb-list"); var a4 = ""; var a0 = X.get_range(a1, a2); for (var aV = 0; aV < a0.length; aV++) { a4 = ai(a0[aV], aW, a4) } aW.append(a4) }; var y = function(aT) { if (G.is_earlier_ie()) { return "" } return aT.thumbcornerradius > 0 && aT.thumbcornerradius <= Math.min(aT.thumbwidth, aT.thumbheight) ? "border-radius:" + aT.thumbcornerradius + "px;" : "" }; var aH = function() { if (aj.usethumbdots) { return "width:" + (R) + "px;height:" + (az) + "px;padding:0;margin:" + I + "px 0 0 0;color:" + G.format_color(aj.thumbdotcolor) + ";" } return "overflow:hidden;width:" + (aa) + "px;height:" + (av) + "px;padding:0;margin:" + (I + x) + "px " + parseInt(x) + "px " + x + "px " + parseInt(x) + "px;" + y(aj) }; var i = function(aU, aT) { if (aj.usethumbdots) { return "padding:0;margin:" + x + "px;width:" + (aa) + "px;height:" + (av) + "px;" } return (aT ? "display:none;" : "") + "position:relative;padding:0;left:" + aU.left + "px;top:" + aU.top + "px;width:" + aU.thumb_width + "px;height:" + aU.thumb_height + "px;" }; var J = function() { var aV = aj.thumbpreloading.toUpperCase(); if (aV != "ALL") { return } var aT = X.get_images(); for (var aU = 0; aU < aT.length; aU++) { ah(aT[aU]) } }; var F = function() { return aj.thumbframecolor ? G.format_color(aj.thumbframecolor) : "" }; var C = function(aT) { if (aT) { return (aj.thumbframecolor && aj.thumbselectedframewidth ? "border-color:" + G.format_color(aj.thumbframecolor) + ";" : "") + (G.is_ie8() ? aj.thumbframeopacity + ";" : "") } return (aj.thumbframecolor && aj.thumbframewidth ? "border-color:" + G.format_color(aj.thumbframecolor) + ";" : "") + (G.is_ie8() ? aj.thumbframeopacity + ";" : "") }; var aA = function() { return false }; var c = function(aX) { if (aj.usethumbdots) { return "" } var aT = ax("#" + d + "_thumb_" + aX.position + ".jb-thm-thumb-selected").length > 0 && G.is_large_screen_mode(aj); var aV = aT ? C() : ""; var aW = aT ? aj.thumbselectedframewidth : aj.thumbframewidth; var aY = aT ? aj.thumbselectedframewidth : aj.thumbframewidth; var aU = 0; if (aA() && aY > 0) { aU = 1 } return '
' }; var aM = function() { if (s) { return D } return "" }; var ah = function(aT) { if (aT.isPreloadingThumbnail) { return } aT.isPreloadingThumbnail = true; an.position_2_fill_image(aa, av, aT.thumbURL, function(aV) { aT.thumb_loaded = 1; if (aa === av && aV.imageExpectedWidth === aV.imageExpectedHeight) { aT.thumb_width = aa; aT.thumb_height = av; aT.imageExpectedWidth = av; aT.imageExpectedHeight = av; aT.top = 0; aT.left = 0 } else { aT.thumb_width = aV.imageWidth; aT.thumb_height = aV.imageHeight; aT.imageExpectedWidth = aV.imageExpectedWidth; aT.imageExpectedHeight = aV.imageExpectedHeight; aT.top = aV.imageTop; aT.left = aV.imageLeft } ax("#" + d + "_thumb_" + aT.position).html("" + (aT.title ? aT.title : aT.thumbURL) + "" + c(aT)); var aU = ax("#" + d + "_thumb_" + aT.position + " img"); if (!aU.is(":visible")) { f.utils.fade_in(f.config, aU, 1000 * f.config.fadetime, false, null, "indexpanel") } X.update_image(aT); ax("#" + d + "_thumb_" + aT.position + " img").disableSelection() }, true) }; var aN = function(aT) { return G.get_shadow_style_string(aT.thumbshadowcolor, aT.thumbshadowcolora, aT.thumbshadowblur) }; var ai = function(aV, aU, aT) { if (aj.usethumbdots) { return aT + "
" + ((ax.browser.msie && ax.browser.version < 9) ? "" : "") + "
" } if (aV.thumb_loaded) { return aT + "
" + (aV.title ? aV.title : aV.thumbURL) + "" + c(aV) + "
" } else { aU.append(aT); aU.append("
" + aj.thumb_load_placeholder + "
"); ah(aV); return "" } }; var aI = function() { return (aL <= 0) ? aS - 1 : aL - 1 }; var U = function() { return (aL >= aS - 1) ? 0 : aL + 1 }; var P = function() { aB(aL) }; var au = function(aT) { if (aT < 0 || aT >= aS) { return } S(aT) }; var at = function(aT, aU, aX, aV) { if (aU) { ad = aU } if (aX) { B = aX } ab(); var aW = parseInt(aT / (L * W)); S(aW, aV); w(aT); if (!G.is_large_screen_mode(aj)) { M(".jb-idx-title").show() } }; var A = function() { aB(aI()) }; var Q = function() { aB(U()) }; var w = function(aW) { q = aW; var aV = aa - (2 * aj.thumbselectedframewidth); var a1 = av - (2 * aj.thumbselectedframewidth); var aT = aa - (2 * aj.thumbframewidth); var a0 = av - (2 * aj.thumbframewidth); var aZ = G.format_color(aj.navbuttonbackcolor); if (aj.usethumbdots) { aZ = G.format_color(aj.thumbdotcolor) } M(".jb-idx-thumb").removeClass("jb-thm-thumb-selected").children("div").css({ color: aZ }); var aU = (aA() && aj.thumbframewidth > 0 ? 1 : 0); var aY = (aA() && aj.thumbselectedframewidth > 0 ? 1 : 0); M(".jb-idx-thumb .jb-idx-thb-frame").css({ width: (aT - aU) + "px", height: (a0 - aU) + "px", "border-width": aj.thumbframewidth + aU }); var aX = ax("#" + d + "_thumb_" + aW).addClass("jb-thm-thumb-selected").addClass("jb-thumb-visited").children("div").css({ color: G.format_color(aj.thumbdothovercolor) }); ax("#" + d + "_thumb_" + aW + " .jb-idx-thb-frame").css({ width: aV + "px", height: (a1 - aY) + "px", "border-width": (aj.thumbselectedframewidth + aY) + "px", "border-color": F() }); if (aj.thumbframecolor) { aX.children(".jb-idx-thb-frame").css({ "border-color": G.format_color(aj.thumbframecolor) }) } }; var aP = function() { var aT = (aA() && aj.thumbselectedframewidth > 0 ? 1 : 0); return { height: aj.thumbheight - 2 * aj.thumbselectedframewidth - aT, width: aj.thumbwidth - 2 * aj.thumbselectedframewidth, "border-width": aj.thumbselectedframewidth + aT, "border-color": G.format_color(aj.thumbframecolor) } }; var ak = function() { return H().width + 2 * an.get_stage_padding(M("").width(), M("").height(), aj) + aj.thumbpadding }; var E = -1; var S = function(aW, aU) { M(" .jb-idx-thb-container").remove(); var a3 = M(".jb-idx-show-area"); var aT = H(); a3.css({ top: aT.top, left: aT.left + parseInt(aj.thumbpadding / 2), width: aT.width - parseInt(aj.thumbpadding), height: aT.height }); if (M(".table_page_" + aW).length == 0) { aw(aW, a3, 0, B, e) } var aY = ak(); if (aj.enablelooping || aW < aS - 1) { var a6 = (aW >= aS - 1) ? 0 : aW + 1; aw(a6, a3, +aY, B, al) } if (aj.enablelooping || aW > 0) { var aZ = (aW <= 0) ? aS - 1 : aW - 1; aw(aZ, a3, -aY, B, af) } z(aW); w(q); var a1 = M(" .jb-idx-thumb"); if (!aj.forcetouchmode) { var a9 = function(bb) { var bc = M(".jb-idx-thb-list div.jb-idx-thumb .jb-thm-thumb-image"); bc.stop(true, true).show(); if (!G.is_earlier_ie()) { bc.css({ opacity: 1 }) } aO(bb) }; a1.click(function(bb) { if (aD || a) { return false } s = false; bb.preventDefault(); var bc = parseInt(ax(this).attr("data-position")); if (aj.autofullscreenexpand) { G.show_real_fullscreen(aj.containerid); f.detail_panel.set_photo_position(bc); f.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(true); f.index_panel.set_visible_flag(false); window.setTimeout(function() { if (f.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() != "NEVER") { f.setOverlayFlag(true) } f.features.buttonbar.setPosition(); f.showImage(bc, 0) }, 300); return false } a9(bc); M("").focus(); return false }); if (aj.usethumbdots) { var aX = G.format_color(aj.thumbdothovercolor); var a7 = G.format_color(aj.thumbdotcolor); M(" .jb-idx-thumb .jb-thm-thumb-image").hover(function() { ax(this).css({ color: aX }) }, function() { var bb = a7; if (ax(this).parent(".jb-thm-thumb-selected").length > 0) { bb = aX } ax(this).css({ color: bb }) }) } if (!I) { a1.mousedown(function(bb) { if (bb.preventDefault) { bb.preventDefault() } ax(this).children(".jb-idx-thb-frame").css(aP()) }).bind("touchstart", function() { ax(this).children(".jb-idx-thb-frame").css(aP()) }); ax(".jb-idx-thb-frame").mousedown(function(bb) { if (bb.preventDefault) { bb.preventDefault() } ax(this).css(aP()) }) } if (aj.changeimageonhover) { a1.mouseenter(function() { var bb = ax(this).attr("data-position"); if (E == bb) { return } a9(bb); E = bb }, null) } } else { aq() } if (aj.thumbframecolor) { var a8 = aa - 2 * aj.thumbhoverframewidth; var aV = av - 2 * aj.thumbhoverframewidth; var a0 = aa - 2 * aj.thumbframewidth; var a4 = av - 2 * aj.thumbframewidth; var a2 = G.is_large_screen_mode(aj); var ba = (aA() && aj.thumbhoverframewidth > 0 ? 1 : 0); var a5 = (aA() && aj.thumbframewidth > 0 ? 1 : 0); a1.hover(function() { var bb = ax(this); if (bb.is(".jb-thm-thumb-selected") && a2) { return } bb.children(".jb-idx-thb-frame").css({ width: a8 - ba, height: aV - ba, "border-color": G.format_color(aj.thumbframecolor), "border-width": aj.thumbhoverframewidth + ba }) }, function() { var bb = ax(this); if (bb.is(".jb-thm-thumb-selected") && a2) { return } bb.children(".jb-idx-thb-frame").css({ width: a0 - a5, height: a4 - a5, "border-color": aj.thumbframewidth ? G.format_color(aj.thumbframecolor) : "transparent", "border-width": aj.thumbframewidth + a5 }) }) } M(".jb-classifier-thumb-area").disableSelection(); aL = aW; if (typeof ay == "function") { ay(aU) } }; var aR = function() { var aU = X.length(); if (W * L <= aU) { return { row: W, col: L } } if (L >= aU) { return { row: 1, col: aU } } var aT = (aU % L == 0 ? 0 : 1); return { row: parseInt(aU / L) + aT, col: L } }; var z = function(aZ) { var a0 = H(); var a1 = aR(); var aY = a1.row * (az); var aT = parseInt((B - aY) / 4); if (aT < 30 && aT > 15 && a1.row >= a1.col) { aT -= 10 } if (B < ad && aT > 20 && aT < 26) { aT -= 10 } if (B <= aT || aT < 0) { aT = 0 } var aU = parseInt((ad - (a1.col * R)) / 2 + parseInt(x / 2)); if (aU < 0) { aU = 0 } M(".jb-idx-title").css({ left: aU + "px", top: aT + "px" }); M(".jb-idx-ssm-title-wrapper").css({ width: (a0.width - 2 * aj.thumbpadding) }); var aW = ad / 2 - 18; if (aW < aU) { aW = aU } var aX; if (G.is_large_screen_mode(aj)) { var aV = G.is_side_layout(aj) && aj.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase() === "BOTTOM" && aj.maxthumbcolumns <= 1 ? 0 : aj.thumbpadding; aX = parseInt(a0.top + (G.is_side_layout(aj) ? a0.height : aY) + aV - aj.thumbpadding / 2); if (aj.usethumbdots && aj.showpagingtext) { aX += (G.is_side_layout(aj) ? 25 : -5) } } else { aX = parseInt(a0.top + aY + aj.thumbpadding / 2 + (B - aY > 0 && aj.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase() != "BOTTOM" ? (B - aY) / 2 : 0)) } if (aX <= 0) { aX = 0 } M(".jb-idx-thb-list-page-number").css({ left: aW + "px", top: aX + "px" }).html((aZ + 1) + " " + aj.languagelistall.pgnum + " " + aS); if (aj.textcolor) { M(".jb-idx-title, .jb-idx-thb-list-page-number, .jb-idx-ssm-title-wrapper").css({ color: G.format_color(aj.textcolor) }) } else { if (ax.browser.msie && ax.browser.version < 8) { M(".jb-idx-ssm-title-wrapper").css({ color: "#ffffff" }) } } if (aj.textshadowcolor) { M(".jb-idx-title, .jb-idx-title textarea, .jb-idx-thb-list-page-number").css({ "text-shadow": G.get_text_shadow_style(aj.textshadowcolor, aj.textshadowcolora, true) }) } if (f.config.galleryfontface) { M(".jb-idx-title, .jb-idx-thb-list-page-number, .jb-idx-ssm-title-wrapper").css({ "font-family": f.config.galleryfontface }) } }; var aB = function(aT) { ab(); S(aT) }; var V = function(aU, aT) { if (!aU) { return } var aV = 1000 * aj.smallthumbslidetime; aV = aV * ((400 - aU / 2) / 400); w(q); M("table.jb-idx-thb-container").animate({ left: "+=" + (-aU), avoidTransforms: !aj.use_webkit_transform, useTranslate3d: aj.use_3d_transform }, aV, "", aT) }; var ao = function(aY, aX, a0, aZ, aT) { var aU = -1; if (aZ) { ad = aZ } if (aT) { B = aT } var a1 = function() { a = false; if (aY) { if (aU === U()) { Q() } } else { if (aU === aI()) { A() } } aU = -1; if (typeof a0 == "function") { a0() } }; aU = aY ? U() : aI(); if (typeof(aX) == "undefined") { aX = 0 } if (!a) { a = true; var aV = 1000 * aj.smallthumbslidetime; if (aX > 0) { aV = aV * ((400 - aX / 2) / 400) } var aW = ak(); M("table.jb-idx-thb-container").animate({ left: (aY ? "-=" : "+=") + (aW - aX), avoidTransforms: !aj.use_webkit_transform, useTranslate3d: aj.use_3d_transform }, aV, "easeOutQuart"); window.setTimeout(function() { a1() }, aV) } else { M("table.jb-idx-thb-container").stop(); a1() } }; var k = function(aU, aW, aT, aV) { s = false; ao(true, aU, aW, aT, aV) }; var ar = function(aU, aW, aT, aV) { s = false; ao(false, aU, aW, aT, aV) }; var Z = function() { s = false }; var ac = function(aU, aT, aW, aV) { if (aU) { ad = aU } if (aT) { B = aT } M(".jb-panel-index").css({ width: aU, height: aT, top: aW, left: aV }) }; var n = function() { s = false; a = false }; var aJ = function() { if (aL + 1 >= aS) { return true } return false }; var r = function() { if (aL <= 0) { return true } return false }; var K = function() { return aL }; var Y = function(aT) { if (aT) { M(".jb-idx-title").show(); M(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-thumb-area").show() } else { M(".jb-idx-title").hide(); M(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-thumb-area").hide() } }; var b = function() { var aT = W * az; if (aT < G.get_nav_btn_size(aj)) { aT = G.get_nav_btn_size(aj) } return aT }; var ag = function(aT) { a = true; window.setTimeout(function() { a = false }, aT) }; var t = function(aT) { aC = aT }; var m = function() { return aC }; var aE = function() { return aD }; return { initialize: ae, show_current_page: P, show_prev_page: A, show_next_page: Q, move_to_next_page: k, move_to_prev_page: ar, show_page_4_image_position: at, show_page_by_page_index: au, is_last_page: aJ, is_first_page: r, get_index: K, repaint: n, get_thumblist_size: v, display_gallery_top: Y, get_image_index_range: aK, set_thumbnail_visited: w, get_thumb_height: b, yield_4_transition: ag, synchronize_config: p, get_show_area_position: H, set_visible_flag: t, is_visible: m, setContext: ap, cleanup_initial_load_flag: Z, isInTouchEvent: aE, getCurrentDisplayingThumbCount: j, set_container_size: ac } }; var juicebox_gallery_detail_panel = function(ad) { var ai, a, ar, S, Y, E, ac, k, N, ao, D; var ax; var ah = ad; var az; var ay = null; var at = -1; var x = 0; var V, A; var aw; var al = false; var af = false; var aB = 12; var C = 18; var ap = false; var d, J; var H = false; var W = function(aC) { af = true; ai = aC.jquery; a = aC.document_id; ar = aC.container; ax = aC.caption_container; Y = aC.config; E = aC.utils; ac = aC.sizing; S = aC.glymng; k = aC.before_draw_event_callback; N = aC.finish_draw_event_callback; ao = aC.touch_event_callback; D = aC.caption_complete_callback; aw = 1000 * Y.imagetransitiontime; if (aw <= 0) { aw = 10 } V = aC.current_width; A = aC.current_height; aq(0); az = aC.debug }; var ae = function(aC) { d = aC; J = d._ }; var X = function() { if (!ay) { return 0 } return ay.position }; var v = function() { return ay }; var aq = function(aC) { ay = d.gallery_manager().get_image(aC) }; var t = function(aG, aE) { if (!aG) { aG = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase() } if (aG === "BOTTOM" || aG === "NONE" || aG === "BELOW_THUMBS") { return } if (typeof(D) != "function") { return } var aI = J(".caption_" + aE + " a"); var aC = J(".caption_" + aE + " .jb-caption").height(); if (aI.length > 0 && aC === 0) { aC = 50 } aC = (aC && aI.length > 0 ? aC + 2 * aB : 0); var aD, aH, aF; if (aG === "BELOW_IMAGE" || d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) { aD = S.get_image(aE); if (!aD.loaded) { return } aH = ac.get_image_display_size(aD, V, A, Y); aF = (aH.top + aH.height + ac.get_image_framewidth(V, A, Y)); if (aF > A) { aF = A - ac.get_image_framewidth(V, A, Y) - Y.imagepadding } D(aF - (d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y) ? aC : 0)) } else { D(A - aC) } }; var av = function(aM, aO, aG, aF, aE) { d.index_panel.cleanup_initial_load_flag(); var aQ = at > -1 ? at : ay.position; var aN = -1; if (typeof(aF) != "undefined") { aN = aF } else { if (aM && S.get_next_image(aQ)) { aN = S.get_next_image(aQ).position } else { if (!aM && S.get_previous_image(aQ)) { aN = S.get_previous_image(aQ).position } } } if (aN < 0) { return } var aL; var aV = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase(); if (typeof(aG) === "undefined") { aG = true } if (aV === "NONE" || (",BOTTOM,BELOW_IMAGE,OVERLAY,BELOW_THUMBS,".indexOf("," + aV + ",") < 0 && Y.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() === "NEVER")) { aG = false } var aR = Y.imagetransitiontype.toUpperCase(); var aT = function(aZ) { if (aV === "NONE") { return } if (Y.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() === "NEVER" && aV != "BOTTOM" && aV != "BELOW_THUMBS" && aV != "BELOW_IMAGE") { return } if (!Y.slidecaption && (aG || aV === "BOTTOM" || aV === "BELOW_IMAGE" || aV == "BELOW_THUMBS")) { if (E.is_firefox() && aR == "CROSS_FADE") { J(".jb-cap-frame.jb-status-fading").fadeIn(aZ); ax.fadeIn(aZ) } else { E.fade_in(Y, J(".jb-cap-frame.jb-status-fading"), aZ); E.fade_in(Y, ax, aZ) } M(aV, aN, aZ + 50) } }; var aK = function(a0) { if (aG) { var aZ = a0; if (ai.browser.msie && ai.browser.version >= 7 && ai.browser.version < 8) { aZ = 0 } if (!aZ) { aD.addClass("jb-status-fading").hide() } else { E.fade_out(Y, aD.addClass("jb-status-fading"), aZ, null) } } else { aD.removeClass("jb-status-fading") } }; var aY = 0; var aU = function(aZ) { k(aN); b(aN, aZ, null, aG, true); if (J(".jb-dt-main-image-" + aN).css("opacity") == 0.01) { J(".jb-dt-main-image-" + aN).css("opacity", 1) } if (aY) { window.clearTimeout(aY) } aY = 0; if (aZ) { aY = window.setTimeout(function() { aY = 0; N(aN) }, aZ + 50) } else { N(aN) } aT(aZ); at = -1 }; var aJ = function(a0, a1) { if (aY) { window.clearTimeout(aY) } aY = 0; var aZ = at > -1 ? at : aN; if (!aE) { k(aZ) } b(aZ, 0, null, aG, true); if (!aE && !a1) { N(aZ) } aT(a0); at = -1 }; if (at > -1) { aL = J(" .jb-panel-detail .jb-dt-main-frame, .jb-cap-frame"); aL.stop(false, false); J(".jb-cap-frame.caption_" + aN).stop(false, false); J(".jb-dt-main-image-" + aQ).stop(false, false); if (x) { window.clearTimeout(x); x = 0 } aJ(0, true) } if (typeof(aO) == "undefined") { aO = 0 } at = aN; var aW = 1000 * Y.imagetransitiontime; if (aO > 0) { aW = aW * ((400 - aO / 2) / 400) } var aP = parseInt(V) + parseInt(Y.minimagegap) + (2 * ac.get_stage_padding(J("").width(), J("").height(), Y)); var aI = E.is_in_iframe() && E.is_chrome(); if (aE || !aI) { k(aN) } var aD = J(".jb-cap-frame.caption_" + aQ); aL = J(" .jb-panel-detail .jb-dt-main-frame"); aL.stop(); if (x) { window.clearTimeout(x); x = 0 } var aX = aW / 2; if (d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) { aX = 0 } if (aO > 0 || (E.is_swipable_device() && aF == null)) { q(0); E.clean_up_transition(aL); aL.animate({ left: (aM ? "-=" : "+=") + (aP - aO), avoidTransforms: !Y.use_webkit_transform, useTranslate3d: Y.use_3d_transform }, aW, "easeInOutQuart", function() { aJ(aW / 2) }); aK(aX) } else { if (aR === "NONE" || aE) { aD.hide(); aJ(0) } else { if (aR === "CROSS_FADE") { var aH = ay; ay = S.get_image(aN); aL = J(".jb-dt-main-image-" + aQ); if (aH.width != ay.width || aH.height != ay.height) { var aC = J(".jcbx-glry-classic").css("background-color"); aL.css({ "background-color": aC }) } if (ay.loaded) { ar.append(au(ay, 0, true, false, 1, true)); ax.append(e(ay, ax.width(), ax.height(), 0, false, 500)); if (juicebox_instance_count > 0 && d.features.autoplay.isPlaying()) { aL.fadeOut(aW) } else { E.fade_out(Y, aL, aW, null, "images") } x = window.setTimeout(function() { var aZ = at > -1 ? at : aN; if (aI) { k(aZ) } b(aZ, 0, null, aG, true); N(aZ); aT(aW / 2); x = 0 }, aW + 100); aK(aW) } else { aJ(aW / 2) } } else { if (aR === "FADE" || ((aF || aF === 0) && aR != "FADE" && aR != "CROSS_FADE" && aR != "NONE")) { q(aW / 2); if (aL.length > 0) { if (juicebox_instance_count > 1 && d.features.autoplay.isPlaying()) { var aS = function() { aL.fadeOut(aW / 2, function() { aU(aW / 2) }) }; window.setTimeout(function() { aS() }, 100 + 100 * d.instance_id) } else { E.stop_fading("images"); E.fade_out(Y, aL, aW / 2, function() { aU(aW / 2) }, "images", true) } aK(aW / 2) } else { if (aF || aF === 0) { x = window.setTimeout(function() { x = 0; aU(aW / 2) }, aW / 2) } } aK(aW / 2) } else { q(0); E.clean_up_transition(aL); aL.animate({ left: (aM ? "-=" : "+=") + (aP - aO), avoidTransforms: !Y.use_webkit_transform, useTranslate3d: Y.use_3d_transform }, aW, (E.is_earlier_ie() ? "easeOutQuart" : "easeInOutQuart"), function() { aJ(aW / 2) }); aK(aX) } } } } }; var aA = function(aD, aC) { av(true, aD, aC) }; var Q = function(aE) { if (!aE) { return } var aC = 1000 * Y.imagetransitiontime; aC = aC * ((400 - aE / 2) / 400); var aD; aD = J(" .jb-panel-detail .jb-dt-main-frame"); aD.stop(); E.clean_up_transition(aD); aD.animate({ left: "+=" + (-aE), avoidTransforms: !Y.use_webkit_transform, useTranslate3d: Y.use_3d_transform }, aC, "", null) }; var G = function(aD, aC) { av(false, aD, aC) }; var r = function() { if (Y.textcolor) { J(".jb-cap-frame a").css({ color: E.format_color(Y.textcolor) }) } if (Y.textshadowcolor) { J(".jb-cap-frame a").css({ "text-shadow": E.get_text_shadow_style(Y.textshadowcolor, Y.textshadowcolora, true) }) } }; var U = function(aD, aC, aF, aE) { if (aD) { V = aD } if (aC) { A = aC } J(".jb-panel-detail").css({ width: aD, height: aC, top: aF, left: aE }) }; var b = function(aV, aU, aL, aR, aC, aO, aJ) { if (aO) { V = aO } if (aJ) { A = aJ } if (aO || aJ) { J(".jb-dt-main-frame").css({ width: V, height: A }) } if (typeof(aR) === "undefined") { aR = true } var aS = parseInt(V) + parseInt(Y.minimagegap) + (2 * ac.get_stage_padding(J("").width(), J("").height(), Y)); ay = S.get_image(aV); at = -1; var aK = J(".jb-panel-detail"); if (aK.length > 0 && !aK.is(":visible")) { aK.show() } var aE = S.get_image(aV); var aN = S.get_previous_image(aV); var aQ = S.get_next_image(aV); var aG = aU > 0; var aT = Y.imagetransitiontype.toUpperCase(); if (aT != "FADE" && aT != "CROSS_FADE" && aT != "NONE" && S.length() > 2) { ar.children(":not(.jb-dt-main-image-" + aV + ")").remove() } else { ar.children().remove() } var aF = ar.children(".jb-dt-main-image-" + aV); if (aF.length <= 0) { ar.append(au(aE, 0, true, aG)); aF = ar.children(".jb-dt-main-image-" + (aE ? aE.position : "")) } else { aF.css({ left: 0 }) } if (aE.loaded && (Y.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() === "IMAGE" || Y.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() === "OVERLAY_IMAGE")) { var aI = ac.get_image_display_size(aE, V, A, Y); O(aI, aw / 2) } if (aN) { aF.before(au(aN, -aS, false, false)) } if (aQ) { aF.after(au(aQ, aS, false, false)) } if (!aF.is(":visible")) { if (!ai.browser.msie || ai.browser.version >= 10) { aF.show().css({ opacity: 0.01 }) } E.fade_in(Y, aF, aU, false, null, "captions") } else { if (aU) { if (aF.css("opacity") < 1) { if (!ai.browser.msie || ai.browser.version >= 10) { aF.show().css({ opacity: 0.01 }) } E.fade_in(Y, aF, aU, false, null, "captions") } } else { aF.css({ opacity: 1 }) } } var aW = ax.width(); var aD = ax.height(); if (aR === true) { if (aG || aC) { if (ai.browser.msie || E.is_firefox3()) { ax.hide() } else { E.fade_out(Y, ax, 0) } } else { if (ay.loaded) { E.fade_in(Y, ax, 0) } } } else { ax.hide() } Z(aE); var aP = aW + parseInt(Y.minimagegap) + ac.get_side_panel_width(Y); ax.html(e(aN, aW, aD, -aP, aR) + e(aE, aW, aD, 0, aR) + e(aQ, aW, aD, aP, aR)); t("", aE.position); r(); if (Y.captionbackcolor) { J(".jb-caption").css({ "background-color": E.format_color(Y.captionbackcolor) }) } if (Y.captionbacktopcolor) { var aM = E.format_color(Y.captionbacktopcolor); var aH = E.format_color(Y.captionbackcolor); if (!aH) { aH = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" } J(".jb-caption").css({ background: "linear-gradient(180deg, " + aM + ", " + aH + ")" }) } if (aU > 0) { E.stop_fading("images"); E.fade_in(Y, J(".jb-dt-main-image-" + aE.position), aU, false, aL, "images", true); if (aR) { E.fade_in(Y, ax, aU, false, null, "captions") } } else { if (aR && !aC) { ax.show() } } }; var l = function(aD, aC) { E.fade_out(Y, J(".jb-dt-main-image-" + ay.position), aD, aC); E.fade_out(Y, ax, aD) }; var F = function(aC) { if (aC >= S.length()) { aC = S.length() - 1 } if (aC < 0) { return 0 } return aC }; var n = function(aD, aF) { var aC = S.get_range(F(aD), F(aF)); for (var aE = 0; aE < aC.length; aE++) { R(aC[aE]) } }; var Z = function(aF) { if (!aF.loaded) { return } var aD = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase(); if (!d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) { if (aD === "BELOW_THUMBS") { return } if (aD === "BELOW_IMAGE") { ax.css({ overflow: "visible" }) } return } var aE = ac.get_image_display_size(aF, V, A, Y); var aG = aE.top + aE.frameHeight - Y.maxcaptionheight + Y.framewidth; if (aG < 0) { aG = 0 } var aH = parseInt(ar.css("top")); aG += aH; var aC = parseInt(J("").height()) - aH - aE.top - aE.frameHeight - Y.framewidth; ax.css({ top: aG, bottom: aC, overflow: "hidden" }) }; var ab = function(aD, aC) { if (!aD) { aD = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase() } if (aD != "BELOW_THUMBS" || !E.is_side_layout(Y)) { return C } var aF = ah.get_show_area_position(); var aE = aF.left + Y.thumbpadding - (aC ? 72 : 0); if (aE < C) { aE = C } return aE }; var B = function(aH) { var aF = J(".caption_" + aH.position + " .jb-caption").height(), aC; var aE = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase(); var aD = 140; if (!d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) { aC = aD } else { if (aH.loaded) { if (!i(aH)) { aC = 0; aF = 0 } else { var aG = ac.get_image_display_size(aH, V, A, Y); aC = aG.width; aF = aG.height } } else { return null } } if (aC < 100 || aF < J(".caption_" + aH.position + " .jb-caption").height()) { return { display: "none" } } else { if (aC < aD) { return { display: "block", padding: "0" } } else { return { display: i(aH) ? "block" : "none", "padding-top": aB + "px", "padding-right": ab(aE, true) + "px", "padding-left": ab(aE) + "px", "padding-bottom": (aa() ? aB : (aB + 18)) + "px" } } } }; var h = function(aF) { var aE = B(aF); if (!aE) { return "" } var aC = ""; for (var aD in aE) { if (!aD) { continue } aC += aD + ":" + aE[aD] + ";" } return aC }; var am = function(aH, aD) { if (!aH) { return } var aE = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase(); if (aE !== "BELOW_IMAGE" && !d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) { return } var aF = parseInt(ax.width()) + parseInt(Y.minimagegap) + ac.get_side_panel_width(Y); var aG = (aH.position - ay.position) * aF; var aC = B(aH); if (aC) { J(".caption_" + aH.position + " .jb-caption").css(aC) } J(".jb-cap-frame.caption_" + aH.position).attr("style", T(aH, ax.width(), ax.height(), aG, aD)) }; var y = function() { var aC = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase(); return (aC != "BELOW_IMAGE" && aC != "BOTTOM") ? false : true }; var T = function(aE, aM, aH, aD, aK) { var aF = y(); var aN = "position:absolute;"; var aO, aG; var aJ = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase(); var aC = Y.imagetransitiontype.toUpperCase(); if (aC === "CROSS_FADE" && !aK && aE.loaded) { aN += (ai.browser.msie || E.is_firefox3()) ? "display:none;" : "opacity:0;" } if (aJ === "BELOW_IMAGE" || d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) { if (!aE.loaded) { aO = (d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) ? "" : "top:" + (aH - Y.maxcaptionheight > 0 ? aH - Y.maxcaptionheight : 0) + "px;"; return aN + (aF ? "height:100%;" : "") + "width:100%;left:" + aD + "px;display:none;" + aO } } else { if ((!d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y) && !aF) || !aE.loaded || aJ === "BOTTOM") { return aN + (aF ? "height:100%;" : "") + "width:" + aM + "px;left:" + aD + "px;" } } var aL = ac.get_image_display_size(aE, V, A, Y); var aI = ac.get_image_framewidth(V, A, Y); if (d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) { aO = Y.imagecornerradius > 0 ? L(Y) : ""; aG = "width:" + (aL.frameWidth) + "px;"; aD += aI } else { aO = "top:" + (aL.top + aL.frameHeight + 2 * aI + ac.get_image_padding(V, A, Y)) + "px;"; aG = "width:" + (aL.frameWidth + 2 * aI) + "px;" } return aN + aG + "height:100%;padding:0;margin:0;left:" + (aL.left + aD) + "px;" + aO }; var m = 0; var M = function(aE, aD, aC) { if (aE === "BOTTOM" || aE === "BELOW_IMAGE" || d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y) || aE === "NONE") { return } if (m) { window.clearTimeout(m); m = 0 } m = window.setTimeout(function() { m = 0; t(aE, aD) }, aC) }; var c = function(aC) { if (!aC) { aC = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase() } if (d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y)) { if (d.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() === "NEVER") { return false } if (d.config.showinfobutton && !d.features.showinfo.visible()) { return false } } if (d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y) || aC === "BELOW_IMAGE" || aC == "BELOW_THUMBS") { return true } return false }; var aj = function(aE, aD, aC) { if (!aE.loaded) { return } Z(aE); am(aE, aC); if (!aC) { if (!c()) { return } if (!ax.is(":visible")) { ax.show() } E.fade_in(Y, J(".jb-cap-frame.caption_" + aE.position), aD, true); M("", aE.position, aD) } else { if (ai.browser.msie && ai.browser.version >= 10 && ax.is(":visible")) { ax.css({ opacity: 1 }) } } }; var R = function(aD, aE) { if (aD.isPreloading || aD.loaded) { return } var aC = new Image(); aD.isPreloading = true; aC.onload = function() { aD.loaded = true; aD.width = aC.width; aD.height = aC.height; S.update_image(aD); var aG = J(".jb-panel-detail .jb-dt-main-image-" + aD.position); if (aG.length > 0) { var aF = function() { aG.html(ak(aD, aE, false)); var aH = J(".jb-panel-detail .jb-dt-main-image-" + aD.position + " img"); aH.disableSelection(); if (ay.position === aD.position) { aG.hide(); window.setTimeout(function() { E.fade_in(Y, aG, aw); if (ai.browser.msie && ai.browser.version >= 10) { window.setTimeout(function() { aj(aD, aw, true); S.setFirstImageIndex(-1) }, aw / 2) } else { var aI = false; if (S.getFirstImageIndex() === aD.position) { aI = true } aj(aD, aw, aI); S.setFirstImageIndex(-1) } }, 50) } }; if (E.is_swipable_device()) { window.setTimeout(aF, 100) } else { aF() } } }; aC.src = aD.imageURL }; var au = function(aE, aD, aC, aG, aK, aH) { if (!aE) { return "" } var aI = ""; var aF = Y.imagetransitiontype.toUpperCase(); if (aD === 0 && (aF === "CROSS_FADE" || aF === "FADE")) { if (!aK) { aK = 2 } aI = "z-index:" + aK + ";" } var aJ = Y.showpreloader ? "
" : ""; if (aE.loaded) { aJ = ak(aE, aC, false, aH) } else { R(aE, aC) } return "
" + aJ + "
" }; var z = function(aC) { if (!aC) { return "" } if (ai.browser.msie || E.is_firefox3()) { return "display:none;" } return "opacity:0;" }; var i = function(aD) { if (!aD) { return "" } var aK = d.config.galleryfontface ? "font-family:" + d.config.galleryfontface + ";" : ""; var aL, aH, aI = ""; if (Y.useflickr) { aL = Y.flickrshowtitle ? aD.caption : ""; aH = (Y.flickrshowdescription && aD.description) ? aD.description : ""; aI = Y.flickrshowpagelink ? '" : "" } else { aL = aD.title ? aD.title : ""; aH = aD.caption ? aD.caption : "" } var aC = Y.captionhalign.toUpperCase(); var aE = ""; if (aC === "CENTER") { aE = "text-align:center;" } else { if (aC === "RIGHT") { aE = "text-align:right;" } } var aJ = ai.trim(aL) ? '
' + aL + " 
" : ""; var aF = ai.trim(aH) ? '
' + aH + "
" : ""; var aG = Y.showimagenumber ? '
' + (aD.position + 1) + " / " + S.length() + "
" : ""; return aG + aJ + aF + aI }; var aa = function() { return (E.ship || !al) }; var an = function() { if (!Y.textshadowcolor) { return "" } return "text-shadow:" + E.get_text_shadow_style(Y.textshadowcolor, Y.textshadowcolora, true) + ";" }; var P = function() { if (!Y.textcolor) { return "" } return "color:" + E.format_color(Y.textcolor) + ";" }; var e = function(aE, aI, aF, aD, aC, aN) { if (!aE) { return "" } if (!aN) { aN = 1000 } var aJ = i(aE); var aL = Y.maxcaptionheight - (2 * aB); if (!aa()) { aL -= 18 } if (aL <= 0) { aL = Y.maxcaptionheight > aF ? aF : Y.maxcaptionheight } var aM = "
" + aJ + "
"; var aG = Y.captionposition.toUpperCase(); var aH = true; if (aG === "NONE" || aG === "BELOW_IMAGE" || d.utils.is_captionposition_default(Y) || !aC || aD != 0) { aH = false } var aK = " class='jb-cap-frame caption_" + aE.position + "' style='" + (aJ ? T(aE, aI, aF, aD, aC) : (aH ? "" : "display:none;")) + "'"; if (y()) { return "" + aM + "" } else { return "" + aM + "" } }; var j = function(aD) { if (E.ship) { return } al = aD; var aC = Y.maxcaptionheight - (2 * aB); if (!aa()) { aC -= 18 } if (aC <= 0) { aC = Y.maxcaptionheight > ax.height() ? ax.height() : Y.maxcaptionheight } var aF = aD ? aB + 18 : aB; var aE = aD ? "20px" : ""; J(".jb-cap-frame .jb-caption").css({ "padding-bottom": aF, "max-height": aC }); J(".jb-cap-frame .jbac-number").css({ "padding-bottom": aE }) }; var K = function(aC) { if (aC.position != X()) { return } s(aC); r() }; var p = function(aC) { if (E.is_earlier_ie()) { return "" } if (E.is_small_android() || E.is_iphone()) { return "-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px " + aC.imageshadowblur + "px " + E.format_color(aC.imageshadowcolora) + ";" } return "box-shadow: 0px 0px " + aC.imageshadowblur + "px " + E.format_color(aC.imageshadowcolora) + ";" }; var u = function(aC, aE) { if (E.is_earlier_ie()) { return "" } var aD = aC.imagecornerradius; if (aE) { aD = ag(aC) } return aD > 0 ? "border-radius:" + aD + "px;" : "" }; var ag = function(aD) { var aC = aD.imagecornerradius; if (aD.framewidth && aD.imagecornerradius) { aC = aD.imagecornerradius - aD.framewidth } if (aC < 0) { aC = 0 } return aC }; var L = function(aC) { if (E.is_earlier_ie()) { return "" } return aC.imagecornerradius > 0 ? "border-bottom-left-radius:" + ag(aC) + "px;border-bottom-right-radius:" + ag(aC) + "px;" : "" }; var ak = function(aE, aD, aN, aJ) { if (!aE) { return "" } var aH = ac.get_image_display_size(aE, V, A, Y); var aC = ac.suggested_image_size(aE, V, A, Y, Y.imagescalemode.toUpperCase()); var aM = ""; var aK = false; var aI = 0; var aL = 0; if (aC.height === "auto" && aH.frameHeight < aH.height) { aI = "-" + parseInt((aH.height - aH.frameHeight) / 2) + "px"; aK = true } if (aC.width === "auto" && aH.frameWidth < aH.width) { aL = "-" + parseInt((aH.width - aH.frameWidth) / 2) + "px"; aK = true } if (E.is_adobe_air() && Y.imagescalemode.toUpperCase() === "FILL") { aC.height = aC.expectedHeight + "px"; aC.width = aC.expectedWidth + "px" } var aG = "
" + (aE.title ? aE.title : aE.imageURL) + "
"; var aF = ac.get_image_framewidth(V, A, Y); if (aF) { aG = aG.replace("border:none;", "border-style:solid;border-width:" + aF + "px;") } if (aE.position === ay.position) { if (aJ) { q(aw / 2) } else { O(aH, aw / 2) } } if (aK) { return aG.replace("${0}$", "display:inline;position:relative;top:" + aI + ";left:" + aL + ";") } return aG.replace("${0}$", "") }; var I = function() { return H }; var q = function(aC) { if (d.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() === "IMAGE") { var aD = (d.config.showimagenav.toUpperCase() === "NEVER") ? true : false; if (d.canImageMove() && !aD) { E.fade_out(Y, J(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-left-button"), aC) } if (d.canImageMove(true) && !aD) { E.fade_out(Y, J(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-right-button"), aC) } } if (d.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() === "OVERLAY_IMAGE") { if ((!d.config.showinfobutton || (d.config.showinfobutton && d.features.showinfo.visible())) && d.detail_panel.is_visible()) { E.fade_out(Y, J(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area, .jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area .jb-bb-bar"), aC) } } }; var O = function(aL, aI) { if (d.detail_panel.is_visible()) { H = true } if (d.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() != "IMAGE" && d.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() != "OVERLAY_IMAGE") { return } var aP = ac.get_containers_size_and_position(d.glryWidth(), d.glryHeight(), d.index_panel.is_visible(), d.detail_panel.is_visible(), d.config_manager.isp, d.features.toppanel.isNeeded(), d.index_panel.get_thumb_height(), d.config, d.index_panel.getCurrentDisplayingThumbCount()); var aQ = aP.detail_panel_top; var aM = ac.get_stage_padding(d.glryWidth(), d.glryHeight(), d.config); var aJ = parseInt(d.config.imagenavpadding); if (aJ <= 0) { aJ = 0 } var aO = aL.top + (Math.min(aL.parentHeight, aL.height) / 2) - J(".jbn-nav-button").height() / 2 + d.config.framewidth; var aE = aL.left + aJ + d.config.framewidth; var aN = aL.parentWidth - (aL.left + aL.width + d.config.framewidth) + aJ; if (aN < aJ + d.config.framewidth) { aN = aJ + d.config.framewidth } if (d.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() === "IMAGE") { var aC = (d.config.showimagenav.toUpperCase() === "ALWAYS") ? true : false; J(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-left-touch-area .jbn-nav-button").css({ left: aE, top: aO }); J(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-right-touch-area .jbn-nav-button").css({ right: aN, top: aO }); if (d.canImageMove() && aC) { E.fade_in(Y, J(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-left-button"), aI) } if (d.canImageMove(true) && aC) { E.fade_in(Y, J(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-right-button"), aI) } } if (d.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() === "OVERLAY_IMAGE") { var aR = parseInt(d.config.imagecornerradius / 4); var aG = aQ + aL.top + d.config.framewidth + aJ + aR; var aH = d.config.buttonbarhalign.toUpperCase(); var aD = d.features.buttonbar.getButtonbarWidth(); var aK = false; if (aL.width - aD < aJ) { aK = true } if (aH === "LEFT") { J(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area").css({ left: aE + aR + aP.detail_panel_left - 10, top: aG, width: aK ? aL.width - aJ : "auto" }) } else { if (aH === "CENTER") { aD = d.features.buttonbar.getButtonbarWidth(); var aF = parseInt((aL.width - aD) / 2 + aL.left + aM + d.config.framewidth); aF -= 10; J(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area").css({ left: aF + aP.detail_panel_left - aM, top: aG }) } else { aN -= 10; J(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area").css({ right: aN + aR + aM + (d.config.thumbsposition.toUpperCase() === "RIGHT" ? (d.glryWidth() - aP.index_panel_left) : 0), top: aG, width: aK ? aL.width - aJ : "auto" }) } } if (((!d.config.showinfobutton && d.isOverlayVisible()) || (d.config.showinfobutton && d.features.showinfo.visible())) && d.detail_panel.is_visible()) { if (d.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() != "NEVER") { E.fade_in(Y, J(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area, .jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area .jb-bb-bar"), aI) } } } }; var s = function(aH) { if (!aH) { return } var aC = ",BELOW_THUMBS,"; var aF = ",BOTTOM,BELOW_IMAGE,OVERLAY,OVERLAY_IMAGE" + aC; var aE = "," + Y.captionposition.toUpperCase() + ","; ar.children().remove(); var aD = ax.is(":visible") || aC.indexOf(aE) > -1; var aG = Y.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase(); if (aG === "NEVER") { if (aF.indexOf(aE) < 0) { aD = false } } b(aH.position, 0, null, aD); return }; var g = function(aC, aD) { V = aC; A = aD; J(".jb-dt-main-frame").css({ width: aC, height: aD }); s(ay, aC, aD, 0); aj(ay, 0, true); S.get_previous_image(ay.position); S.get_next_image(ay.position) }; var o = function(aC) { ap = aC }; var f = function() { return ap }; var w = function() { var aC = v(); if (aC && (aC.loaded || aC.detail_loaded)) { return true } return false }; return { get_photo_position: X, move_2_next_photo: aA, move_2_previous_photo: G, initialize: W, populate_photo_html: b, repaint: g, get_current_photo: v, preload_images: n, fadeout_current_image: l, repopulate_caption_html: K, move_back: Q, set_caption_height_mode: j, is_initialized: function() { return af }, change_2_photo: av, set_visible_flag: o, is_visible: f, setContext: ae, isImageShowed: I, set_photo_position: aq, set_container_size: U, isCurrentImageLoaded: w } }; var gallery_defined = typeof(juicebox_utils) != "undefined"; if (!gallery_defined) { var juicebox_utils = new juice_box_utils(juicebox_lib.jQuery); var juicebox_registered_components = {}; var juicebox_instances = []; var juicebox_instance_count = 0; var different_size_images_in_config = false; var juicebox = function(cnfg) { var $ = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var document_id = "jb-glry-id-" + juicebox_instance_count; var _ = function(path) { return $(context.utils.get_query_path(document_id, path)) }; var sizing = null; var current_width = null; var current_height = null; var gallery_manager = new juicebox_gallery_manager(); var index_panel = new juicebox_gallery_index_panel(juicebox_utils, gallery_manager); var detail_panel = new juicebox_gallery_detail_panel(index_panel); var ignoredOptions4New = "showthumbsonload"; var ignoredOptions4NewPage = ignoredOptions4New + ",enabledirectlinks"; var featureInstances = {}; for (var k in juicebox_registered_components) { featureInstances[k] = new juicebox_registered_components[k](null) } var context = { _: _, instance_id: juicebox_instance_count, utils: juicebox_utils, gallery_manager: function() { return gallery_manager }, config_manager: new juicebox_config_manager($, juicebox_utils), index_panel: index_panel, detail_panel: detail_panel, sizing: function() { return sizing }, glrySizePosition: function(indexVisible, detailVisible) { if (!sizing) { return null } if (typeof(indexVisible) == "undefined") { indexVisible = context.index_panel.is_visible() } if (typeof(detailVisible) == "undefined") { detailVisible = context.detail_panel.is_visible() } return sizing.get_containers_size_and_position(current_width, current_height, indexVisible, detailVisible, context.config_manager.isp, context.features.toppanel.isNeeded(), context.index_panel.get_thumb_height(), context.config, index_panel.getCurrentDisplayingThumbCount()) }, glryStagPadding: function() { if (!sizing) { return null } return sizing.get_stage_padding(current_width, current_height, context.config) }, glryWidth: function() { return current_width }, glryHeight: function() { return current_height }, isFullScreenMode: function() { return sizing.is_fullscreen_mode(context.config) }, glryRepaint: function(force, ignoreIndexPnl, noresize, donotAdjustHeight) { if (featureInstances.splash.visible()) { featureInstances.splash.repaint(); return } repaint(force, ignoreIndexPnl, noresize, donotAdjustHeight) }, isOverlayVisible: function() { return overlay_visible }, setOverlayFlag: function(visible) { overlay_visible = visible }, redrawIndexPanel: function(imgpos) { show_thumbnails(imgpos) }, correctPath: function(path) { return correct_path(path) }, setOverlay: function(visible, delay) { clearInactiveTimer(); hideNavVisibility(); overlay_visible = visible; display_overlay(delay) }, showOverlayWithSetting: function(visible, delay) { if (!detail_panel.is_visible()) { return } overlay_visible = visible; show_hide_overlay(visible, delay) }, syncOverlayVisibility: function(isfirstimage) { set_overlay_visible(overlay_visible, isfirstimage); return overlay_visible }, getGalleryInfo: function() { return get_current_gallery_image_info() }, setExtendedGlry: function(jbglry) { extended_gallery = jbglry }, getExtendedGlry: function() { return extended_gallery }, showImage: function(position, delay, isfirstimage, fromHashEvent) { show_main_image(position, delay, isfirstimage, fromHashEvent) }, switch2Main: function(position, cb) { switch_2_main_image(position, cb) }, unbindResize: function() { $(window).unbind("resize", windowResize) }, canImageMove: function(toNext) { return can_image_move(toNext) }, canPageMove: function(toNext) { return can_page_move(toNext) }, nextImage: function() { next_image() }, previousImage: function() { previous_image() }, turnOffFullscreen: function() { is_full_screen_mode = false }, hasMultipleSizeImages: function() { return different_size_images_in_config }, setImageEventIndex: function(idx) { lastImageEventIndex = idx }, getIgnoredOptions4New: function() { return ignoredOptions4New }, getMouseHoverPosition: function() { return mouseHoveringIn }, showNextPage: function() { next_page() }, resetInactiveTimer: function() { resetInactiveTimer() } }; context.features = featureInstances; var flickr_loader = null; var overlay_visible = true; var is_switching_image = false; var mouseHoveringIn = 0; var ncnfg = context.config_manager.init(cnfg, null, "ck-s-"); if (ncnfg) { cnfg = ncnfg } context.config = context.config_manager.get_config(); var removeIgnoredOptions = function(ignoredOptions) { var aryOptions2Ignore = ignoredOptions.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < aryOptions2Ignore.length; i++) { if (aryOptions2Ignore[i].length <= 0) { continue } delete context.config[aryOptions2Ignore[i]] } }; if (typeof(expanded_jb_gallery) != "undefined") { removeIgnoredOptions(ignoredOptions4NewPage) } for (var j in context.features) { context.features[j].setContext(context) } context.detail_panel.setContext(context); context.index_panel.setContext(context); var pst = context.features.fullscreen.getPersistor(); var pstm = pst && pst.parent_gallery_param ? pst.parent_gallery_param : null; gallery_manager.init(context.config, pstm && pstm.image_orders ? pstm.image_orders : ""); var image_change_speed = 1000 * context.config.imagetransitiontime; var theme_cls = "jcbx-glry-classic"; var themeUrl = ""; var is_full_screen_mode = false; var right_button_offset = null; var extended_gallery = null; var inactiveTime = 0; var inactiveTimer = 0; var correct_path = function(path) { if (!path) { return "" } return context.utils.concate_path(context.config.baseurl, path) }; var setup_layout = function(glry_width, glry_height, show_detail) { if (context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config)) { if (context.features.showthumbsbutton.isThumbsHidden()) { context.index_panel.set_visible_flag(false) } else { context.index_panel.set_visible_flag(true) } context.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(true); _("").addClass("jb-flag-large-screen-mode") } else { if (show_detail) { context.index_panel.set_visible_flag(false); context.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(true) } else { context.index_panel.set_visible_flag(true); context.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(false) } _("").removeClass("jb-flag-large-screen-mode") } }; var set_overlay_visible = function(show, initialLoad) { if (context.config.showinfobutton && (!initialLoad || (context.config.showoverlayonload && context.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() != "NEVER"))) { overlay_visible = context.features.showinfo.visible() } else { var showimageoverlay = context.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase(); if (showimageoverlay === "ALWAYS") { overlay_visible = true } else { if (showimageoverlay === "NEVER") { overlay_visible = false } else { overlay_visible = show; context.features.showinfo.showInfoCtrls(overlay_visible, 0, 0, true) } } } }; var show_hide_overlay = function(show, delay) { set_overlay_visible(show); display_overlay(delay) }; var display_overlay = function(delay) { var excludesel = (!context.detail_panel.isImageShowed() && context.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() === "OVERLAY_IMAGE") ? ":not(.jb-classifier-link-wrapper)" : ""; if ($.browser.msie && overlay_visible) { _(".jb-classifier-show-on-over .jb-bb-bar").show() } var cappos = context.config.captionposition.toUpperCase(); if (cappos.indexOf("OVERLAY") > -1) { var crntidx = detail_panel.get_photo_position(); _(".jb-cap-frame.caption_" + crntidx).css({ opacity: 1, display: "" }) } context.utils.show_hide_controls(_(".jb-classifier-show-on-over" + excludesel), overlay_visible, delay) }; var overlayTimer = 0; var set_overlay = function(show, delay) { if (is_switching_image) { return } if (!_(" .jb-panel-detail").is(":visible")) { return } if (context.features.showthumbsbutton.isSwitching()) { return } if (overlayTimer) { window.clearTimeout(overlayTimer); overlayTimer = 0 } overlayTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { overlayTimer = 0; show_hide_overlay(show, ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version >= 7 && $.browser.version < 8) ? 0 : delay) }, 100) }; var directIndex = function() { if (context.config.firstimageindex > 0 && context.config.firstimageindex <= gallery_manager.length()) { return context.config.firstimageindex - 1 } var status = context.features.hashstatus.getHashStatus(); if (status.hasSet) { return 0 } if (status.directPicIdx >= 0 && status.directPicIdx < gallery_manager.length()) { return status.directPicIdx } return 0 }; var is_direct_open = function() { if (context.config.firstimageindex > 0 && context.config.firstimageindex <= gallery_manager.length()) { return true } if (!context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config) && !context.config.showsmallthumbsonload) { return true } var ret = directGo2(true, true); if (ret === 1 || ret === 3) { return true } return false }; var check_open_image_directly = function() { var ret = directGo2(true); if (ret === 1 || ret === 3) { context.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(true); context.index_panel.set_visible_flag(false); return true } if (context.config.firstimageindex > 0 && context.config.firstimageindex <= gallery_manager.length()) { show_main_image(context.config.firstimageindex - 1, image_change_speed, true); context.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(true); context.index_panel.set_visible_flag(false); return true } return false }; var set_init_visible_panel = function() { setup_layout(current_width, current_height, true); var cntSize = sizing.get_containers_size_and_position(current_width, current_height, context.index_panel.is_visible(), context.detail_panel.is_visible(), context.config_manager.isp, context.features.toppanel.isNeeded(), context.index_panel.get_thumb_height(), context.config, index_panel.getCurrentDisplayingThumbCount()); set_containers_size_and_position(cntSize); context.features.indexnav.setPosition(cntSize) }; var lastImgIdx = -1; var directGo2 = function(dlink, donotOpen) { var result = 0; var status = context.features.hashstatus.getHashStatus(); if (status.hasSet) { lastImgIdx = -1 } if ((context.config.enabledirectlinks || dlink) && status.directPicIdx >= 0 && lastImgIdx != status.directPicIdx) { if (!donotOpen) { lastImgIdx = status.directPicIdx; set_init_visible_panel(); if (context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config)) { show_main_image(status.directPicIdx, image_change_speed, false, true) } else { switch_2_main_image(status.directPicIdx) } } result |= 1 } if (!context.utils.is_in_iframe()) { if ((!status.hasExpHashPrefix && context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() && !context.utils.is_new_expanded_window()) || (status.hasExpHash && !context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() && !is_full_screen_mode)) { context.features.fullscreen.full_screen(); result |= 2 } } return result }; var fireInitializedEvent = function() { if (context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { return } if (juicebox_instances[context.instance_id] && typeof(juicebox_instances[context.instance_id].onInitComplete) === "function") { juicebox_instances[context.instance_id].onInitComplete() } }; var show_splash_page = function() { if (context.config.fotomotostoreid) { context.utils.add_js_tag("https://widget.fotomoto.com/stores/script/" + context.config.fotomotostoreid + ".js?api=true&aid=68677e1269332506", "fotomotojs") } if (gallery_manager.length() <= 0) { return } context.utils.add_viewport_meta_tag_4_device(context.config, true); current_width = get_gallery_width(); current_height = get_gallery_height(); set_font(); if (context.features.splash.isNeeded()) { context.config_manager.sync_option_with_dependency({ showexpandbutton: true, originalshowexpandbutton: context.config.showexpandbutton }); context.config = context.config_manager.get_config(); _(".jb-classifier-detail-area").hide(); _(".jb-panel-index").show(); var resizeSplash = function() { sizing.try_set_body_size(context.config, context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() || is_full_screen_mode); context.features.splash.repaint() }; $(window).resize(resizeSplash); context.features.splash.draw(_(" .jb-panel-index>.jb-idx-thumbnail-container"), function() { $(window).unbind("resize", resizeSplash); $(window).resize(windowResize); context.features.fullscreen.full_screen() }); if (!context.config.showthumbsonload) { context.features.showthumbsbutton.setIndexVisibleFlag(false) } fireInitializedEvent(); context.features.hashstatus.setHashChangedEvent(directGo2); var status = context.features.hashstatus.getHashStatus(); if (status.hasExpHash) { context.features.fullscreen.full_screen() } } else { after_loading_images(); if (context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { context.config_manager.sync_option_with_dependency({ showexpandbutton: true, originalshowexpandbutton: context.config.showexpandbutton }); context.config = context.config_manager.get_config() } } }; var get_panel_params = function() { return { jquery: $, document_id: document_id, container: _(" .jb-panel-index>.jb-idx-thumbnail-container"), config: context.config, utils: context.utils, glymng: gallery_manager, sizing: sizing, finish_draw_event_callback: switch_2_main_image, touch_event_callback: after_page_changed, caption_complete_callback: set_touch_component_height, current_width: current_width, current_height: current_height, debug: { debug3value: typeof(debug_info2) == "function" ? debug_info2 : null, debugmsg: typeof(debug_message) == "function" ? debug_message : null } } }; var hideOverlay = function() { if (!context.detail_panel.is_visible()) { return } if (context.features.touchevent.isInNavigation() || context.features.touchevent.isInTransitioning()) { return } if (is_switching_image) { return } overlay_visible = false; set_overlay(overlay_visible, 250) }; var clearInactiveTimer = function() { if (inactiveTime <= 0) { return } window.clearTimeout(inactiveTimer); inactiveTimer = 0 }; var hideNavVisibility = function() { var showin = context.config.showimagenav.toUpperCase(); if (showin != "NEVER" && showin != "ALWAYS") { mouseHoveringIn = 0; context.features.imagenav.repaint(250, mouseHoveringIn) } }; var resetInactiveTimer = function() { if (inactiveTime > 0) { if (inactiveTimer) { window.clearTimeout(inactiveTimer) } inactiveTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { inactiveTimer = 0; if (!context.config.showinfobutton) { hideOverlay() } if (context.config.autohidethumbs && context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config) && !context.features.showthumbsbutton.isThumbsHidden()) { context.features.showthumbsbutton.toggle_index_panel_4_lsm() } hideNavVisibility() }, inactiveTime) } }; var overlayHoverInTimer = 0; var leftNavHoverInTimer = 0; var rightNavHoverInTimer = 0; var isInTouchEvent = function() { return context.index_panel.isInTouchEvent() || context.features.touchevent.isInNavigation() }; var setPanelHoverEvents = function() { if (!context.utils.is_complete_touch() && !context.config.forcetouchmode) { var try2ToggleThumbs = function() { if (context.config.autohidethumbs && context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config) && context.features.showthumbsbutton.isThumbsHidden()) { context.features.showthumbsbutton.toggle_index_panel_4_lsm() } }; if (!context.config.showinfobutton) { var selstr = ""; var showGalleryOverlay = function() { if (!context.detail_panel.is_visible()) { return } if (isInTouchEvent() || context.features.touchevent.isInTransitioning()) { return } if (is_switching_image) { return } if (overlay_visible) { resetInactiveTimer(); return } overlay_visible = true; set_overlay(overlay_visible, 250); if (context.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() != "STAGE") { context.features.imagenav.repaint(0, mouseHoveringIn) } resetInactiveTimer() }; var resetHoverInTimer = function() { if (!overlayHoverInTimer) { window.clearTimeout(overlayHoverInTimer); overlayHoverInTimer = 0 } }; var setHoverEvent = function() { var mouseIn = function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } showGalleryOverlay() }; var mouseMove = function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } try2ToggleThumbs(); if (!overlay_visible) { showGalleryOverlay() } resetInactiveTimer() }; _(selstr).hover(function() { if (context.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { resetHoverInTimer(); overlayHoverInTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { mouseIn() }, 50) } else { mouseIn() } }, function() { resetHoverInTimer(); if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } hideOverlay() }).mousemove(function() { if (context.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { if (overlayHoverInTimer) { return } overlayHoverInTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { mouseMove(); overlayHoverInTimer = 0 }, 50) } else { mouseMove() } }).mouseup(function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return false } showGalleryOverlay(); return false }) }; var wt = 1000 * context.config.fadetime >= 200 ? 1000 * context.config.fadetime : 200; window.setTimeout(function() { setHoverEvent() }, wt) } else { if (context.config.autohidethumbs) { _("").mousemove(function() { try2ToggleThumbs() }) } } var showin = context.config.showimagenav.toUpperCase(); if (showin != "NEVER" && showin != "ALWAYS") { var resetLeftNavHoverTimer = function() { if (!leftNavHoverInTimer) { return } window.clearTimeout(leftNavHoverInTimer); leftNavHoverInTimer = 0 }; var resetRightNavHoverTimer = function() { if (!rightNavHoverInTimer) { return } window.clearTimeout(rightNavHoverInTimer); rightNavHoverInTimer = 0 }; var setNavHoverEvent = function() { var mouseInLeft = function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } if (!context.detail_panel.isCurrentImageLoaded()) { return } mouseHoveringIn = 1; context.features.imagenav.repaint(250, mouseHoveringIn) }; var mouseMoveLeft = function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } if (!overlay_visible) { mouseHoveringIn = 1; context.features.imagenav.repaint(250, mouseHoveringIn) } resetInactiveTimer() }; _(".jbn-nav-left-touch-area").hover(function() { if (context.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { resetLeftNavHoverTimer(); leftNavHoverInTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { mouseInLeft() }, 50) } else { mouseInLeft() } }, function() { resetLeftNavHoverTimer(); if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } if (mouseHoveringIn == 2) { return } mouseHoveringIn = 0; context.features.imagenav.repaint(0, mouseHoveringIn) }).mousemove(function() { if (context.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { if (leftNavHoverInTimer) { return } leftNavHoverInTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { mouseMoveLeft(); leftNavHoverInTimer = 0 }, 50) } else { mouseMoveLeft() } }).mouseup(function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return true } mouseHoveringIn = 1; context.features.imagenav.repaint(250, mouseHoveringIn); return true }); var mouseInRight = function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } if (!context.detail_panel.isCurrentImageLoaded()) { return } mouseHoveringIn = 2; context.features.imagenav.repaint(250, mouseHoveringIn) }; var mouseMoveRight = function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } if (!overlay_visible) { mouseHoveringIn = 2; context.features.imagenav.repaint(250, mouseHoveringIn) } resetInactiveTimer() }; _(".jbn-nav-right-touch-area").hover(function() { if (context.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { resetRightNavHoverTimer(); rightNavHoverInTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { mouseInRight() }, 50) } else { mouseInRight() } }, function() { resetRightNavHoverTimer(); if (isInTouchEvent()) { return } if (mouseHoveringIn == 1) { return } mouseHoveringIn = 0; context.features.imagenav.repaint(0, mouseHoveringIn) }).mousemove(function() { if (context.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { if (rightNavHoverInTimer) { return } rightNavHoverInTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { mouseMoveRight(); rightNavHoverInTimer = 0 }, 50) } else { mouseMoveRight() } }).mouseup(function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return true } mouseHoveringIn = 2; context.features.imagenav.repaint(250, mouseHoveringIn); return true }) }; var wt2 = 1000 * context.config.fadetime >= 200 ? 1000 * context.config.fadetime : 200; window.setTimeout(function() { setNavHoverEvent() }, wt2) } } }; var setNavEvents = function() { _(".jb-classifier-thumb-area .jbn-right-button").click(function() { return next_page(0) }); _(".jb-classifier-thumb-area .jbn-left-button").click(function() { return previous_page(0) }); var clickMode = context.config.imageclickmode.toUpperCase(); if (!context.utils.is_touchable_device(context.config) || context.config.forcetouchmode || ((($.browser.msie && !context.utils.is_mobile_ie_10()) || (context.utils.is_touchable_desktop() && !context.utils.is_mobile_ie()) || (context.utils.is_mobile_ie_after_11() && !context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen())) && clickMode != "OPEN_URL")) { var delta; _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-right-button").click(function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return false } delta = context.features.touchevent.getDelta(); if (delta.x || delta.y) { return null } context.features.autoplay.stop(); return next_image(0) }); _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-left-button").click(function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return false } context.features.autoplay.stop(); delta = context.features.touchevent.getDelta(); if (delta.x || delta.y) { return null } return previous_image(0) }); if (!context.config.forcetouchmode) { if (clickMode === "NONE") { _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-right-touch-area").css("cursor", "default"); _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-left-touch-area").css("cursor", "default") } else { if (clickMode === "OPEN_URL") { _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-right-touch-area").click(context.features.openurl.open_url); _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-left-touch-area").click(context.features.openurl.open_url) } else { _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-right-touch-area").click(function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return false } delta = context.features.touchevent.getDelta(); if (delta.x || delta.y) { return false } context.features.autoplay.stop(); return next_image(0) }); _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-left-touch-area").click(function() { if (isInTouchEvent()) { return false } delta = context.features.touchevent.getDelta(); if (delta.x || delta.y) { return false } context.features.autoplay.stop(); return previous_image(0) }) } } } } else { var delay = parseInt(1005 * context.config.imagetransitiontime + 510 * context.config.imagetransitiontime); _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-right-button").bind("touchend", function(e) { context.index_panel.yield_4_transition(delay); e.preventDefault(); if (context.features.touchevent.isInTransitioning()) { return } context.features.touchevent.setTransitioning(true); context.features.autoplay.stop(); next_image(0); window.setTimeout(function() { context.features.touchevent.setTransitioning(false) }, delay) }); _(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-left-button").bind("touchend", function(e) { context.index_panel.yield_4_transition(delay); e.preventDefault(); if (context.features.touchevent.isInTransitioning()) { return } context.features.touchevent.setTransitioning(true); context.features.autoplay.stop(); previous_image(0); window.setTimeout(function() { context.features.touchevent.setTransitioning(false) }, delay) }) } }; var initialize_panels = function() { setup_layout(current_width, current_height, context.detail_panel.is_visible()); var thumbpanelheigh = context.config.maxthumbrows * (context.config.thumbheight + context.config.thumbpadding); if (context.utils.is_side_layout(context.config)) { thumbpanelheigh = 10 } var cntSize = sizing.get_containers_size_and_position(current_width, current_height, context.index_panel.is_visible(), context.detail_panel.is_visible(), context.config_manager.isp, context.features.toppanel.isNeeded(), thumbpanelheigh, context.config, index_panel.getCurrentDisplayingThumbCount()); var params = get_panel_params(); params.current_width = cntSize.index_panel_width; params.current_height = cntSize.index_panel_height; 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if (!isLsm) { if (isDirectOpen) { context.index_panel.set_visible_flag(false); context.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(true) } } if (setPanelOnly) { return } var isFull = context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() || is_full_screen_mode; sizing.try_set_body_size(context.config, isFull); if (!(isDirectOpen && !isLsm)) { context.features.buttonbar.repaint() } context.features.buttonbar.setPosition() }; var after_loading_images = function() { var cntSize; if (is_full_screen_mode) { $("body").css({ overflow: "hidden" }) } if (context.config.randomizeimages) { gallery_manager.sort_images() } sizing.get_initial_size(); $("#" + document_id).html(get_gallery_frame_html()); set_font(); context.features.touchevent.setEvent(); initialize_panels(); set_hover_over_navs(); overlay_visible = context.config.showoverlayonload && context.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() != "NEVER"; if (context.config.showthumbsonload === false && context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config)) { context.features.showthumbsbutton.toggle_index_panel_4_lsm(true, true, (is_direct_open() ? true : false)) } repaintButtonBar(true); 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"" : ",buttonbar") } var isindirssm = !isDirectOpen && !isLsm; if (index_panel.is_visible() && (isLsm || !isDirectOpen)) { context.utils.fade_in(context.config, context._(".jb-panel-index.jb-classifier-thumb-area"), trantm, (context.utils.is_android() && !isLsm ? true : false), null, "indexpanel") } context.utils.reppaint_components(context.features, panelsWithEffects, trantm, function() { if (!context.utils.is_new_expanded_window()) { context.features.showinfo.showInfoCtrls(overlay_visible, 0, true); if (isindirssm) { repaint(true) } else { repaint(true, false, false, false, true); if ((context.utils.is_android() || context.utils.is_ipad()) && isLsm) { window.setTimeout(function() { repaint(true) }, image_change_speed + 300) } } } else { avoidImageFreezing() } if (context.utils.is_earlier_ie()) { window.setTimeout(function() { repaint(true); fireInitializedEvent() }, 300) } else { window.setTimeout(function() { fireInitializedEvent() }, image_change_speed + 300) } repaintButtonBar() }) } else { context.features.showinfo.showInfoCtrls(overlay_visible); 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for (var key in context.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery) { if (typeof(context.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery[key]) != "function") { continue } if (key === "onExpand") { continue } juicebox_instances[context.instance_id][key] = context.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery[key] } } }, 100); if (!showLoadingEffect && context.utils.is_earlier_ie()) { window.setTimeout(function() { repaint(true) }, 100) } } var panelVisibilityOverwritten = false; if (context.config.autoplayonload && !context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { var itisLsm = context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config); if (!itisLsm) { if (!isDirectOpen || !context.config.showsmallthumbsonload) { switch_2_main_image(context.detail_panel.get_photo_position()) } panelVisibilityOverwritten = true } window.setTimeout(function() { context.features.autoplay.toggleAutoPlay(true) }, 100) } if (!showLoadingEffect) { window.setTimeout(function() { fireInitializedEvent() }, 300) } if (forceInitialization) { var dcheckresult = check_open_image_directly(); 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_("").keydown(function(evt) { if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) { return } switch (evt.keyCode) { case 32: evt.preventDefault(); context.features.autoplay.toggleAutoPlay(); break; default: break } }) } return } if (context.utils.is_iphone() || context.utils.is_ipad() || context.utils.is_small_android()) { return } setFocus(); _("").keydown(function(evt) { if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.metaKey) { return } switch (evt.keyCode) { case 32: evt.preventDefault(); if (!context.config.enableautoplay) { return } context.features.autoplay.toggleAutoPlay(); break; case 37: case 75: evt.preventDefault(); context.features.autoplay.stop(); previous_image(0); break; case 39: case 74: evt.preventDefault(); context.features.autoplay.stop(); next_image(0); break; case 36: evt.preventDefault(); context.features.autoplay.stop(); show_thumbnails(0); show_main_image(0); break; case 35: evt.preventDefault(); context.features.autoplay.stop(); var imgpos = gallery_manager.length() - 1; show_thumbnails(imgpos); show_main_image(imgpos); break; case 70: if (is_full_screen_mode || context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { return } evt.preventDefault(); context.features.fullscreen.full_screen(); break; case 27: if (context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { evt.preventDefault(); context.features.fullscreen.full_screen() } break } }) }; var update_flickr_image_details = function(imageIndex, details) { if (!details) { return } var image = gallery_manager.get_image(imageIndex); if (image.flickrPhotoId !== details.id) { return } image.description = details.description; image.detail_loaded = true; if (context.detail_panel.is_initialized()) { context.detail_panel.repopulate_caption_html(image) } }; var load_images = function(jsonobj) { if (context.config.useflickr) { flickr_loader = new juicebox_flickr_image_loader($, context.config_manager, display_error_message) } var limit = context.config_manager.isp ? (100000) : 50; if (context.config.useflickr) { flickr_loader.get_images(function(photos) { for (var i = 0; i < photos.length && i < limit; i++) { gallery_manager.add_image({ imageURL: photos[i].imageURL, thumbURL: photos[i].thumbURL, caption: photos[i].caption, title: photos[i].caption, imageFullURL: photos[i].imageFullURL, flickrPhotoId: photos[i].flickrPhotoId }) } show_splash_page() }, null) } else { if (jsonobj && jsonobj.images) { var ndimages = jsonobj.images; var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < ndimages.length; i++) { if (count >= limit) { break } count++; var currentimg = ndimages[i]; var attrName = "imageurl"; var useMultiSize = context.utils.ship; if (useMultiSize) { if (context.utils.is_retina_display()) { if (context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config)) { attrName = "largeimageurl" } } else { if (context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config)) { if (!$.browser.msie && context.config.usefullscreenexpand && context.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { attrName = "largeimageurl" } } else { attrName = "smallimageurl" } } if (!different_size_images_in_config && (currentimg.largeimageurl || currentimg.smallimageurl)) { different_size_images_in_config = true } if (attrName != "imageurl" && !currentimg[attrName]) { attrName = "imageurl" } } var imgurl = correct_path(currentimg[attrName]); var tu = currentimg.thumburl; var thmurl = (tu ? 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true : false; if (!opendFromSplash) { showPasswordDialog = false } } } } if (showPasswordDialog) { var jbcore = context.utils.get_js_folder_url(); var statusKey = "loginStatus" + jbcore; var successStatus = "valid"; var ls = (context.config.rememberpassword && window.sessionStorage) ? sessionStorage.getItem(statusKey) : false; if (ls == successStatus) { start_loading_images() } else { container = $("#" + context.config.containerid); if (!is_full_screen_mode) { var glryWidth = parseInt(container.width()); if (glryWidth <= 360) { container.addClass("jb-size-flag-010") } else { if (glryWidth > 360 && glryWidth <= 480) { container.addClass("jb-size-flag-020") } } } context.features.login.showLoginDialog(function(data) { if (window.sessionStorage) { sessionStorage.setItem(statusKey, successStatus) } container.html(gallery_skeleton(document_id)); start_loading_images() }, function() { $("#" + document_id).html(display_error_message("Login failed.")) }, function() { $("#" + document_id).html(display_error_message("Failed to login.")) }) } } else { start_loading_images() } } }) }; var display_error_message = function(msg) { var container; if (context.config.containerid) { container = $("#" + context.config.containerid) } else { container = _("") } var msgHtml; if (container.height() <= 0 && context.config.galleryheight.indexOf("%") > 0) { sizing.trySetContainerSize(context, 0, $(window).height() * parseInt(context.config.galleryheight) / 100) } if (container && container.length > 0) { msgHtml = "
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0 : (halfht > context.config.maxcaptionheight ? context.config.maxcaptionheight : halfht))) }; var pos = context.detail_panel.get_current_photo().position; set_toucharea_height(pos, expected_size); context.index_panel.set_container_size(expected_size.index_panel_width, expected_size.index_panel_height, expected_size.index_panel_top, expected_size.index_panel_left); context.detail_panel.set_container_size(expected_size.detail_panel_width, expected_size.detail_panel_height, expected_size.detail_panel_top, expected_size.detail_panel_left); var cpppos = context.config.captionposition.toUpperCase(); var caphover = !context.utils.is_earlier_ie() && (cpppos != "NONE" && cpppos != "BOTTOM" && cpppos != "BELOW_IMAGE" && cpppos != "BELOW_THUMBS"); var capHeight = expected_size.caption_panel_height; if (!($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 8) && (context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config) && (context.features.showthumbsbutton.isThumbsHidden() || caphover) || !context.utils.is_large_screen_mode(context.config))) { capHeight = "100%" } var capTop = expected_size.caption_panel_top; if (cpppos === "BELOW_THUMBS") { capHeight = "auto" } if (!skipCaptionPosition) { context.features.caption.setAreaStyle({ width: expected_size.caption_panel_width, height: capHeight, top: capTop, left: expected_size.caption_panel_left, bottom: expected_size.caption_panel_bottom }); context.features.caption.setMaxHeight(expected_size) } context.features.toppanel.setAreaStyle({ width: expected_size.top_panel_width, height: expected_size.top_panel_height, top: expected_size.top_panel_top, left: expected_size.top_panel_left }) }; context.utils.init_components(context.features, "api"); juicebox_instances[context.instance_id].debug = function(script) { context.config.debugmode = true; eval(script) }; return juicebox_instances[context.instance_id] } } juicebox_registered_components.api = function() { var b, c; var d = function(e) { b = e; c = b._ }; var a = function() { var f = -1; var h = { sendMessage: function(i) { if (b.config_manager.isp && juicebox_instances[b.instance_id] && typeof(juicebox_instances[b.instance_id].onExpand) === "function") { if (f < 0 || f != i) { juicebox_instances[b.instance_id].onExpand(i) } f = i } }, restore: function(i, j) { b.features.hashstatus.setExpanded(false); b.features.hashstatus.enableHashEvent(true); b.setExtendedGlry(null); if (b.features.splash.isSet()) { return } if (typeof(j) != "undefined") { window.setTimeout(function() { b.showOverlayWithSetting(j, 0); b.features.showinfo.showInfoCtrls(j); if (!b.detail_panel.is_visible()) { c(".jb-area-caption").hide() } $('.jb-dt-main-frame[style*="opacity: 0.01"]').fadeIn() }, 500) } b.features.showthumbsbutton.toggle_index_panel_4_lsm(true, i) }, setGallerySize: function(l, i) { if (b.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { return } b.sizing().trySetContainerSize(b, l, i); var j = parseInt(l) + "px"; var k = parseInt(i) + "px"; b.turnOffFullscreen(); b.config.gallerywidth = j; b.config.galleryheight = k; c("").height(k); b.glryRepaint(true) }, getScreenMode: function() { return b.utils.is_large_screen_mode(b.config) ? "LARGE" : "SMALL" } }; var e = function(k, j) { if (b.features.splash.visible()) { return false } var i = b.index_panel.is_visible(); if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { i = b.getExtendedGlry().isIndexVisible() } if (b.utils.is_large_screen_mode(b.config) || !i) { if (j) { j() } return false } var l = b.detail_panel.get_photo_position() + k; if (l < 0) { if (b.config.enablelooping) { l = b.gallery_manager().length() - 1 } else { l = 0 } } if (l >= b.gallery_manager().length()) { if (b.config.enablelooping) { l = 0 } else { l = b.gallery_manager().length() - 1 } } if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().switch2MainE(l) } else { b.switch2Main(l, j) } return true }; var g = b.config_manager.isp ? { showGallery: function(i) { if (!i) { b.features.audio.stop(); b.features.autoplay.stop() } i ? c("").show() : c("").hide() }, showImage: function(j) { if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().showImageE(j); return } var i = b.gallery_manager().length(); j--; if (j < 0 || j >= i) { return } b.showImage(j) }, showNextImage: function() { if (e(1)) { return } if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().showNextImageE(); return } b.nextImage() }, showPreviousImage: function() { if (e(-1)) { return } if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().showPreviousImageE(); return } b.previousImage() }, showIndexByImage: function() { if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().showIndexByImageE(); return } b.redrawIndexPanel() }, toggleAutoPlay: function(i) { e(0, function() { if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().toggleAutoPlayE(false, i); return } b.features.autoplay.toggleAutoPlay(false, i, true) }) }, toggleThumbs: function() { if (e(0)) { return } if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().toggleThumbsE(); return } b.features.showthumbsbutton.indexButtonClicked(true) }, toggleAudio: function() { if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().toggleAudioE(); return } b.features.audio.toggleAudioPlay() }, toggleExpand: function() { c("").trigger("mouseover"); if (b.getExtendedGlry()) { b.getExtendedGlry().toggleExpandE(); return } b.features.fullscreen.full_screen() }, toggleOverlay: function() { if (b.features.splash.visible()) { return } b.features.showinfo.toggle_info() }, openImageLink: function() { b.features.openurl.open_url() }, showThumbPage: function(i) { i--; b.index_panel.show_page_by_page_index(i) }, getImageInfo: function(l) { l--; var i = b.gallery_manager().length(); if (l < 0 || l >= i) { return null } var j = b.gallery_manager().get_image(l); var k = j.originalImageURL; if (!k) { k = j.imageFullURL } if (!k) { k = j.imageURL } var m = j.caption; if (m == j.title) { m = j.description ? j.description : "" } return { id: parseInt(j.position) + 1, imageURL: k, largeImageURL: j.largeImageURL, smallImageURL: j.smallImageURL, displayingImageURL: j.imageURL, thumbURL: j.thumbURL, caption: m, title: j.title, linkURL: j.linkURL ? j.linkURL : "", linkTarget: j.linkTarget ? j.linkTarget : "", purchaseURL: j.purchaseURL } }, getImageCount: function() { return b.gallery_manager().length() }, getThumbPageIndex: function() { return parseInt(b.index_panel.get_index()) + 1 }, getImageIndex: function() { return parseInt(b.detail_panel.get_current_photo().position) + 1 } } : {}; if (b.config_manager.isp && b.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery) { g = { showImageE: function(j) { var i = b.gallery_manager().length(); j--; if (j < 0 || j >= i) { return } b.showImage(j) }, showNextImageE: b.nextImage, showPreviousImageE: b.previousImage, showIndexByImageE: b.redrawIndexPanel, toggleAutoPlayE: b.features.autoplay.toggleAutoPlay, toggleThumbsE: b.features.showthumbsbutton.indexButtonClicked, toggleAudioE: b.features.audio.toggleAudioPlay, toggleExpandE: b.features.fullscreen.full_screen, switch2MainE: b.switch2Main, isIndexVisible: b.index_panel.is_visible } } juicebox_instances[b.instance_id] = juicebox_lib.jQuery.extend(h, g) }; return { setContext: d, init: a } }; juicebox_registered_components.touchevent = function() { var q, E; var f = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var k = false, o = false, C = 0, r, d, w, p, c, u; var v = function(F) { q = F; E = q._ }; var e = function() { g() }; var t = function() {}; var i = function() { return { x: w, y: u } }; var z = function() { k = false; o = false; if (C) { window.clearTimeout(C); C = 0 } }; var y = function() { return k }; var j = function() { return o }; var B = function(F) { return k = F }; var h = function(F) { return o = F }; var n = function(F) { if (E(".jb-area-caption").is(":visible")) { E(".jb-area-caption").addClass("jb-status-cap-hide-4-move").fadeOut(F) } }; var m = function(F) { E(".jb-area-caption.jb-status-cap-hide-4-move").removeClass("jb-status-cap-hide-4-move").fadeIn(F) }; var a = function(F) { if (q.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() != "IMAGE") { return } E(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-button div").fadeOut(F) }; var b = function() { if (q.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() != "IMAGE") { return } q.features.imagenav.repaint(0, q.getMouseHoverPosition()) }; var A = function(F) { if (q.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() != "OVERLAY_IMAGE") { return } E(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area, .jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area .jb-bb-bar").fadeOut(F) }; var D = function(F) { if (q.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() != "OVERLAY_IMAGE") { return } if (q.utils.is_buttonbarposition_default(q.config) && !q.isOverlayVisible()) { return } if (!q.detail_panel.is_visible()) { return } if (!F) { F = 0 } E(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area, .jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area .jb-bb-bar").fadeIn(F) }; var x = function() { if (q.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() != "STAGE") { window.setTimeout(function() { b() }, 500 * q.config.imagetransitiontime) } }; var s = function(G, F) { q.detail_panel.move_back(G); x(); if (q.utils.is_buttonbarposition_default(q.config) || q.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() == "OVERLAY_IMAGE") { window.setTimeout(function() { D() }, 500 * q.config.imagetransitiontime) } window.setTimeout(function() { m() }, 500 * q.config.imagetransitiontime); if (F) { window.setTimeout(function() { F() }, 1000 * q.config.imagetransitiontime + 100) } }; var l = function() { q.setOverlay(!q.isOverlayVisible(), 250) }; var g = function() { if ((f.browser.msie || q.utils.is_ie_after_11()) && !q.utils.is_ie_touch()) { return } if (q.utils.is_mobile_ie()) { f(".jb-navigation.jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-touch-area").hide() } var H = function(U, V) { if (q.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { window.setTimeout(function() { k = false; w = 0; u = 0 }, 150) } else { k = false; w = 0; u = 0 } o = true; var S = parseInt(1000 * q.config.imagetransitiontime * (q.glryWidth() - w) / q.glryWidth()); if (V > 10) { q.features.autoplay.stop(); if (!q.canImageMove(false)) { s(V, function() { q.glryRepaint(true, false, true, true) }) } else { q.detail_panel.move_2_previous_photo(Math.abs(V), ((q.config.captionposition.toUpperCase() === "BELOW_THUMBS" && !q.index_panel.is_visible()) ? false : q.isOverlayVisible())) } U.preventDefault() } else { if (V < -10) { q.features.autoplay.stop(); if (!q.canImageMove(true)) { s(V) } else { q.detail_panel.move_2_next_photo(Math.abs(V), ((q.config.captionposition.toUpperCase() === "BELOW_THUMBS" && !q.index_panel.is_visible()) ? false : q.isOverlayVisible())) } U.preventDefault() } else { var T = q.config.imageclickmode.toUpperCase(); if (T === "OPEN_URL") { q.features.openurl.open_url(); C = 0; o = false; b(); D(); m(); return } if (!q.config.showinfobutton) { q.detail_panel.move_back(w); var R = q.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase(); if (R === "AUTO") { l() } else { if (R === "ALWAYS") { q.setOverlay(true, 250) } } if (q.config.captionposition.toUpperCase() === "BELOW_IMAGE") { E(".jb-area-caption").fadeIn() } x() } else { s(V); C = 0; o = false; return } } } q.index_panel.yield_4_transition(S); if (q.utils.is_large_screen_mode(q.config)) { C = window.setTimeout(function() { C = 0; o = false }, S) } else { o = false } }; var G = function(R) { if (R.pointerType && R.pointerType != "touch") { return } if (q.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() || q.utils.is_mobile_ie_after_11()) { R.preventDefault() } if (k) { return } if (o) { o = false } w = 0; u = 0; if (!k) { k = true; if (q.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { var S = q.utils.getMsPointerXy(R); r = S.x; p = S.y } else { r = R.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; p = R.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY } d = r; c = p; a(0); A(0) } }; var O = 0; var M = function(S) { if (S.pointerType && S.pointerType != "touch") { return } var R = 0; var V = 0; if (q.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() || q.isFullScreenMode() || Math.abs(R - r) > Math.abs(V - p)) { S.preventDefault() } if (q.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { var T = q.utils.getMsPointerXy(S); R = T.x; V = T.y } else { R = S.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; V = S.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY } if (o) { return } if (!k) { return } n(0); w = R - r; u = V - p; if (Math.abs(w) > 10) { q.features.autoplay.stop() } var U = E(" .jb-panel-detail .jb-dt-main-frame"); q.utils.clean_up_transition(U); U.animate({ left: "+=" + (R - d), avoidTransforms: !q.config.use_webkit_transform, useTranslate3d: q.config.use_3d_transform }, 0); d = R; c = V; if (q.utils.is_android()) { if (O) { window.clearTimeout(O) } O = window.setTimeout(function() { O = 0; P(S) }, 1000) } }; var P = function(S) { if (S.pointerType && S.pointerType != "touch") { return } if (q.config.autofullscreenexpand) { q.utils.show_real_fullscreen(q.config.containerid) } if (O) { window.clearTimeout(O); O = 0 } var R = Math.abs(w) > Math.abs(u); if (q.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() || q.isFullScreenMode() || R || q.utils.is_mobile_ie_after_11()) { S.preventDefault() } if (o || !k) { w = 0; u = 0; k = false; return } if (R) { H(S, w) } else { if (Math.abs(u) > 10) { s(w); if (!q.isFullScreenMode() && !q.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { window.scrollBy(0, -1 * u) } k = false } else { H(S, 0) } } }; if (q.utils.is_ie_after_11()) { var K = "ms"; if (window.navigator.pointerEnabled) { K = "" } var N = document.getElementsByClassName("jb-navigation jb-classifier-detail-area"); for (var I = 0; I < N.length; I++) { var Q = N[I]; Q.addEventListener(K + "pointerdown", G, false); Q.addEventListener(K + "pointermove", M, false); Q.addEventListener(K + "pointerout", P, false) } } else { if (q.utils.is_touchable_desktop() || q.utils.is_mobile_ie_10()) { var F = document.getElementsByClassName("jb-navigation jb-classifier-detail-area"); for (var J = 0; J < F.length; J++) { var L = F[J]; L.addEventListener("touchstart", G, false); L.addEventListener("touchmove", M, false); L.addEventListener("touchend", P, false); L.addEventListener("gesturestart", G, false); L.addEventListener("gesturechange", M, false); L.addEventListener("gestureend", P, false) } } else { if (!f.browser.msie && !document.msFullscreenEnabled) { E(".jb-navigation.jb-classifier-detail-area").bind("touchstart", G).bind("touchmove", M).bind("touchend", P) } } } if (q.config.forcetouchmode && !q.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { E(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-left-button, .jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-right-button").mouseup(function(R) { R.preventDefault(); k = false }).mousedown(function(R) { R.preventDefault() }).mousemove(function(R) { R.preventDefault() }); E(".jb-navigation.jb-classifier-detail-area").mousedown(function(S) { if (S.which !== 1) { return } var R = { originalEvent: { touches: [{}] } }; S.preventDefault(); R.preventDefault = function() {}; R.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX = S.screenX; R.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY = S.screenY; G(R) }).mousemove(function(S) { if (S.which !== 1) { k = false; return } if (!k) { return } var R = { originalEvent: { touches: [{}] } }; R.preventDefault = function() {}; R.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX = S.screenX; R.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY = S.screenY; M(R) }).mouseup(function() { if (!k) { return } var R = {}; R.preventDefault = function() {}; P(R) }).mouseout(function() { if (!k) { return } var R = {}; R.preventDefault = function() {}; P(R) }) } }; return { setContext: v, setEvent: e, init: t, isInNavigation: y, isInTransitioning: j, resetFlags: z, setNavigation: B, setTransitioning: h, getDelta: i } }; juicebox_registered_components.caption = function() { var b, l; var k = function(m) { b = m; l = b._ }; var h = function() { var o = b.config.captionposition.toUpperCase(); if (o === "NONE") { return "" } var m; if (o === "BELOW_IMAGE" || o === "BOTTOM" || o === "BELOW_THUMBS") { m = "jb-flag-size-fixed" } else { m = "jb-classifier-show-on-over" } var n = b.config.thumbsposition.toUpperCase(); http: var p = ((o === "BOTTOM" || o === "BELOW_THUMBS") && (n != "LEFT" && n != "RIGHT")) ? 400 : 200; return "" }; var e = function() { return l(".jb-area-caption") }; var a = function(m) { l(".jb-area-caption").css(m) }; var c = function(m) { m.html(h()); return true }; var i = function() {}; var j = function() {}; var f = function(n) { if (!g()) { return } var m = l(".jb-area-caption"); if (n) { m.fadeIn(n) } else { m.show() } }; var g = function(m) { var n = b.config.captionposition.toUpperCase(); if (n === "NONE") { return false } if (b.config.captionposition.toUpperCase() === "BELOW_THUMBS" && !b.index_panel.is_visible()) { return false } if (n === "BELOW_IMAGE" || n === "BOTTOM" || n === "BELOW_THUMBS") { return true } return b.syncOverlayVisibility(m) }; var d = function(p) { var m = ",BOTTOM,NONE,BELOW_IMAGE,BELOW_THUMBS,"; var n = "," + b.config.captionposition.toUpperCase() + ","; if (!p || (!p.detail_panel_top && !p.detail_panel_height)) { return } var o = (b.config.maxcaptionheight > p.detail_panel_height && m.indexOf(n) < 0) ? p.detail_panel_height : b.config.maxcaptionheight; if (o <= 0) { o = 0 } a({ "max-height": o }) }; return { setContext: k, getHtml: h, draw: c, setEvent: i, init: j, repaint: f, isVisible: g, setAreaStyle: a, getArea: e, setMaxHeight: d } }; juicebox_registered_components.splash = function() { var a, q, e, k, i = false, f = false; var o = function(r) { a = r; q = a._ }; var h = function() { if (!k) { k = (a.config.splashimageurl ? a.correctPath(a.config.splashimageurl) : a.gallery_manager().get_image(0).imageURL) } var s = a.config.galleryfontface ? "font-family:" + a.config.galleryfontface + ";" : ""; var r = "style='display:none;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:" + a.glryWidth() + "px;height:" + a.glryHeight() + "px;" + s + "'"; return "

" + (a.config.splashtitle ? a.config.splashtitle : a.config.gallerytitle) + "

" + (a.config.splashshowimagecount ? "

" + a.gallery_manager().length() + " " + a.config.languagelistall.splimgs + "

" : "") + b(s) + "" + a.config.splashbuttontext + "
" }; var b = function(r) { if (!a.config.gallerydescription) { return "" } return "

" + a.config.gallerydescription + "

" }; var p = function(r) { if (!r.playaudioonload) { return false } if (!f) { return false } return true }; var l = function() { return f }; var n = function(r) { i = true; f = true; e = r; r.html(h()); d(); a.features.audio.init(true); if (a.config.autoplayonload) { a.features.autoplay.set_autoplay_flag(1) } a.setOverlayFlag(a.config.showoverlayonload); a.features.showinfo.showInfoCtrls(a.config.showoverlayonload); if (a.config.firstimageindex > 0 && a.config.firstimageindex <= a.gallery_manager().length()) { a.detail_panel.set_photo_position(a.config.firstimageindex - 1) } q(".jb-splash-view-glry, .jb-splash, .jb-splash-background").click(function() { i = false; a.features.fullscreen.full_screen(); return false }) }; var c = function() { return i }; var j = function() {}; var d = function() { var s = a.sizing(); var t = s.get_gallery_width(a.config, false); var r = s.get_gallery_height(a.config, false); a.sizing().position_2_fill_image(t, r, k, function(u) { q(".jb-splash-holder img").css({ top: u.imageTop, left: u.imageLeft, width: u.imageWidth, height: u.imageHeight }).show(); q(".jb-splash-background").height(r); a.sizing().trySetContainerSize(a, 0, r) }, true); if (a.utils.is_iphone() && (a.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() || a.isFullScreenMode())) { window.scrollTo(0, 1) } }; var g = function() { if (a.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() || a.utils.is_new_expanded_window()) { return false } return m() }; var m = function() { var r = a.config.showsplashpage.toUpperCase(); if (r === "NEVER") { return false } else { if (r === "ALWAYS") { return true } else { if (!a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config) && !a.isFullScreenMode()) { return true } } } return false }; return { setContext: o, getHtml: h, draw: n, setEvent: j, repaint: d, isNeeded: g, isSet: m, visible: c, need2PlayAudioAfterSplash: p, opendFromSplash: l } }; juicebox_registered_components.hashstatus = function() { var k = "expanded"; var i, s, j = false; var d = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var n = function(t) { i = t; s = i._ }; var c = function() {}; var m = function() { if (!i.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() && i.instance_id > 0) { k = "expand" + (i.instance_id + 1) } }; var r = function() { return k }; var p = function(v) { if (i.utils.need_new_window(i.config)) { return } d(window).unbind("hashchange"); if (q) { window.clearTimeout(q) } q = window.setTimeout(function() { q = 0; o() }, 100); var w = window.location.href.split("#"); if (!v) { if (w.length <= 1) { return } var u = w[1].replace(k, "").replace(/expand\d+/g, ""); if (u == w[1]) { return } window.location.href = w[0] + "#" + u; return } else { if (w.length == 1) { window.location.href = w[0] + "#" + k; return } var t = w[1].replace("expanded", "").replace(k, "").replace(/expand\d+/g, "") + k; if (t == w[1]) { return } window.location.href = w[0] + "#" + t; return } }; var h = false; var q = 0; var g = function(t) { h = true; var w = window.location.href.split("#"); var u = ""; if (w.length == 2 && w[1].indexOf(k) > -1) { u = k } var v = i.gallery_manager().get_image(t).original_position; return w[0] + "#" + (parseInt(v) + 1) + u }; var l = function(t) { if (!i.config.enabledirectlinks) { return } var v = window.location.href.split("#"); var u = i.gallery_manager().get_image(t).original_position; if (v.length >= 2 && u === parseInt(v[1]) - 1) { return } d(window).unbind("hashchange"); window.location.href = g(t); if (q) { window.clearTimeout(q) } q = window.setTimeout(function() { q = 0; o() }, 100) }; var f = 0; var a; var o = function(t) { if (t) { a = t } if (d.browser.msie && d.browser.version < 8) { if (f) { window.clearInterval(f) } f = 0; if (!a) { return } f = window.setInterval(function() { if (j || !a) { return } a() }, 800) } else { d(window).bind("hashchange", function() { if (j || !a) { return } a() }) } }; var b = function(t) { j = !t }; var e = function() { var t = window.location.href.split("#"); var u = (t.length >= 2) ? parseInt(t[1]) - 1 : -1; u = i.gallery_manager().get_current_position(u); if (u >= 0 && u < i.gallery_manager().length()) {} else { u = -1 } return { hasExpHash: t.length == 2 && t[1].indexOf(k) >= 0, directPicIdx: u, hasSet: h, hasExpHashPrefix: t.length == 2 && t[1].indexOf("expand") >= 0 } }; return { setContext: n, setEvent: c, init: m, setExpanded: p, getUrlWithImageHash: g, setImageHash: l, setHashChangedEvent: o, getHashStatus: e, enableHashEvent: b, getExpendedHash: r } }; juicebox_registered_components.backgroundimage = function() { var a, k; var j = function(n) { a = n; k = a._ }; var l = 0; var m = 0; var f = function() { var o = a.correctPath(a.config.backgroundurl); k(".jb-panel-background").remove(); if (!o) { return "" } if (a.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { l = a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.background_image_width; m = a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.background_image_height; var n = i(true); var q = ""; if (typeof(n) != "undefined" && n) { if (typeof(n.imageTop) != "undefined") { q += "top:" + n.imageTop + "px;" } if (typeof(n.imageLeft) != "undefined") { q += "left:" + n.imageLeft + "px;" } if (n.imageWidth) { q += "width:" + n.imageWidth + "px;" } if (n.imageHeight) { q += "height:" + n.imageHeight + "px;" } } return "" } else { var p = new Image(); p.onload = function() { l = p.width; m = p.height; i(); k(".jb-panel-background").attr("src", o).show() }; p.src = o; return "" } }; var b = function(n) { n.html(f()); return true }; var g = function() { k(".jb-bb-btn-de-show-list").click(d) }; var d = function() { return false }; var h = function() {}; var i = function(o) { if (!a.config.backgroundurl) { return null } if (!l || !m) { return null } var n = {}; var r = a.config.backgroundscale.toUpperCase(); var q = k(".jb-panel-background"); var p = a.glryHeight(); var s = a.glryWidth(); if (o) { if (a.config.usefullscreenexpand && a.utils.support_real_fullscreen && screen.height && screen.width) { p = parseInt(screen.height); s = parseInt(screen.width) } else { p = $(window).height(); s = $(window).width() } } if (r === "FILL") { n = a.sizing().get_image_display_size({ width: l, height: m }, s, p, a.config, "FILL", true); q.css({ top: n.unadjtop, left: n.unadjleft, width: n.width, height: n.height }) } else { if (r === "NONE") {} else { q.css({ width: s, height: p }); n = { imageTop: 0, imageLeft: 0, imageWidth: s, imageHeight: p } } } return n }; var c = function() { i() }; var e = function() { return { width: l, height: m } }; return { setContext: j, getHtml: f, draw: b, setEvent: g, init: h, repaint: c, getSizingInfo: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.grytitle = function() { var a, j; var h = function(l) { a = l; j = a._ }; var f = function(l) { return l ? "jb-idx-title" : "jb-area-large-mode-title" }; var d = function(m) { if (!a.config.gallerytitle) { return "" } var o = a.config.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase(); if (o === "NONE") { return "" } var n = a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config); if (n && m) { return "" } var p; var l = f(m); if (o != "TOP" && !m) { l += " jb-classifier-show-on-over" } if (n || a.config.gallerytitle.indexOf("<") > -1) { p = a.config.gallerytitle } else { p = '" } if (a.config.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase() != "ABOVE_THUMBS") { return "" } return "" }; var b = function(l) { l.html(d()); return true }; var e = function() {}; var g = function() {}; var c = function(l) { k(l); if (a.config.galleryfontface) { a._("." + f(true) + ", ." + f()).css("font-family", a.config.galleryfontface) } }; var k = function(l) { var q = j(".jb-area-large-mode-title"); var o; if (a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { a.index_panel.display_gallery_top(false); if (a.config.gallerytitle) { var n = a.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase(); var p = a.config.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase(); if (a.config.textcolor) { q.css({ color: a.utils.format_color(a.config.textcolor) }) } if (a.config.textshadowcolor) { q.css({ "text-shadow": a.utils.get_text_shadow_style(a.config.textshadowcolor, a.config.textshadowcolora, true) }) } if (p == "TOP") { o = q.html(a.config.gallerytitle) } else { if (p === "ABOVE_THUMBS") { if (a.index_panel.is_visible()) { o = q.html(a.config.gallerytitle).css({ height: "auto", overflow: "visible", "white-space": "normal" }).removeClass("jb-classifier-show-on-over") } else { q.hide() } } else { var m = j(".jb-area-large-mode-title.jb-classifier-show-on-over"); if (a.config.showinfobutton && !a.features.showinfo.visible()) { o = null } else { if (a.isOverlayVisible() || n === "ALWAYS") { o = m.html(a.config.gallerytitle) } else { if (n === "NEVER") { m.html(a.config.gallerytitle).hide() } } } } } if (o) { if (l) { a.utils.fade_in(a.config, o, l, false, null, "title") } else { o.show() } } } } else { q.remove(); if (a.index_panel.is_visible()) { a.index_panel.display_gallery_top(a.index_panel.is_visible()) } } }; var i = function(G) { var p = a.config.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase(); var H = a.glryStagPadding(); var C = 10 + H; var n = 10; var K = G ? G : a.glrySizePosition(); var t = C; var J = t, L = t; var F = a.config.gallerytitlehalign.toUpperCase(); var l = true; var w = 0; if (F === "RIGHT") { l = false } w = n + K.detail_panel_top; if (p === "TOP") { w = n + 1 + K.top_panel_top } else { if (p === "ABOVE_THUMBS") { var m = a.index_panel.get_show_area_position(); var I = parseInt(a._(".jb-area-large-mode-title").css("font-size")); if (K.is_sideway_layout) { w = parseInt(m.top - I - a.config.thumbpadding) } else { w = parseInt(K.index_panel_top - a.sizing().constTitleHeight4AboveThumbs + m.top) } if (w < 0) { w = 0 } if (F === "CENTER") { J = K.index_panel_left + a.config.thumbhseparation - a.config.thumbpadding + (K.index_panel_width - j(".jb-area-large-mode-title").width()) / 2; L = "auto" } else { if (F === "RIGHT") { L = a.glryWidth() - K.index_panel_left - m.left - m.width; J = "auto" } else { J = m.left + K.index_panel_left; L = "auto" } } } } var v = "auto"; var q = a.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase(); var z = ((q === "OVERLAY" && p === "OVERLAY") || (q === "TOP" && p === "TOP")) ? true : false; var E = a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config); if (E && z) { var o = a.config.buttonbarhalign.toUpperCase(); var B = parseInt(j(".jb-bb-bar").parent().width()); var y = a._(".jb-area-large-mode-title").width(); var A = a.glryWidth() - 2 * a.config.stagepadding - B - 30; var s = y > A - 50; if (s) { if ((o === "LEFT" && F === "RIGHT") || (o === "RIGHT" && F === "LEFT")) { v = A; if (v < 250) { v = 250 } } } } var u = a.config.thumbsposition.toUpperCase(); var x = p === "ABOVE_THUMBS" && (u === "LEFT" || u === "RIGHT") ? true : false; var D = j(".jb-area-large-mode-title a").length > 0 ? 600 : 200; var r; if (F === "CENTER") { if (x) { if (p != "ABOVE_THUMBS") { J = H - parseInt(j(".jb-area-large-mode-title").css("padding-left")); L = H + (u === "RIGHT" ? 0 : K.detail_panle_left) } else { if (p === "ABOVE_THUMBS") {} } } if (a.index_panel.is_visible()) { r = { left: J, top: w, right: L, height: "auto", "text-align": "center", overflow: "visible", "white-space": "normal", "z-index": D } } else { r = { left: J, top: w, right: L, height: "auto", "text-align": "center", overflow: "hidden", "white-space": "nowrap", "z-index": D } } } else { if (l) { if (x) { if (u === "RIGHT") { if (p != "ABOVE_THUMBS") { J = K.index_panel_left } } } if (a.index_panel.is_visible()) { r = { left: J, right: "auto", height: "auto", width: v, top: w, "text-align": "left", overflow: "visible", "white-space": "normal", "z-index": D } } else { r = { left: J, right: "auto", height: "auto", width: v, top: w, "text-align": "left", overflow: "hidden", "white-space": "nowrap", "z-index": D } } } else { if (x && p != "ABOVE_THUMBS") { if (u === "LEFT") { L += (current_width - K.detail_panel_left) } else { L -= 10 } } if (a.index_panel.is_visible()) { r = { left: "auto", right: L, top: w, height: "auto", width: v, "text-align": "right", overflow: "visible", "white-space": "normal", "z-index": D } } else { r = { left: "auto", right: L, top: w, height: "auto", width: v, "text-align": "right", overflow: "hidden", "white-space": "nowrap", "z-index": D } } } } a._(".jb-area-large-mode-title").css(r) }; return { setContext: h, getHtml: d, draw: b, setEvent: e, init: g, repaint: c, setPosition: i } }; juicebox_registered_components.toppanel = function(d) { var b = d; var k = function(l) { b = l }; var h = function() { if (!g()) { return "" } return "
" }; var c = function(l) { l.html(h()); return true }; var a = function(l) { b._(".jb-panel-top").css(l) }; var i = function() { b._(".jb-bb-btn-de-show-list").click(f) }; var f = function() { return false }; var j = function() {}; var e = function() {}; var g = function() { if (!b.utils.is_large_screen_mode(b.config)) { return false } var l = b.config.backbuttonposition.toUpperCase(); if (b.config.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase() === "TOP" || b.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() === "TOP" || l === "TOP") { return true } return false }; return { setContext: k, getHtml: h, draw: c, setEvent: i, init: j, repaint: e, isNeeded: g, setAreaStyle: a } }; juicebox_registered_components.backbutton = function() { var a, n; var e = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var k = function(o) { a = o; n = a._ }; var m = function() { if (a.config.backbuttonposition.toUpperCase() === "TOP") { return 6 } return 10 }; var g = function() { if (!f()) { return "" } var o = a.config.backbuttonposition.toUpperCase(); var p = ""; if (o === "OVERLAY") { p = " jb-classifier-show-on-over" } if (a.config.showsmallbackbutton) { p += " jb-classifier-detail-area" } if (a.config.backbuttonuseicon) { p += " jb-go-back-icon-frame" } return "" }; var b = function(o) { o.html(g()); return true }; var i = function() { n(".jb-bb-btn-de-show-list").click(d) }; var d = function() { return false }; var j = function() {}; var c = function(o) { if (!f()) { return } a.utils.fade_in(a.config, n(".jb-go-back"), o, false, null, "backbtn") }; var f = function() { if (a.config.showsmallbackbutton) { return true } var o = a.config.backbuttonposition.toUpperCase(); if (o === "TOP" || o === "OVERLAY") { return true } return false }; var h = function() { if (!a.features.backbutton.isNeeded()) { return "" } var s; var q = a.config.backbuttonuseicon ? "jb-go-back-icon" : "jb-go-back-text"; var r = (a.config.backbuttonuseicon && e.browser.msie && e.browser.version < 9) ? "" : (a.config.backbuttonuseicon ? "" : a.config.backbuttontext); var o = a.config.backbuttonuseicon ? " title='" + a.config.languagelistall.gobk + "'" : ""; var p = (e.browser.msie && e.browser.version < 8) ? "padding-top:" + parseInt(a.utils.get_button_bar_button_size(a.config).buttonWidth / 4) + "px;" : ""; if (a.config.backbuttonurl) { s = "" + r + "" } else { s = "" + r + "" } return s }; var l = function() { if (!a.features.backbutton.isNeeded()) { n(".jb-go-back").remove(); return } var p = m() + a.glryStagPadding(); var o = a.glrySizePosition(true, true); var t = p; var r = a.config.backbuttonposition.toUpperCase() != "OVERLAY" ? p : (o.detail_panel_top + 10); var s = a.config.backbuttonhalign.toUpperCase(); var q; if (s === "CENTER") { q = { top: r, left: t, right: t, "text-align": "center", "z-index": 550 }; if (a.config.backbuttonuseicon) { q.left = parseInt((a.glryWidth() - 38) / 2); q.right = "auto"; q.padding = 0; q.width = "auto" } } else { if (s === "RIGHT") { q = { top: r, left: "auto", right: t, "z-index": 650 } } else { q = { top: r, left: t, right: "auto", "z-index": 650 } } } if (!a.config.showsmallbackbutton) { n(".jb-go-back").html(h()).css(q).show() } else { n(".jb-go-back").html(h()).css(q) } if (a.config.textcolor) { n(".jb-go-back a.jb-go-back-text").css({ color: a.utils.format_color(a.config.textcolor) }) } if (a.config.textshadowcolor) { n(".jb-go-back a.jb-go-back-text").css({ "text-shadow": a.utils.get_text_shadow_style(a.config.textshadowcolor, a.config.textshadowcolora, true) }) } if (a.config.galleryfontface) { n(".jb-go-back a").css("font-family", a.config.galleryfontface) } }; return { setContext: k, getHtml: g, draw: b, setEvent: i, init: j, repaint: c, isNeeded: f, setPosition: l } }; juicebox_registered_components.buttonbar = function() { var g = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var q, y; var u = function(A) { q = A; y = q._ }; var j = 4; var m = function() { if (q.utils.is_large_screen_mode(q.config)) { return "" } return "" }; var z = function() { var B = q.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase(); if (B === "NONE") { return "" } var A = "", C = "display:none;"; if (B != "TOP" && !q.config.showinfobutton) { A = "jb-classifier-show-on-over" } return "" }; var o = function(A) { A.html(z()); return true }; var p = function() { var A = q.features.fullscreen.getPersistor(); return i("jb-bb-btn-de-show-list", q.config.languagelistall.st, q.utils.is_large_screen_mode(q.config) ? "" : "") + i("jb-bb-btn-open-url", q.config.languagelistall.oiinw, "") + (q.config.showdownloadbutton ? i("jb-bb-btn-download", q.config.languagelistall.download, "D") : "") + i("jb-bb-btn-full-screen" + ((A.is_full_screen || q.utils.is_new_expanded_window()) ? " jb-bb-btn-de-full-screen" : ""), ((A.is_full_screen || q.utils.is_new_expanded_window()) ? q.config.languagelistall.ef : q.config.languagelistall.gf), (A.is_full_screen || q.utils.is_new_expanded_window()) ? "" : "") }; var k = function() { return i("jb-bb-btn-top-nav jb-bb-btn-top-nav-left", q.config.languagelistall.goprv, "") + i("jb-bb-btn-auto-play", q.config.languagelistall.strta, "") + i("jb-bb-btn-top-nav jb-bb-btn-top-nav-right", q.config.languagelistall.gonxt, "") }; var f = function() { return i("jb-bb-btn-show-info", q.config.languagelistall.hdinfo, "") + i("jb-bb-btn-audio", q.config.languagelistall.plya, "") }; var r = function() { return i("jb-bb-btn-fotomoto", q.config.languagelistall.fotomoto, "", q.config.fotomotostoreid ? false : true) + (q.config.sharefacebook ? i("jb-bb-btn-facebook", q.config.languagelistall.facebook, "") : "") + (q.config.sharetwitter ? i("jb-bb-btn-twitter", q.config.languagelistall.twitter, "") : "") + (q.config.sharegplus ? i("jb-bb-btn-gplus", q.config.languagelistall.gplus, "") : "") + (q.config.sharepinterest ? i("jb-bb-btn-printerest", q.config.languagelistall.printerest, "") : "") + (q.config.sharetumblr ? i("jb-bb-btn-tumblr", q.config.languagelistall.tumblr, "") : "") + (q.config.showemailbutton ? i("jb-bb-btn-email", q.config.languagelistall.email, "M") : "") }; var i = function(A, D, C, B) { return "" }; var e = function() { q.utils.init_components(q.features, "audio"); q.utils.setup_components_event(q.features, "showthumbsbutton,openurl,download,fullscreen,topnavleft,autoplay,topnavright,showinfo,audio,fotomoto,facebook,twitter,gplus,printerest,tumblr,email"); if (q.config.buttonbariconhovercolor) { var A = ""; var B = ".jb-bb-button"; if (q.features.backbutton.isNeeded() && q.config.backbuttonuseicon) { B += ", .jb-go-back-icon" } y(B).hover(function() { A = g(this).attr("style"); g(this).css({ color: q.utils.format_color(q.config.buttonbariconhovercolor) }) }, function() { if (g.browser.msie && g.browser.version < 10) { g(this).css({ color: q.utils.format_color(q.config.buttonbariconcolor) }) } else { g(this).attr("style", A) } }) } y(".jb-bb-btn-top-nav.jb-bb-btn-top-nav-left").click(function() { q.features.autoplay.stop(); return q.previousImage(0) }); y(".jb-bb-btn-top-nav.jb-bb-btn-top-nav-right").click(function() { q.features.autoplay.stop(); return q.nextImage(0) }) }; var v = function() { if (q.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() === "NONE") { return false } return true }; var w = function(A) { var D = 0; var C = ""; if (q.config.buttonbariconrealsize && parseInt(q.config.buttonbariconrealsize)) { D = parseInt(q.config.buttonbariconrealsize) } if (q.config.buttonbariconcolor) { C = "border-color:" + q.config.buttonbariconcolor + ";" } var B = parseInt(D / 2) - 1; return "
" }; var t = function() {}; var a = function(A) { if (A) { if (q.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() === "NEVER") { return } var B = y(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area"); q.utils.fade_in(q.config, B, A, false, null, "btnbar") } else { d() } }; var n = function() { var B = d(true); var A = q.utils.get_button_bar_button_size(q.config); return A.buttonWidth * B.detailButtonCount + A.padding + (j * B.separatorCount) }; var c = function() { return d(true) }; var x = function() { if (q.utils.is_large_screen_mode(q.config)) { return } if (q.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() === "NEVER" || (q.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase() !== "ALWAYS" && !q.isOverlayVisible())) { y(".jb-bb-bar").hide() } }; var d = function(C) { var G = false; var M = false; var L = 0; var B = 0; var D = [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (!q.features.showthumbsbutton.isVisible()) { y(".jb-bb-btn-de-show-list").hide() } else { M = true; D[0]++; L++ } if (!q.config.showcaption) { y(".jb-caption").hide() } if (!q.config.showopenbutton) { y(".jb-bb-btn-open-url").hide() } else { M = true; D[0]++; L++ } if (!q.config.showdownloadbutton) { y(".jb-bb-btn-download").hide() } else { M = true; D[0]++; L++ } if (!q.config.showautoplaybutton) { y(".jb-bb-btn-auto-play").hide() } else { M = true; D[1]++; L++ } if (!s()) { y(".jb-bb-btn-audio").hide() } else { M = true; D[2]++; L++ } if (!l()) { y(".jb-bb-btn-full-screen").hide() } else { D[0]++; if (q.index_panel.is_visible() && !q.utils.is_large_screen_mode(q.config)) { G = true; B++ } else { M = true; L++ } } if (!q.config.showinfobutton) { y(".jb-bb-btn-show-info").hide() } else { M = true; D[2]++; L++ } if (!q.config.shownavbuttons) { y(".jb-bb-btn-top-nav").hide() } else { M = true; D[1] += 2; L += 2 } if (!q.features.fotomoto.isVisible()) { if (!C) { var J = y(".jb-bb-btn-fotomoto").is(":visible"); y(".jb-bb-btn-fotomoto").hide(); if (J) { b() } } } else { if (!C && !y(".jb-bb-btn-fotomoto").is(":visible")) { y(".jb-bb-btn-fotomoto").show(); b() } M = true; D[3]++; L++ } if (!q.config.sharefacebook) { y(".jb-bb-btn-facebook").hide() } else { M = true; D[3]++; L++ } if (!q.config.sharetwitter) { y(".jb-bb-btn-twitter").hide() } else { M = true; D[3]++; L++ } if (!q.config.sharegplus) { y(".jb-bb-btn-gplus").hide() } else { M = true; D[3]++; L++ } if (!q.config.sharepinterest) { y(".jb-bb-btn-printerest").hide() } else { M = true; D[3]++; L++ } if (!q.config.sharetumblr) { y(".jb-bb-btn-tumblr").hide() } else { M = true; D[3]++; L++ } if (!q.config.showemailbutton) { y(".jb-bb-btn-email").hide() } else { M = true; D[3]++; L++ } var N = 0; if (D[0] && D[1]) { y(".jb-bb-splitter-1").show(); N++ } else { y(".jb-bb-splitter-1").hide() } if (D[2] && (D[1] || D[0])) { y(".jb-bb-splitter-2").show(); N++ } else { y(".jb-bb-splitter-2").hide() } if (D[3] && (D[2] || D[1] || D[0])) { y(".jb-bb-splitter-3").show(); N++ } else { y(".jb-bb-splitter-3").hide() } if (C) { var I = []; for (var H = 0; H < D.length; H++) { if (!D[H]) { continue } for (var F = 0; F < D[H]; F++) { if (F == 0 && I.length) { I.push("s") } I.push("b") } } return { detailButtonCount: L, indexButtonCount: B, separatorCount: N, buttonPattern: I } } var K = q.config.showimageoverlay.toUpperCase(); var A = q.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase(); var E = ".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area"; if (A === "NONE") { y(E + ", .jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-thumb-area").remove() } else { if (q.config.showinfobutton || q.isOverlayVisible() || A === "TOP" || K === "ALWAYS") { if (q.detail_panel.is_visible() && A != "OVERLAY_IMAGE") { y(E).show() } } else { y(E).hide() } } if (M) { y(E + " .jb-bb-bar").show() } else { y(E + " .jb-bb-bar").hide() } if (!G) { y(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-thumb-area").hide() } else { y(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-thumb-area").show() } return null }; var l = function() { if (!q.utils.is_in_iframe() && q.config.usefullscreenexpand && q.utils.exit_support_real_fullscreen()) { return true } if (q.config.showexpandbutton && q.config.originalshowexpandbutton && (!q.isFullScreenMode() || q.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() || q.utils.is_new_expanded_window()) && (!q.utils.is_in_iframe())) { return true } return false }; var s = function() { if (!q.config.showaudiobutton || q.utils.is_earlier_ie()) { return false } return true }; var b = function() { var P = q.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase(); if (P != "OVERLAY_IMAGE" && P != "NONE") { var J, F = q.config.buttonbarhalign.toUpperCase(); var D = 0; var I = (P == q.config.backbuttonposition.toUpperCase()) || (!q.utils.is_large_screen_mode(q.config) && q.config.showsmallbackbutton); if (q.detail_panel.is_visible() && q.features.backbutton.isNeeded() && I) { var K = q.config.backbuttonhalign.toUpperCase(); if ((K === "LEFT" && F == "RIGHT") || (K === "RIGHT" && F == "LEFT")) { D = g(".jb-go-back").width() + 55 } } var B = false; var T = q.glrySizePosition(); var C = 10; var S = q.glryStagPadding(); var H = S; J = n(); var L = C + T.detail_panel_top; if (P === "TOP") { L = C - 4 + T.top_panel_top } var A = q.utils.get_button_bar_button_size(q.config); var O = q.glryWidth() - 2 * q.config.stagepadding - (D ? D : 25); if (J > O) { J = O } var E = A.buttonWidth; var Q = d(true); var N = 0; var G = h(); for (var R = 0; R < Q.buttonPattern.length; R++) { if (Q.buttonPattern[R] == "b") { N += E; if (N + A.padding + j > J) { if (R > 0 && Q.buttonPattern[R - 1] == "s") { var M = J; if (R == Q.buttonPattern.length - 1 && O > J) { J += E / G } else { J -= E / 4 } } else { if (R == Q.buttonPattern.length - 1 && O > J) { J += E / G } } break } } if (Q.buttonPattern[R] == "s") { N += j } } if (F === "CENTER") { B = true; H = parseInt((q.glryWidth() - J) / 2) - 10 } else { if (F === "LEFT") { B = true } } if (B) { y(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area").css({ left: H, top: L, width: J }) } else { y(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper.jb-classifier-detail-area").css({ right: H, top: L, width: J }) } } }; var h = function() { var A = 10; if (q.config.buttonbariconsize < 3) { A = 1 } else { if (q.config.buttonbariconsize < 8) { A = 2 } else { if (q.config.buttonbariconsize < 12) { A = 5 } else { if (q.config.buttonbariconsize < 15) { A = 8 } } } } return A }; return { setContext: u, getHtml: z, draw: o, setEvent: e, init: t, repaint: a, setPosition: b, getVisibleBtnCount: c, getButtonbarWidth: n, getHtml4IndexPage: m, needFullscreenButton: l, trySetInvisible: x } }; juicebox_registered_components.imagenav = function() { var a, k; var d = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var i = function(l) { a = l; k = a._ }; var f = function(l) { if (!e()) { return "" } var m = l ? "left" : "right"; return "
" }; var b = function(l) { l.html(f()); return true }; var g = function() {}; var h = function() {}; var j = function(t) { var o = a.sizing(); var q = parseInt(a.config.navbuttoniconrealsize); if (!q) { q = 18 } var w = a.utils.get_nav_btn_size(a.config); var x = w / 2; if (a.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() != "IMAGE") { a._(".jb-navigation.jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-button").css("top", parseInt(t.detail_panel_height / 2 - x) + "px") } var r = a.config.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase(); var n = (!t.is_sideway_layout && a.config.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase() === "ABOVE_THUMBS" && r != "BOTTOM" ? o.constTitleHeight4AboveThumbs : 0); if (a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { var y = a.index_panel.get_thumb_height() / 2 - x; var s = a.index_panel.get_show_area_position(); var v = a.glryStagPadding(); var p = a.config.captionposition.toUpperCase(); if (r === "BOTTOM") { var m = s.top + a.index_panel.get_thumb_height(); if (p === "BELOW_THUMBS") { y = m + parseInt((t.caption_panel_top - (m) - q - a.config.thumbpadding) / 2) } else { y = m + o.padding_bottom_index_nav(a.config) } var l = m + parseInt((t.index_panel_height - a.index_panel.get_thumb_height()) / 2) - x; if (y < m) { y = m } if (t.is_sideway_layout && a.config.showpagingtext) { if (y + 2 * a.config.thumbpadding < l) { y += a.config.thumbpadding } } if (y > l) { y = l } } else { if (t.is_sideway_layout) { y = (a.glryHeight() - t.top_panel_height - 2 * v - (p === "BOTTOM" ? t.caption_panel_height : 0)) / 2 - x + (p === "BOTTOM" ? v : 0); var u = a.config.thumbsvalign.toUpperCase(); if (u === "TOP" || u === "BOTTOM") { y = s.top + parseInt((a.index_panel.get_thumb_height() - w + a.config.thumbpadding) / 2) } } } if (a.config.usethumbdots) { var z = a.config.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase(); if (a.config.showpagingtext && z === "BOTTOM") { n += 10 } if (y < 0) { n += 7 + ((q <= 20) ? (22 - q) / 2 : 0) } if (!a.config_manager.isp) { n += 11 } } else {} k(".jb-navigation.jb-classifier-thumb-area .jbn-nav-button").css("top", parseInt(y + n) + "px") } else { k(".jb-navigation.jb-classifier-thumb-area .jbn-nav-button").css("top", parseInt((t.index_panel_height / 2 - x) + n) + "px") } }; var e = function() { var l = a.config.showimagenav.toUpperCase(); if (l === "ALWAYS") { return true } if (a.utils.is_swipable_device()) { return false } if (l === "NEVER") { return false } return true }; var c = function(p, q) { var u = false; if (!a.detail_panel.isImageShowed() && a.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() === "IMAGE") { u = true } var o = a.config.showimagenav.toUpperCase(); var v = o === "NEVER" ? true : false; if (!v && a.config.imagenavposition.toUpperCase() != "STAGE" && !a.detail_panel.isCurrentImageLoaded()) { v = true } var m = k(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-left-button"); var s = k(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-left-touch-area"); var l = k(".jb-bb-button.jb-bb-btn-top-nav.jb-bb-btn-top-nav-left"); var n = true; if (v) { m.hide() } else { if (!a.canImageMove()) { if (!u) { m.hide(); if (!a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { window.setTimeout(function() { m.hide() }, 50) } } l.css({ opacity: 0.5 }); s.addClass("dt-nav-disabled") } else { if (!u) { n = true; if (!v) { if (o === "ALWAYS") { n = false } else { if (q === 1) { n = false } } } if (!p) { if (!n) { if (a.utils.is_earlier_ie() && a.config.navbuttoniconopacity) { m.show().css({ filter: a.config.navbuttonbackcoloropacity.replace("filter:", "") }) } else { m.show().css({ opacity: 1 }) } } else { if (a.utils.is_earlier_ie() && a.config.navbuttoniconopacity) { m.show().css({ filter: a.config.navbuttonbackcoloropacity }) } else { m.show().css({ opacity: 0 }) } } } else { if (!n) { if (d.browser.msie || document.msFullscreenEnabled) { m.fadeOut(); window.setTimeout(function() { m.fadeIn(p) }, 100) } else { m.fadeIn(p) } } else { m.fadeOut(p) } } } l.css({ opacity: 1 }); s.removeClass("dt-nav-disabled") } } var t = k(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-right-button"); var w = k(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jbn-nav-right-touch-area"); var r = k(".jb-bb-button.jb-bb-btn-top-nav.jb-bb-btn-top-nav-right"); if (v) { t.hide() } else { if (!a.canImageMove(true)) { t.hide(); if (!a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { window.setTimeout(function() { t.hide() }, 50) } r.css({ opacity: 0.5 }); w.addClass("dt-nav-disabled") } else { n = true; if (!v) { if (o === "ALWAYS") { n = false } else { if (q === 2) { n = false } } } if (!p) { if (!n) { t.show().css({ opacity: 1 }) } else { t.show().css({ opacity: 0 }) } } else { if (!n) { t.fadeIn(p) } else { t.fadeOut(p) } } r.css({ opacity: 1 }); w.removeClass("dt-nav-disabled") } } }; return { setContext: i, getHtml: f, draw: b, setEvent: g, init: h, repaint: c, setPosition: j, isNeeded: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.indexnav = function() { var a, i; var g = function(j) { a = j; i = a._ }; var d = function() { return "" }; var b = function(j) { j.html(d()); return true }; var e = function() {}; var f = function() {}; var c = function(m) { var j = a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config); var k = i(".jb-classifier-thumb-area .jbn-left-button"); if (!j && !a.config.showsmallthumbnav) { k.hide() } else { if (!a.canPageMove()) { k.hide(); if (!a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { window.setTimeout(function() { k.hide() }, 50) } } else { if (!m) { k.show() } else { k.fadeIn(m) } } } var l = i(".jb-classifier-thumb-area .jbn-right-button"); if (!j && !a.config.showsmallthumbnav) { l.hide() } else { if (!a.canPageMove(true)) { l.hide(); if (!a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { window.setTimeout(function() { l.hide() }, 50) } } else { if (!m) { l.show() } else { a.utils.fade_in(a.config, l, m, false, null, "idxnavs") } } } }; var h = function(o) { var m = a.index_panel.get_thumblist_size(); var q = a.utils.get_nav_btn_size(a.config); var n = parseInt(((o.index_panel_width - m.width) / 2 - q) - (q / 3)); if ((q / 3) > 10 && n < 5) { n = 5 } var r = o.index_panel_width - m.width - 2 * q; var k = a.config.thumbwidth - q + a.config.thumbpadding; if (a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { if (a.config.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase() === "BOTTOM") { n = parseInt((o.index_panel_width - m.width) / 2 + k / 2); if (parseInt(a.config.maxthumbcolumns) <= 1) { n -= parseInt(a.config.thumbwidth / 2 - 12) } } if (a.config.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase() === "BOTTOM" && a.config.usethumbdots) { if (a.config.maxthumbcolumns <= 4) { n -= 11 } else { n -= 3 } } } var j = a.config.thumbshalign.toUpperCase(); var p = a.config.thumbpadding / 2; var l = a.config.thumbnavposition.toUpperCase() === "BOTTOM" ? k - p : 0; if (j === "LEFT") { i(".index-navigation .jbn-left-button").css("left", (p + l) + "px"); i(".index-navigation .jbn-right-button").css("right", (r - p + l) + "px") } else { if (j === "RIGHT") { i(".index-navigation .jbn-left-button").css("left", (r - p + l) + "px"); i(".index-navigation .jbn-right-button").css("right", (p + l) + "px") } else { i(".index-navigation .jbn-left-button").css("left", (n) + "px"); i(".index-navigation .jbn-right-button").css("right", (n) + "px") } } }; return { setContext: g, getHtml: d, draw: b, setEvent: e, init: f, repaint: c, setPosition: h } }; juicebox_registered_components.showthumbsbutton = function(e) { var a = e; var q = null; var i = false; var p = false; var f = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var n = function(r) { a = r; q = a._ }; var j = function() { q(".jb-bb-btn-de-show-list").click(function() { return l() }) }; var l = function(r) { var s = function() { o() }; if (!a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { if (a.config_manager.isp && juicebox_instances[a.instance_id] && typeof(juicebox_instances[a.instance_id].onShowThumbs) === "function") { juicebox_instances[a.instance_id].onShowThumbs(true) } s(); return false } return b(r) }; var o = function(u) { a.features.autoplay.stop(); var x = u ? u : 0; if (a.detail_panel.get_photo_position() > 0) { x = a.detail_panel.get_photo_position() } if (a.index_panel.is_visible() && a.detail_panel.is_visible()) { a.redrawIndexPanel(x); return false } a.detail_panel.set_visible_flag(false); a.index_panel.set_visible_flag(true); var t = q(" .jb-panel-detail, .jb-area-caption"); if (t.is(":visible")) { p = true; var w = q(" .jb-panel-detail img"); if (w.length > 0) { w.fadeOut(250) } q(".jb-classifier-link-wrapper").hide(); t.fadeOut(250); window.setTimeout(function() { q(" .jb-classifier-detail-area, .jb-area-caption").hide(); q(".jb-classifier-thumb-area").fadeIn(200); a.redrawIndexPanel(x); p = false }, 250) } else { a.redrawIndexPanel() } if (a.config.enabledirectlinks) { var s = a.features.hashstatus.getExpendedHash(); var v = window.location.href.split("#"); var r = ""; if (v.length == 2 && v[1].indexOf(s) >= 0) { r = s } window.location.href = window.location.href.split("#")[0] + "#" + r } return false }; var b = function(C, A, r) { var B; var v = a.config.thumbsposition.toUpperCase(); var D = 500; var y = q(".jb-panel-index"); if (typeof(A) == "boolean") { i = A } else { i = !i } y.stop(); q(".jb-panel-detail .jb-dt-main-image, .jb-panel-detail .jb-dt-main-image img").stop(); if (i) { var t = function() { a.index_panel.set_visible_flag(false); y.hide(); a.features.grytitle.setPosition(); a.features.buttonbar.setPosition(); if (!r) { a.glryRepaint(true, false, true) } }; if (!C) { var x = parseInt(y.height()); var s = parseInt(y.width()); q(".jb-panel-index .jb-area-large-mode-title").css({ overflow: "hidden", "white-space": "nowrap" }); if (v === "TOP") { y.animate({ top: "-=" + (x), height: "-=" + (x), avoidTransforms: true }, 500, "easeInOutQuart", t) } else { if (v === "LEFT") { q(".index-navigation .jbn-nav-button").hide(); y.animate({ left: "-=" + (s), width: "-=" + (s), avoidTransforms: true }, 500, "easeInOutQuart", t) } else { if (v === "RIGHT") { q(".index-navigation .jbn-nav-button").hide(); y.animate({ left: "+=" + (s), width: "-=" + (s), avoidTransforms: true }, 500, "easeInOutQuart", t) } else { y.animate({ top: "+=" + (x), height: "-=" + (x), avoidTransforms: true }, 500, "easeInOutQuart", t) } } } } else { t() } } else { B = a.glrySizePosition(true, true); a.glryRepaint(true, true, true); var F = B.index_panel_top; var z = B.index_panel_left; var w = B.index_panel_height; var u = B.index_panel_width; if (v === "TOP") { w = 0; F = B.index_panel_top - B.index_panel_height } else { if (v === "LEFT") { u = 0; z = B.index_panel_left - B.index_panel_width } else { if (v === "RIGHT") { u = 0; z = B.index_panel_left + B.index_panel_width } else { w = 0; F = B.index_panel_top + B.index_panel_height } } } y.css({ top: F, height: w, left: z, width: u }); if (f.browser && f.browser.msie) { y.css("opacity", 1) } y.show(); if (q(".jb-idx-show-area table").length <= 0) { a.index_panel.show_current_page() } q(".jb-panel-index .jb-area-caption").show(); if (a.config.gallerytitleposition.toUpperCase() === "ABOVE_THUMBS") { q(".jb-panel-index .jb-area-large-mode-title").show() } var E = function() { a.index_panel.set_visible_flag(true); y.hide(); if (!r) { a.glryRepaint(true, false, true) } }; if (!C) { q(".jb-panel-index .jb-area-large-mode-title").css({ overflow: "hidden", "white-space": "nowrap" }); if (v === "TOP") { y.animate({ top: "-=" + (-B.index_panel_height), height: "+=" + (B.index_panel_height), avoidTransforms: true }, 500, "easeInOutQuart", E) } else { if (v === "LEFT") { y.animate({ left: "+=" + (B.index_panel_width), width: "+=" + (B.index_panel_width), avoidTransforms: true }, 500, "easeInOutQuart", E) } else { if (v === "RIGHT") { y.animate({ left: "-=" + (B.index_panel_width), width: "+=" + (B.index_panel_width), avoidTransforms: true }, 500, "easeInOutQuart", E) } else { y.animate({ top: "+=" + (-B.index_panel_height), height: "+=" + (B.index_panel_height), avoidTransforms: true }, 500, "easeInOutQuart", E) } } } } else { E() } } if (a.config_manager.isp && juicebox_instances[a.instance_id] && typeof(juicebox_instances[a.instance_id].onShowThumbs) === "function") { juicebox_instances[a.instance_id].onShowThumbs(!i) } if (a.utils.is_touchable_desktop()) { a.features.touchevent.setTransitioning(true); window.setTimeout(function() { a.features.touchevent.setTransitioning(false) }, 50) } return false }; var m = function() {}; var h = function() { return i }; var c = function(r) { i = !r }; var d = function() { return p }; var g = function() { if (!a.config.showsmallthumbsbutton || !a.config.showthumbsbutton) { return false } if (!a.config.showsmallthumbsbutton || (!a.config.showthumbsbutton && a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config))) { return false } return true }; var k = function() { var s = q(".jb-bb-btn-de-show-list"); if (a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { if (a.index_panel.is_visible()) { s.attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.htlsm) } else { s.attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.stlsm) } } else { s.attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.st); if (g()) { s.show() } else { s.hide(); if (q(".jb-bb-bar>div:visible").length <= 0) { var r = a.features.buttonbar.getVisibleBtnCount(); if (r.detailButtonCount <= 0) { q(".jb-classifier-detail-area .jb-bb-bar").hide() } if (r.indexButtonCount <= 0) { q(".jb-classifier-thumb-area .jb-bb-bar").hide() } } } if (a.detail_panel.is_visible()) { a.index_panel.display_gallery_top(false) } else {} } }; return { setContext: n, setEvent: j, init: m, isThumbsHidden: h, switch2Thumbnails: o, isSwitching: d, toggle_index_panel_4_lsm: b, setIndexVisibleFlag: c, repaint: k, indexButtonClicked: l, isVisible: g } }; juicebox_registered_components.openurl = function() { var c, e; var f = function(i) { c = i; e = c._ }; var h = function() { c._(".jb-bb-btn-open-url").click(d) }; var g = function(i) { if (i.linkURL) { return i.linkURL } else { if (i.largeImageURL) { return i.largeImageURL } return i.imageURL } return "" }; var d = function() { var i = c.detail_panel.get_current_photo(); if (c.config.useflickr) { if (i.imageFullURL) { window.open(i.imageFullURL); return false } } var k = g(i); var j = i.linkTarget ? i.linkTarget.toLowerCase() : ""; if (j === "_self") { window.location.href = k } else { window.open(k, j) } return false }; var b = function() {}; var a = function() {}; return { setContext: f, setEvent: h, init: b, repaint: a, open_url: d, getTargetUrl: g } }; juicebox_registered_components.fullscreen = function() { var a, m, d; var c = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var g = null; var k = function(o) { a = o; m = a._; var n = a.config; d = { parent_gallery_param: n.persistor_param, is_full_screen: ((n.fullscreen_displaying_mode) ? true : false), parent_gallery: n.parent_gallery, initial_body_css_inline_style: (n.initial_body_css_inline_style ? n.initial_body_css_inline_style : ""), initial_html_css_inline_style: (n.initial_html_css_inline_style ? n.initial_html_css_inline_style : ""), scroll_position: (n.scroll_position ? n.scroll_position : {}), initial_height: 0, initial_width: 0 } }; var f = function() { m(".jb-bb-btn-full-screen").click(b) }; var i = function() { g = new juicebox_gallery_dialog({ jquery: c }) }; var b = function() { return l() }; var l = function() { if (!d.is_full_screen) { if (a.utils.is_new_expanded_window()) { window.history.back(); return false } juicebox_instances[a.instance_id].sendMessage(true); a.features.hashstatus.enableHashEvent(false); a.features.hashstatus.setExpanded(true); if (!a.utils.is_in_iframe() && a.utils.need_new_window(a.config)) { var E; 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E.backbuttonurl = a.config.backbuttonurl ? a.utils.convert_to_absolute_path(a.config.backbuttonurl) : ""; E.audiourlogg = (a.config.audiourlogg ? a.utils.convert_to_absolute_path(a.config.audiourlogg) : ""); E.languagelist = a.config.languagelistbak; E.parenturl = document.location.href } a.config_manager.get_cookie_manager().saveConfig({ skip: "gallerywidth,galleryheight,containerid,enabledirectlinks,usefullscreenexpand,expandinnewpage,languagelistall,splashtitle,splashimageurl,splashshowimagecount,gallerydescription,thumb_load_placeholder,main_load_placeholder,showthumbsonload,use_webkit_transform,use_3d_transform,sync_caption_dimensions,theme,flickrtagmode,flickrsort,flickrimagesize,seoadditionaltext,enableseo,showsplashpage,smallthumbslidetime,thumbpreloading,fadetime,dialogfadetime", config: E }); if (a.features.audio.isPlaying()) { a.features.audio.toggleAudioPlay() } document.location.href = a.utils.get_js_folder_url() + "full.php?cat=1"; return false } var q = a.utils.get_viewport_meta_content(); a.utils.set_viewport_meta(a.config, true); var t = c.extend({}, a.config); var z = a.getIgnoredOptions4New().split(","); for (var A = 0; A < z.length; A++) { if (z[A].length <= 0) { continue } delete t[z[A]] } t.containerid = g.get_id(); t.gallerywidth = "100%"; t.galleryheight = "100%"; t.fullscreen_displaying_mode = true; t.parent_gallery = juicebox_instances[a.instance_id]; var B = c("body").attr("style"); t.initial_body_css_inline_style = B ? B : ""; t.initial_html_css_inline_style = c("html").attr("style"); t.scroll_position = {}; t.scroll_position.scrollTop = c(window).scrollTop(); t.scroll_position.scrollLeft = c(window).scrollLeft(); window.scroll(0, 0); t.persistor_param = {}; t.persistor_param.image_orders = a.gallery_manager().get_image_orders(); t.persistor_param.viewportContent = q; var D = c(window); var C = a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config); t.persistor_param.max_side_length = Math.max(D.width(), D.height()); t.persistor_param.restore_viewport = function(J, I) { a.utils.set_viewport_value(J, I) }; var n = a.config.showsmallthumbsonload && !a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config) ? true : false; t.persistor_param.is_index_visible = a.features.splash.isSet() ? n : a.index_panel.is_visible(); t.persistor_param.is_detail_visible = a.features.splash.isSet() ? !n : a.detail_panel.is_visible(); t.persistor_param.current_image_index = a.detail_panel.get_photo_position(); t.persistor_param.restore_image = function(I) { a.setImageEventIndex(I + 1); if (C) { a.showImage(I) } else { a.switch2Main(I) } }; t.persistor_param.restore_index = (C ? a.redrawIndexPanel : a.features.showthumbsbutton.switch2Thumbnails); t.persistor_param.splash_is_set = a.features.splash.isSet(); t.persistor_param.background_image_width = a.features.backgroundimage.getSizingInfo().width; t.persistor_param.background_image_height = a.features.backgroundimage.getSizingInfo().height; t.persistor_param.gallery_manager = a.gallery_manager; t.persistor_param.hide_thumbnails_in_lsm = a.features.showthumbsbutton.isThumbsHidden(); t.persistor_param.last_image_event_index = (a.detail_panel.get_current_photo() ? a.detail_panel.get_current_photo().position : 0) + 1; t.persistor_param.overlay_info_visible = a.config.showinfobutton ? a.features.showinfo.visible() : a.isOverlayVisible(); t.persistor_param.openedFromSplash = a.features.splash.opendFromSplash; if (a.features.audio.isNeeded()) { t.persistor_param.is_audio_playing = a.features.audio.isPlaying(); t.persistor_param.parent_toggle_audio_play = a.features.audio.toggleAudioPlay; t.persistor_param.need2PlayAudioAfterSplash = a.features.splash.need2PlayAudioAfterSplash; t.persistor_param.stopAudioPlay = a.features.audio.stop } t.persistor_param.parent_set_info_visible = a.features.showinfo.showInfoCtrls; t.persistor_param.different_size_images_in_config = a.hasMultipleSizeImages; var r = a.features.autoplay.isPlaying(); a.features.autoplay.stop(false, true); t.persistor_param.is_autoplaying = r; t.persistor_param.restore_autoplay = function(I) { if (I != a.features.autoplay.isPlaying()) { a.features.autoplay.toggleAutoPlay(false, true) } }; t.persistor_param.restore_autohide = function() { a.resetInactiveTimer() }; t.persistor_param.repaint_glry = function(I) { a.glryRepaint(I) }; if (!(a.utils.is_swipable_device() || a.config.forcetouchmode || a.config.showinfobutton)) { a.setOverlay(false, 0) } var F = { overflow: "hidden", margin: 0, padding: 0 }; c("html").css(F); c("body").addClass("jb-flag-fullscreen"); var x = C ? false : true; if (a.config.backgroundopacity === 1 || a.config.backgroundopacity === "1" || (typeof(a.config.backgroundopacity) === "string" && a.config.backgroundopacity.indexOf("filter") === 0 && a.config.backgroundopacity.indexOf("100") > 0)) { x = true } else { t.persistor_param.restore_zindex = function() { m("").show(); m("").focus() }; m("").hide() } var v = a.config.expandedbackgroundcoloropacity >= 1 ? true : false; var G = 1000 * a.config.dialogfadetime; g.fadein_dialog(v, G, function() { a.setExtendedGlry(new juicebox(t)) }); if (a.config.usefullscreenexpand || a.config.autofullscreenexpand) { a.utils.show_real_fullscreen("jb-glry-dlg"); if (a.utils.is_android() && a.index_panel.is_visible() && !a.utils.is_large_screen_mode(a.config)) { window.setTimeout(function() { a.showNextPage() }, 1000) } } } else { var p = c(window); if (a.utils.need_viewport_meta(a.config)) { if (d.parent_gallery_param.viewportContent) { if (a.utils.is_android() && a.config.usefullscreenexpand) { window.setTimeout(function() { a.utils.set_viewport_meta_content(d.parent_gallery_param.viewportContent) }, 1500) } else { a.utils.set_viewport_meta_content(d.parent_gallery_param.viewportContent) } } else { if (!a.utils.is_ipad()) { d.parent_gallery_param.restore_viewport(0.4, true) } } } else { var u = d.parent_gallery_param.viewportContent ? d.parent_gallery_param.viewportContent : ""; a.utils.set_viewport_meta_content(u) } if (!d.parent_gallery_param.splash_is_set) { d.parent_gallery_param.parent_set_info_visible(a.features.showinfo.visible()); var w = a.detail_panel.get_photo_position(); if (a.detail_panel.is_visible()) { d.parent_gallery_param.restore_image(w) } if (a.index_panel.is_visible()) { d.parent_gallery_param.restore_index(w) } } window.setTimeout(function() { c("html").css({ overflow: "" }); c("body").css({ overflow: "auto" }); window.setTimeout(function() { if (juicebox_instances.length > 1) { d.initial_html_css_inline_style = d.initial_html_css_inline_style.replace(/ /g, "").replace("overflow:hidden;") } c("body").removeClass("jb-flag-fullscreen").attr("style", d.initial_body_css_inline_style); c("html").attr("style", d.initial_html_css_inline_style); window.setTimeout(function() { window.scroll(d.scroll_position.scrollLeft, d.scroll_position.scrollTop); d.parent_gallery_param.restore_autohide(); d.parent_gallery_param.repaint_glry(true) }, 300) }, 100) }, 100); if (d.parent_gallery_param.restore_zindex) { d.parent_gallery_param.restore_zindex() } var s = function() { d.parent_gallery.restore(!a.index_panel.is_visible() || a.features.showthumbsbutton.isThumbsHidden(), a.isOverlayVisible()) }; var H = function() { var I = 1000 * a.config.dialogfadetime; g.fadeout_dialog(I, s); a.unbindResize() }; var y = function() { g.cleanup_dialog(); a.unbindResize(); d.parent_gallery.restore(a.features.showthumbsbutton.isThumbsHidden(), a.isOverlayVisible()) }; if (a.config.usefullscreenexpand || a.config.autofullscreenexpand) { a.utils.exit_fullscreen(); if (a.utils.is_android()) { window.setTimeout(function() { a.glryRepaint(true) }, 1300) } y() } else { H() } var o = a.features.autoplay.isPlaying(); if (a.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { if (a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.openedFromSplash()) { if (a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.stopAudioPlay) { a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.stopAudioPlay() } o = a.config.autoplayonload ? true : false } } d.parent_gallery_param.restore_autoplay(o); a.features.hashstatus.enableHashEvent(false); if (!a.features.splash.isSet()) { d.parent_gallery.sendMessage(false) } } return false }; var j = function() { return d.is_full_screen }; var h = function() { return d.is_full_screen ? d.parent_gallery : null }; var e = function() { return d }; return { setContext: k, setEvent: f, init: i, switched_2_fullscreen: j, full_screen: b, parentGallery: h, getPersistor: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.autoplay = function() { var a, q, l = 0, j; var g = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var o = function(r) { a = r; q = a._; j = 1000 * a.config.imagetransitiontime }; var h = function() { return "
" + a.utils.add_font_icon_4_ie8(config, utils.is_large_screen_mode(config) ? "" : "", true) + "
" }; var b = function(r) { if (!a.config.showthumbsbutton) { return false } if (!a.allowDisplay()) { return false } r.html(h()); return true }; var i = function() { q(".jb-bb-btn-auto-play").click(function() { p(); return false }) }; var k = function() {}; var c = function() {}; var p = function(r, t, s) { if (!s && !a.config.showautoplaybutton && !a.config.enableautoplay && !a.config.autoplayonload) { return false } if (l) { window.clearInterval(l); l = 0; d(t); return false } if (a.detail_panel.is_visible()) { if (a.config.gonextonautoplay && !r) { a.nextImage(0) } else {} } f(); d(t); return false }; var d = function(w) { var t = a.config.languagelistall.aon; if (l) { q(".jb-bb-btn-auto-play").toggleClass("jb-status-playing").attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.stpa).html(a.utils.add_font_icon_4_ie8(a.config, "")) } else { t = a.config.languagelistall.aoff; q(".jb-bb-btn-auto-play").toggleClass("jb-status-playing").attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.strta).html(a.utils.add_font_icon_4_ie8(a.config, "")) } if (a.config.showautoplaystatus && !w) { var v = q(".jb-status-message"); var r = a.glrySizePosition(a.index_panel.is_visible(), a.detail_panel.is_visible(), a.config_manager.isp, a.features.toppanel.isNeeded(), a.index_panel.get_thumb_height(), a.config); var u = r.detail_panel_height / 2 - 18; var s = r.detail_panel_width / 2 - 79; v.css({ top: u, left: s, width: "140px" }); v.html(t).fadeIn(300); window.setTimeout(function() { v.hide().fadeOut(j); v.fadeOut(300) }, 1000) } }; var n = function(r) { l = r }; var f = function() { l = window.setInterval(function() { if (g("#jb-glry-dlg").is(":visible") && !q("").is(":visible")) { return } if (!a.canImageMove(true)) { a.features.autoplay.toggleAutoPlay(); return } var r = a.gallery_manager().get_next_image(a.detail_panel.get_photo_position()).position; var s = q(".jb-dt-main-image-" + r + " .jb-status-loading"); if (s.length <= 0 && a.config.main_load_placeholder.indexOf("jb-status-") > 0) { a.nextImage(0) } }, 1000 * a.config.displaytime + j) }; var m = function() { if (l) { p() } }; var e = function() { return l != 0 }; return { setContext: o, getHtml: h, draw: b, setEvent: i, init: k, repaint: c, toggleAutoPlay: p, stop: m, isPlaying: e, set_autoplay_flag: n } }; juicebox_registered_components.showinfo = function() { var a, i, e = true; var d = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var h = function(j) { a = j; i = a._ }; var f = function() { if (!a.config.showinfobutton) { return } i(".jb-bb-btn-show-info").click(function() { g(); return false }) }; var g = function() { e = !e; a.setOverlayFlag(e); c(e, 250, false) }; var b = function() { return e }; var c = function(k, l, o, p) { e = k; if (p) { return } if (!a.detail_panel.is_visible()) { return } var n = (!a.detail_panel.isImageShowed() && a.config.buttonbarposition.toUpperCase() === "OVERLAY_IMAGE") ? ":not(.jb-classifier-link-wrapper)" : ""; if (o) { n += ":not(.jb-area-caption)" } a.utils.show_hide_controls(i(".jb-classifier-show-on-over" + n), k, ((d.browser.msie && d.browser.version >= 7 && d.browser.version < 8) ? 0 : l)); if (!o) { i(".jb-area-caption table").css({ display: "" }) } if (a.config.imagetransitiontype.toUpperCase() === "CROSS_FADE" && !(d.browser.msie || a.utils.is_firefox3())) { var j = l ? l : 50; window.setTimeout(function() { i(".jb-area-caption table").css({ opacity: 1 }) }, j) } var m = k ? a.config.languagelistall.hdinfo : a.config.languagelistall.sinfo; i(".jb-bb-button.jb-bb-btn-show-info").attr("title", m) }; return { setContext: h, setEvent: f, showInfoCtrls: c, visible: b, toggle_info: g } }; juicebox_registered_components.audio = function() { var a, m, c, f; var l = function(n) { a = n; m = a._ }; var h = function() { m(".jb-bb-btn-audio").click(function() { i(); return false }) }; var i = function() { var n = false; if (a.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() && a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.parent_toggle_audio_play) { c = !a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.parent_toggle_audio_play(); n = true } else { if (!f) { return c } } if (a.utils.is_earlier_ie()) { return c } if (c) { if (!n) { if (f) { f.pause() } } c = false; m(".jb-bb-btn-audio").removeClass("jb-status-playing").attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.plya) } else { if (!n) { if (f) { f.play() } if (f.paused) { return c } } c = true; m(".jb-bb-btn-audio").addClass("jb-status-playing").attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.psa) } return c }; var j = function(n) { var p; if (a.config.audiourlmp3) { p = a.config.audiourlmp3 } if (a.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen() && a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.parent_toggle_audio_play) { if (a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.need2PlayAudioAfterSplash && a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.need2PlayAudioAfterSplash(a.config)) { i() } else { c = a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.is_audio_playing; if (a.features.fullscreen.getPersistor().parent_gallery_param.is_audio_playing) { m(".jb-bb-btn-audio").addClass("jb-status-playing").attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.psa) } else { m(".jb-bb-btn-audio").removeClass("jb-status-playing").attr("title", a.config.languagelistall.plya) } } } else { if (p && !a.utils.is_earlier_ie() && !a.utils.is_adobe_air()) { try { f = new Audio(p); f.addEventListener("ended", function() { this.currentTime = 0; if (a.config.loopaudio) { if (c) { this.play() } } else { i() } }, false); f.volume = a.config.audiovolume; if (!n && a.config.playaudioonload) { i() } } catch (o) { console.error("cannot handle audio") } } } }; var g = function() { return f != null }; var d = function() { return c }; var b = function() {}; var k = function(n, o) { if (c) { i(n, o) } }; var e = function() { if (f) { f.pause() } f = null }; return { setContext: l, setEvent: h, init: j, repaint: b, toggleAudioPlay: i, isNeeded: g, isPlaying: d, stop: k, remove: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.fotomoto = function() { var b, c; var d = function(g) { b = g; c = b._ }; var f = function() { c(".jb-bb-btn-fotomoto").click(e) }; var e = function() { if (b.config.fotomotostoreid) { FOTOMOTO.API.showWindow(10, b.detail_panel.get_current_photo().imageURL) } else { var g = b.detail_panel.get_current_photo(); if (g.purchaseURL) { window.open(g.purchaseURL, "_blank") } } return false }; var a = function() { if (b.utils.is_in_iframe()) { return false } if (!b.utils.is_large_screen_mode(b.config)) { return false } if (b.config.fotomotostoreid) { return true } var g = b.detail_panel.get_current_photo(); if (g && g.purchaseURL) { return true } return false }; return { setContext: d, setEvent: f, isVisible: a } }; juicebox_registered_components.facebook = function() { var b, c; var d = function(f) { b = f; c = b._ }; var e = function() { c(".jb-bb-btn-facebook").click(a) }; var a = function() { var f = b.getGalleryInfo(); window.open("http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=" + f.shareUrl, "", "menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes," + b.utils.get_popup_position_string(560, 420)); return false }; return { setContext: d, setEvent: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.twitter = function() { var a, b; var c = function(f) { a = f; b = a._ }; var e = function() { b(".jb-bb-btn-twitter").click(d) }; var d = function() { var f = a.getGalleryInfo(); window.open("https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=" + f.shareText + "&url=" + f.shareUrl, "", "menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes," + a.utils.get_popup_position_string(600, 420)); return false }; return { setContext: c, setEvent: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.gplus = function() { var b, c; var d = function(f) { b = f; c = b._ }; var e = function() { c(".jb-bb-btn-gplus").click(a) }; var a = function() { var f = b.getGalleryInfo(); window.open("https://plus.google.com/share?url=" + f.shareUrl, "", "menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes," + b.utils.get_popup_position_string(600, 420)); return false }; return { setContext: d, setEvent: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.printerest = function() { var a, c; var d = function(f) { a = f; c = a._ }; var e = function() { c(".jb-bb-btn-printerest").click(b) }; var b = function() { var f = a.getGalleryInfo(); window.open("https://pinterest.com/pin/create/bookmarklet/?media=" + f.imageUrl + "&description=" + f.shareText + "&is_video=false&url=" + f.shareUrl + "&next=/pin/create/bookmarklet/%3Fmedia%3D" + f.imageUrl + "%26description%3D" + f.shareText + "%26is_video%3Dfalse%26url%3D" + encodeURI(f.shareUrl), "", "menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes," + a.utils.get_popup_position_string(600, 420)); return false }; return { setContext: d, setEvent: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.tumblr = function() { var a, c; var d = function(f) { a = f; c = a._ }; var e = function() { c(".jb-bb-btn-tumblr").click(b) }; var b = function() { var f = a.getGalleryInfo(); window.open("http://www.tumblr.com/share/photo?source=" + f.imageUrl + "&caption=" + f.shareText + "&click_thru=" + f.shareUrl, "", "menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes," + a.utils.get_popup_position_string(600, 420)); return false }; return { setContext: d, setEvent: e } }; juicebox_registered_components.email = function() { var a, c; var e = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var d = function(g) { a = g; c = a._ }; var f = function() { c(".jb-bb-btn-email").click(b) }; var b = function() { if (a.config.emailaddress) { var h = a.getGalleryInfo(); var i = e.trim(decodeURI(h.title)); var j = e.trim(decodeURI(a.config.gallerytitle)); var g = a.config.languagelistall.rgdimg + " %23" + (h.imagePosition + 1) + (i ? "%3A %22" + encodeURIComponent(i) + "%22" : "") + (a.config.gallerytitle ? " " + a.config.languagelistall.ingrly + " %22" + j + "%22" : "") + " (" + h.shareUrl + ")."; window.location = "mailto:" + a.config.emailaddress + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(a.config.emailsubject) + "&body=" + g } else {} return false }; return { setContext: d, setEvent: f } }; juicebox_registered_components.download = function() { var a, b; var c = function(g) { a = g; b = a._ }; var e = function(g) { return a.features.openurl.getTargetUrl(g) }; var f = function() { var j = a.detail_panel.get_current_photo(); var g = a.utils.get_button_bar_button_size(a.config).buttonWidth + "px;"; var i = a.utils.get_js_folder_url(); var h = e(j); var k = a.utils.convert_to_absolute_path(h); var l = i + "juicebox.php?downloading_file=" + encodeURIComponent(k); b(".jb-bb-btn-download").html('') }; var d = function(g) { var l = a.detail_panel.get_current_photo(); var j = a.utils.get_js_folder_url(); var o = e(l); var n = a.utils.convert_to_absolute_path(o); var h = j + "juicebox.php?downloading_file=" + encodeURIComponent(n); var m = b(".jb-bb-btn-download a"); var i = a.utils; var k = i.is_firefox() || i.is_chrome() || i.is_opera() ? o : h; b(".jb-bb-btn-download a").attr({ href: k }) }; return { setContext: c, setEvent: f, onImageChange: d } }; juicebox_registered_components.login = function() { var b, i; var e = juicebox_lib.jQuery; var h = function(j) { b = j; i = b._ }; var g = function() {}; var c = function(k, j) { var l = a(j); if (!l) { return "" } return k + " " + l }; var a = function(j) { if (!j) { return "" } return '' + j + "" }; var f = function(j, k) { e.ajax({ url: b.utils.get_js_folder_url() + "juicebox.php?get_form_text=true", type: "GET", error: function() { k("Cannot load password.") }, success: function(l) { if (l && l.result) { if (l.result == "OK") { j(l.prompt_message, l.signup_message, l.recovery_email) } else { k("Cannot load password.") } } } }) }; var d = function(k, n, m) { var o = "#" + b.config.containerid; var l = "
"; var j = function(p) { e(o + " .jb-login-error-message").hide(); var q = e(o + " #jb-dialog-login-text").val(); e.ajax({ url: b.utils.get_js_folder_url() + "juicebox.php", type: "POST", data: "password=" + q, error: function() { m() }, success: function(r) { if (r && r.result) { if (r.result == "OK") { k() } else { e(o + " .jb-login-error-message").show() } } } }) }; f(function(t, p, q) { var s = b.config.backgroundcolor ? b.utils.format_color(b.config.backgroundcolor) : "#222"; if (b.isFullScreenMode() && !b.features.fullscreen.switched_2_fullscreen()) { e("body, " + o).css({ "background-color": s, overflow: "hidden", height: "100%", width: "100%" }) } else { e(o).css({ "background-color": s }) } e(o).html(l); var r = e(o + " #jb-dialog-login-form"); if (b.config.textcolor) { r.css({ color: b.config.textcolor }) } e(o + " #jb-dialog-login-form-prompt").html(t); e(o + " #jb-dialog-login-form-prompt-message").html(c(p, q)); e(o + " #jb-dialog-login-text").focus().keydown(function(u) { if (u.keyCode != 13) { return } j(q) }); e(o + " #jb-dialog-btn-login-submit").click(function() { j(q); return false }) }, function(p) { e(o).html(l); e(o + " #jb-dialog-login-form-prompt-message").css({ color: "red" }).html(p) }) }; return { setContext: h, setEvent: g, showLoginDialog: d } };